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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2017, 497 total |
1453977 C182 pilot reported a near midair collision on final approach with a crop duster taki...
1454285 C421 pilots reported complete brake failure during taxi that resulted in a taxiway ex...
1454599 Falcon 20 captain reported taxiing over wheel chocks thrown out by FBO linemen as he ...
1454784 B737 flight crew reported receiving an RA on approach to dfw from another aircraft th...
1454874 C340 pilot reported returning to the departure airport after shutting down the left e...
1454887 C750 flight crew reported a hydraulic failure that required use of the emergency brak...
1455597 A330 flight crew reported the trailing edge flaps did not respond when selected from ...
1456373 Air carrier captain reported becoming ill after eating the company supplied crew meal...
1456609 Beech 19 flight instructor reported being cleared to taxi to runway 17R and hold shor...
1456951 PA-25 pilot reported the aircraft lost power at 100 ft AGL when the fuel vent line be...
1457017 Cvg developmental controller training on local reported a runway incursion when the l...
1457058 B737 captain reported encountering wake turbulence at FL350 from an A380 10 miles awa...
1462099 Corporate jet first officer reported their aircraft blew the two left main gear tires...
1463679 Corporate pilot reported receiving a low altitude alert from ATC over guard frequency...
1472139 Cessna 172 pilot reported that during taxi the aircraft went off the taxiway damaging...
1475484 C337 pilot reported that while on final approach another aircraft turned from base to...
1477585 Da-20 instructor pilot reported that the brakes failed on one side causing the aircra...
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