
We were assigned to taxi to runway 7R via H J1. The captain was taxing the aircraft; as is the norm in the 737. J1 is an intersection for takeoff from 7R that is almost but not quite at the end of the runway. H1 is right next to it and provides a full length a takeoff. As we approached the yellow line turning on to J1 I noticed the captain was not commencing the turn. I said 'this is J1 right here' I then stated 'our clearance is J1' still no reaction at all from the captain. Right away the tower controller came on and said you have missed J1; now hold short of 7R at H1. The captain is our base chief pilot and doesn't get to fly as often as a line pilot. The captain is also dual qualified and current on both the 737 and 767. Only management pilots are allowed to do this. I believe this practice makes for further lack of proficiency and an overall discomfort in someone who already doesn't fly as much. I felt I was firm in my stating the impending miss of the taxiway. It might have been helpful if the relief pilot had spoken up also. The taxi instructions were entered into the scratch pad on our FMC and the captain had verbally said them out loud after they were assigned as is our company policy. One reason for the confusion was surely the close proximity of the two taxiways and their signage.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A B737 Captain failed to respond to the First Officer's alert about approaching a taxiway where a turn to the runway was required and immediately ATC notified them of the error while issuing additional taxi instructions.

Narrative: We were assigned to taxi to Runway 7R via H J1. The Captain was taxing the aircraft; as is the norm in the 737. J1 is an intersection for takeoff from 7R that is almost but not quite at the end of the runway. H1 is right next to it and provides a full length a takeoff. As we approached the yellow line turning on to J1 I noticed the Captain was not commencing the turn. I said 'This is J1 right here' I then stated 'Our clearance is J1' Still no reaction at all from the Captain. Right away the Tower Controller came on and said you have missed J1; now hold short of 7R at H1. The Captain is our base Chief Pilot and doesn't get to fly as often as a line pilot. The Captain is also dual qualified and current on both the 737 and 767. Only management pilots are allowed to do this. I believe this practice makes for further lack of proficiency and an overall discomfort in someone who already doesn't fly as much. I felt I was firm in my stating the impending miss of the taxiway. It might have been helpful if the Relief Pilot had spoken up also. The taxi instructions were entered into the scratch pad on our FMC and the Captain had verbally said them out loud after they were assigned as is our company policy. One reason for the confusion was surely the close proximity of the two taxiways and their signage.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.