
Aircraft X was inbound to nkx from the southwest out [from] 6000 feet. After checking in on button 0 I went through my scan and then issued aircraft X the weather at nkx. Approaching the shoreline I gave aircraft X a descent to 5000 feet. About 10 miles later I instructed aircraft X to fly heading 090 to set up for a base turn. Over the next 15 miles I attempted to contact aircraft X multiple times on; 121.5; and had my peers attempt him on their frequencies. Finally about 21 miles northeast of nkx I able to reach aircraft X on 125.3. He informed me he was having issues on 121.5. At that time even though he was 500 feet below the minimum vectoring altitude (MVA) I assigned aircraft X a southwest bound heading to remain clear of the higher MVA. A few transmissions later I issued aircraft X a climb to 5500 feet. Initially knowing he was heading into an higher MVA but; knowing he was above the eovm (emergency obstruction vectoring map) I wanted to get him away from the higher terrain.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: An Air Traffic Controller reported an aircraft on a heading for the traffic pattern that became NORDO and flew into an area below ATC's Minimum Vectoring Altitude.

Narrative: Aircraft X was inbound to NKX from the Southwest out [from] 6000 feet. After checking in on Button 0 I went through my scan and then issued Aircraft X the weather at NKX. Approaching the shoreline I gave Aircraft X a descent to 5000 feet. About 10 miles later I instructed Aircraft X to fly heading 090 to set up for a base turn. Over the next 15 miles I attempted to contact Aircraft X multiple times on; 121.5; and had my peers attempt him on their frequencies. Finally about 21 miles Northeast of NKX I able to reach Aircraft X on 125.3. He informed me he was having issues on 121.5. At that time even though he was 500 feet below the Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) I assigned Aircraft X a southwest bound heading to remain clear of the higher MVA. A few transmissions later I issued Aircraft X a climb to 5500 feet. Initially knowing he was heading into an higher MVA but; knowing he was above the EOVM (Emergency Obstruction Vectoring Map) I wanted to get him away from the higher terrain.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.