
I had several aircraft on the frequency. I issued a descent to 5;000 ft to a C500 (aircraft Y) landing at the sdl airport. The C500 took the clearance as instructed. Another C500 (aircraft X) landing at the dvt airport also took the clearance by mistake. I did not hear aircraft X read back the clearance. Due to frequency congestion; I did not hear the incorrect read back. Weather was VFR. I took the appropriate action when I noticed the MSAW alarm activate. I then asked aircraft X if he had the dvt airport in sight; which he did; and then cleared the aircraft for a visual approach. At the time I did not consider the two callsigns aircraft Y and aircraft X to be similar enough to issue the 'similar aircraft on frequency phraseology'. Next time I probably will.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: P50 Controller described an inadvertent descent below MVA listing a missed incorrect read back as the causal factor.

Narrative: I had several aircraft on the frequency. I issued a descent to 5;000 FT to a C500 (Aircraft Y) landing at the SDL airport. The C500 took the clearance as instructed. Another C500 (Aircraft X) landing at the DVT airport also took the clearance by mistake. I did not hear Aircraft X read back the clearance. Due to frequency congestion; I did not hear the incorrect read back. Weather was VFR. I took the appropriate action when I noticed the MSAW alarm activate. I then asked Aircraft X if he had the DVT airport in sight; which he did; and then cleared the aircraft for a visual approach. At the time I did not consider the two callsigns Aircraft Y and Aircraft X to be similar enough to issue the 'similar aircraft on frequency phraseology'. Next time I probably will.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.