1283142   A319 flight crew reported flying an unstabilized approach to landing.
1283145   B737 captain reported he attempted to set the parking brake after push back but did n...
1283146   B777 flight crew reported being dispatched with a MEL restricting airspeed to 270 kno...
1283168   Flight crew on a radar vector to the ILS DME 2 runway 19 at mmgl experienced an egpws...
1283176   A321 flight crew report a go-around at above 1;000 feet AGL due to being high on the ...
1283193   ERJ170 flight crew described errors entering a holding pattern in the FMC; resulting ...
1283201   EMB145 flight crew experienced an EICAS message for hydraulic 1 quantity low in cruis...
1283203   Crj-200 captain experienced a windshear warning below 500 feet AGL during approach an...
1283230   B747 first officer noted the number 3 engine rolled back momentarily while climbing t...
1283239   B737-800 flight crew experienced a right engine overheat light at FL370. When the thr...
1283240   B787 flight crew encountered a thunderstorm at FL210 during departure. Hail caused th...
1283250   MD83 flight crew was informed by the lead flight attendant that the cabin was filling...
1283344   DA42 pilot reported a near midair collision in cruise flight in the vicinity of dbq.
1283361   HS125 pilot; preforming a simulated engine out circle to land approach; reported land...
1283384   A bna controller; while riding jumpseat hears and confirms with pilots an altitude as...
1283387   Controllers report of the letters 'EST' in the end of a NOTAM and the confusion it co...
1283394   ZNY controller stated sectors should have been split due to high workload due to weat...
1283401   L30 TRACON controller reports of an ongoing situation where the overlying center sect...
1283454   A captain called dispatch to report the loading schedule from the previous station di...
1283460   B737 first officer is informed by the captain via cell phone while preflighting the e...
1283467   An air carrier crew flying a GPS equipped aircraft flew the las RNAV runway 19R after...
1283469   An air carrier captain flying the sfo serfr 1 STAR reported nct alerted them about th...
1283482   A319 first officer reported the push back ground crew seemed to be completely unfamil...
1283544   EMB145 flight crew experiences an APU fire after parking on the ramp with both engine...
1283563   Emb-505 first officer reported a track deviation on arrival into sfo when he became t...
1283565   Ce-560EP flight crew reported loss of pressurization at FL260. Flight descended and d...
1283571   Hs-125-800XPC flight crew reported fuel quantity and imbalance issues in flight that ...
1283584   CRJ900 flight crew; holding behind another aircraft on taxiway ef at dfw; is told to ...
1283616   A widebody transport crew inbound to lgb responded to a TCAS/RA advisory to 'maintain...
1283693   A crj-200 flight crew reported a near midair collision with a helicopter on approach ...
1283699   Emb-145 captain reported 'extreme' wake turbulence six miles in trail of a B737 on ar...
1283705   B737-400 captain experienced failure of his HSI and RMI upon rotation. The flight ret...
1283708   Erj-175 first officer reported failing to complete the landing checklist and they wer...
1283741   An aircraft on final to sfo made two go arounds because of conflicting traffic. One w...
1283902   Flight attendant; on 24 hour reserve callout; reports being assigned a red eye turn w...
1283967   RV8 pilot departing osh reported an near midair collision with an aircraft arriving o...
1283969   Pilot took evasive action to avoid a uav and the chase airplane behind it at 8;500 ft...
1283973   A distracted small aircraft pilot preparing for takeoff at sua airport intended to ut...
1283978   PA32 pilot reported landing at fpr after total electrical failure with no radio conta...
1283984   An instructor reported his student took evasive action at 1;000 ft from a radio contr...
1283985   C172 student pilot reported loss of directional control on short final that led to a ...
1284007   An instructor with his flying student was entering a 45 degree left downwind for pao ...
1284013   C172 pilot reports departing on a flight to a nearby airport. Upon return; when the A...
1284036   Lancair pilot; climbing through 11000 feet experiences a sudden loss of power and adv...
1284042   Hs 125 series 700 captain reported an altitude excursion probably caused by a wake vo...
1284046   A pilot departed CTAF runway 14 after making the required communications and had an e...
1284070   A G550 captain reports being cleared to maintain 210 knots to the FAF for the ILS to ...
1284082   Jetstar first officer experienced an unnoticed autopilot disconnect at FL360 with the...
1284089   Zan controller described problems associated with non-radar and radar aircraft; and s...
1284121   An air carrier aircraft diverted to sdf because the filed destination was closed. Dur...
1284142   B737 flight crew experienced an unstabilized approach during the visual to runway 31 ...
1284159   During push-back; B737 crew experienced a hung/hot start while attempting to start en...
1284180   During descent a B737 leading edge flap transit light illuminated. The rushed crew fa...
1284183   A B737 prepared for a maintenance ferry flight with a permit; was ready for an incomi...
1284294   An A320 pilot reported the sharklet equipped aircraft strobe lights are positioned su...
1284310   A md-80 first officer discovered towels wrapped around cables in the wheel well which...
1284349   BE99 captain reports using standard CTAF procedures arriving runway 35 at ppa to find...
1284375   A C182 pilot reported landing off airport after the engine stopped and would not rest...
1284384   A M-20J pilot noticed his oil pressure drop rapidly at cruise; so diverted to a nearb...
1284386   A pilot not thoroughly familiar with the fairbanks area unintentionally landed at fai...