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ASRS Reports for February 2015, 443 total |
1237532 Sct controller describes a situation where an aircraft is issued the published missed...
1237573 A320 flight crew experiences turbulence and strong gusty winds during approach to run...
1237585 B737 captain believes that the ram mount suction cup fastened to the L3 window is cau...
1237599 While level at FL240 prior to mayos on the ivane RNAV STAR to clt the flight crew of ...
1237619 An air carrier flight crew on approach to runway 27L at ord is issued a 'contact towe...
1237636 Emb-145 flight crew discovers during approach that the flaps were never fully retract...
1237645 Air carrier flight crew reports arriving at eyw to find the only available approach i...
1237652 C402 captain experiences moderate to severe turbulence at 4;500 feet resulting in a 2...
1237679 B757 flight crew experiences multiple arrival changes during arrival to mroc resultin...
1237684 Air carrier captain reports leveling off at 3;000 feet on departure using the HUD; as...
1237711 B767 flight crew reports setting qne too early departing egll resulting in a level of...
1237717 A320 flight crew reports being cleared by nct to descend and maintain 2;100 feet appr...
1237731 A321 captain experiences aileron control difficulties upon disengaging the autopilot ...
1237735 An A321 flight crew inbound to clt on the ivane RNAV STAR in managed descent mode rec...
1237766 Phenom 300 captain reports receiving a ventral rud fail - cas message after engine st...
1237805 B767 first officer reports being dispatched with the left pack inoperative then havin...
1237840 B777 flight crew reports descending below charted altitude on the LIMKO1 arrival to l...
1237849 EMB190 captain reports several errors by his first officer under training? During a n...
1238002 An instructor reported the student pilot taxied onto fdk runway 30 at taxiway a becau...
1238007 PA-46 captain reports a near midair collision departing visibility with a C208 enteri...
1238008 PA-28 instructor pilot describes an airborne conflict during traffic pattern entry at...
1238009 Helicopter instructor experiences a low boost light climbing through 8;000 feet follo...
1238014 C208 captain reports encountering unforecast freezing rain approaching his destinatio...
1238021 A pilot reported that because mcx and oxi are in close proximity and share a common C...
1238022 PA-28 instructor pilot experiences a near midair collision with another PA-28 joining...
1238028 C208 captain reports a near ground collision with an airport vehicle that is supervis...
1238031 Light sport aircraft (lsa) pilot reports being overtaken on the base leg of the VFR t...
1238037 A pilot within two miles of hmt at 2;520 ft had a near miss with a radio controlled m...
1238044 Right-22 instructor pilot experiences an engine failure shortly after takeoff and is ...
1238083 G1159 flight crew reports a tire failure at 80 knots during takeoff resulting in a re...
1238086 PA32 pilot experiences a power loss shortly after takeoff and determines insufficient...
1238105 ZJX controller describes a situation where aircraft were in or in close proximity to ...
1238109 Laf controller describes a situation where the facility is short staffed and the cont...
1238113 Two air carrier pilots and the approach controller involved describe being vectored f...
1238115 Ase TRACON controllers report of a loss of separation given to them by ase tower. Con...
1238130 ZDC controller describes an aircraft given a descent clearance; the aircraft descendi...
1238134 B737 flight crew experiences a leading edge flap transit light during approach to rno...
1238146 B737-700 captain reports his aircraft beginning to slow automatically during an RNAV ...
1238161 B737-700 captain reported receiving a momentary forward cargo fire warning on taxi-in...
1238179 B737-700 captain experiences a standby attitude indicator failure in cruise without d...
1238229 B757 first officer states that an aircraft he was assigned to fly has a back course b...
1238233 B737 flight crew describes mistakes that occurred during an ILS prm 28R approach into...
1238238 B747 flight crew experiences failure of the dc distribution bus 1 in cruise. After co...
1238255 While performing a post departure FOD inspection at his assigned gate the lead marsha...
1238259 A320 first officer experiences confusion after approach control gave him direct to ma...
1238261 A captain reports their A320 MEL and flight manuals are not specific enough to determ...
1238291 On short final for runway 20R at sna the flight crew of a challenger was surprised by...
1238293 A B737 captain reported improper and unsafe ground handling by ramp personnel.
1238306 When their md-83's normal stab trim failed to function after takeoff the flight crew ...
1238399 A glfiv flight crew rejected their first takeoff attempt from runway 25 at ZZZ due to...
1238426 PA28 pilot entering the traffic pattern for runway 15 at fly experiences a near midai...
1238446 Bfi controllers described a runway incursion involving a departing cleared for takeof...
1238465 B737 flight crew describes a terrain warning caused by attempting to fly over the tal...
1238470 Both pilots of a B737 were a little surprised to see a flight manager computer (FMC) ...
1238492 Pilot reports that from start to finish of flight including taxi out; ATC complained ...
1238520 A320 flight crew reports receiving a TCAS RA while descending to 7;000 feet with the ...
1238522 B737 flight crew experiences confusion when cleared for the RNAV visual runway 19R at...
1238528 A B737 captain reported the recent preflight checklist response changes contained som...
1238545 A baggage handler and safety representative at ord describes a near collision between...
1238554 A CRJ700 flight crew and the dispatcher involved describe a diversion due to fumes in...
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