
Aircraft was unsuccessful [handoff] to zak [in eram]. It appears to happen when aircraft track is either started by another sector or rerouted by another sector. It happens on a regular basis for this particular route. Had to call and pass the flight plan manually. I actually had another controller pass the fp from the d-side due to time constraints.also got a sedar fix/radial/distance strip with the coordination symbol (zak) when I should have gotten a sedar strip with the coordination symbol on this strip. This happens with other flight plans as well and been a continual problem for many few months. Determine why these flight plans are routinely unsuccessful to zak. Also provide sedar strips which can be used for coordination and not some sedar fix/radial/distance strip which has a time which is unusable for coordination.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: ZSE Controller reported ongoing inter-facility hand off issues with Enroute Automation (ERAM).

Narrative: Aircraft was unsuccessful [handoff] to ZAK [in ERAM]. It appears to happen when aircraft track is either started by another sector or rerouted by another sector. It happens on a regular basis for this particular route. Had to call and pass the flight plan manually. I actually had another controller pass the FP from the D-side due to time constraints.Also got a SEDAR fix/radial/distance strip with the coordination symbol (ZAK) when I should have gotten a SEDAR strip with the coordination symbol on this strip. This happens with other flight plans as well and been a continual problem for many few months. Determine why these flight plans are routinely unsuccessful to ZAK. Also provide SEDAR strips which can be used for coordination and not some SEDAR fix/radial/distance strip which has a time which is unusable for coordination.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.