
Shortly after rotation; the #2 engine propeller RPM and torque began to surge. We had experienced an uncommanded increase in torque with a decrease in propeller RPM (propeller RPM cycled around 900 to 1;050). Engine continued to surge. This occurred after the aircraft had achieved a height of 50 to 100 feet AGL. We identified the problem as a beta lockout failure after V1. At 1;500' AGL; the pilot monitoring read and applied the beta lockout failure checklist. Once the beta lockout failure after V1 checklist was completed; the #2 engine operated fine at 900 RPM. The departure airport weather was 00000KT 1/2SM R04R/3500vp6000ft fg OVC001 09/08. Our takeoff alternate weather was 00000KT 10SM FEW140 SCT250 11/10. We decided to continue to the takeoff alternate and into VFR conditions. We were unable to contact dispatch directly to advise them of our decision. An enroute operations station forwarded our status to dispatch. We gave our flight attendant a briefing; no brace; expect crash fire rescue equipment. Spoke to passengers. Declared an emergency with the tower due to #2 engine unable to produce takeoff power. We made a visual landing at 900 RPM. After exiting; we canceled the emergency and taxied to the gate without crash fire rescue equipment escort.


Original NASA ASRS Text

Title: A DHC-8 Flight Crew suffered a Beta Lockout Failure shortly after takeoff; completed the appropriate checklists and diverted to their takeoff alternate due to low IMC at their departure airport.

Narrative: Shortly after rotation; the #2 engine propeller RPM and torque began to surge. We had experienced an uncommanded increase in torque with a decrease in propeller RPM (Propeller RPM cycled around 900 to 1;050). Engine continued to surge. This occurred after the aircraft had achieved a height of 50 to 100 feet AGL. We identified the problem as a Beta Lockout Failure After V1. At 1;500' AGL; the Pilot Monitoring read and applied the Beta Lockout Failure checklist. Once the Beta Lockout Failure After V1 checklist was completed; the #2 engine operated fine at 900 RPM. The departure airport weather was 00000KT 1/2SM R04R/3500VP6000FT FG OVC001 09/08. Our Takeoff Alternate weather was 00000KT 10SM FEW140 SCT250 11/10. We decided to continue to the Takeoff Alternate and into VFR conditions. We were unable to contact Dispatch directly to advise them of our decision. An enroute operations station forwarded our status to Dispatch. We gave our Flight Attendant a briefing; no brace; expect CFR. Spoke to passengers. Declared an emergency with the Tower due to #2 engine unable to produce takeoff power. We made a visual landing at 900 RPM. After exiting; we canceled the emergency and taxied to the gate without CFR escort.

Data retrieved from NASA's ASRS site as of April 2012 and automatically converted to unabbreviated mixed upper/lowercase text. This report is for informational purposes with no guarantee of accuracy. See NASA's ASRS site for official report.