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ASRS Reports for July 2015, 633 total |
1282354 C152 instructor questioned several ATC procedures at frg airport.
1282360 Small aircraft pilot inadvertently entered a sporting event tfr; near bfi; even thoug...
1282371 P32 pilot reported an near midair collision with another light aircraft on approach t...
1282372 B737 captain reported an near midair collision with another aircraft on approach to s...
1282376 Cl-600 captain reported impact with a deer at vgc during landing roll.
1282383 Be-30 captain reported his wingtip struck a beam during taxi in under the guidance of...
1282386 C340 pilot reported a runway incursion at yng. Taxiway signage and electronic chart i...
1282387 A general aviation pilot who approached and landed at MD50 reported inconsistent pilo...
1282396 Pilot is filed and flying in a formation flight with another IFR aircraft. ATC front ...
1282399 Cessna P210 pilot reported an airspace incursion when he was preoccupied with a weath...
1282401 A private individual reported being advised by the cll airport manager that he should...
1282402 Stemme S-10 vt motor glider pilot reported the tower controller at his destination wa...
1282412 C-180 pilot reported his engine quit for no apparent reason. Reporter was advised tha...
1282414 Bell 206 pilot reported a tfr incursion when the tfr was extended beyond the planned ...
1282432 A ZJX controller attempted to handoff an aircraft to a neighboring facility while als...
1282495 Air carrier flight crew noted problems with loss of situational awareness while deali...
1282501 Flight crew diverted while enroute when a passenger was taken seriously ill. They per...
1282511 B737 flight crew reported taxiing over a barricade after incursion onto a closed taxi...
1282541 A320 captain reported passenger was smoking in lavatory and activated the fire/smoke ...
1282546 Crj-200 flight crew reported being dispatched with minimum fuel landing at their east...
1282572 Erj-170 first officer reported an near midair collision with a helicopter on final ap...
1282583 Crj-900 flight crew reported receiving an 'aft cargo overheat' caution message and ha...
1282585 B747-8 captain reported a track deviation on arrival to ord when he navigated toward ...
1282589 Newly trained A321 captain reported he was uncomfortable with the small amount of fly...
1282590 B737-800 captain reported the CAVLR2 arrival into iad and the CAPSS1 arrival into dca...
1282603 B757 flight crew and the dispatcher involved describe an unplanned diversion to sbn w...
1282619 B767-300 flight crew experiences a 'left pack temp' EICAS alert; after push and engin...
1282628 Crj-200 captain reported a track deviation when his FMS apparently failed to load the...
1282635 CRJ900 captain reported being slightly over fueled on a full flight planned to land a...
1282640 An air carrier flight crew reported a track deviation occurred when they failed to tr...
1282664 A maintenance technician and inspector describe the events that led up to the loss of...
1282668 A C172 pilot reported he taxied into a work area to avoid a conflict with opposite di...
1282669 Pilot described why he will only 'hand fly' their company socata tbm 700B aircraft af...
1282678 BE35 pilot experiences an alternator failure enroute and elects to continue to destin...
1282682 A PA18 pilot reported an near midair collision in the vicinity of AK12.
1282695 SR22 pilot reported flying into IMC after receiving a terrain warning.
1282705 A LR40 captain reported misreading the approach chart on arrival into situation; desc...
1282742 Tmb controller reports that they received a report from a pilot; which spotted a remo...
1282759 A heavy aircraft flight crew and a ZLA controller involved; describe a loss of separa...
1282797 A B757 captain reported receiving a revision to his final weights 1:45 into the fligh...
1282800 An A319 captain reported what he felt were unsafe deviations from SOP during pushback...
1282815 A B737 captain reported the crew was unable to open the cockpit door at flight termin...
1282835 A ramp crew reported that after pushback and following the 'set brakes' command the a...
1282836 An air carrier dispatcher reported a flight was dispatched with an MEL mandating a sp...
1282907 A CRJ200 first officer experiences a TCAS RA at 5;000 feet near pvd; initially showin...
1282914 A light turboprop flight crew was flying a route that varied from the usual routing f...
1282959 A CRJ900 flight crew is assigned an 'a' suffix to their flight number due to being la...
1282971 Air carrier flight attendant reported continuing issues with personal electronic devi...
1282992 An aircraft maintenance technician reported about a potential safety risk and imprope...
1282998 PA-32 pilot detected drag during takeoff and countered with rudder during the prolong...
1283002 C172 instructor pilot departing runway 33 at iyk reports a near midair collision with...
1283026 After initially being vectored for a straight in approach a westwind twin jet captain...
1283027 Two pilots report their pilatus pc-12 was unresponsive to braking upon landing as the...
1283050 Two ZDC controllers reported bad weather where aircraft had to deviate and weather wa...
1283057 A ZNY controller reports of another controller changing the data block of his aircraf...
1283059 ZJX controller reports of a scenario where he used emergency authority for an aircraf...
1283068 B737-classic captain reports that he has seen the -classic aircraft miss the crossing...
1283070 Air carrier captain reported a track deviation when the fatigued crew failed to notic...
1283083 B737-800 flight crew reported misunderstanding an approach clearance to runway 16R at...
1283118 B777 flight crew reports being dispatched with an MEL restricting airspeed to 270 KIA...
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