37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 2017, 465 total |
1434296 Air carrier captain reported of conflicting airport traffic upon arrival at dca compe...
1434312 A super-tug crew reported that after positioning an aircraft the tug caught on fire.
1434342 Emb-145 captain reported slamming on the brakes after a baggage cart cut off their ai...
1434353 Captain of a non routine flight operation reported his thoughts on maintenance proced...
1434373 Md-80 flight crew reported returning to the departure airport after receiving a tail ...
1434382 Air carrier flight crew reported that the low altitude alert for the airport may be i...
1434404 A319 flight crew reported missing a speed restriction on the DRMMM1 arrival into atl ...
1434411 Emb-500 first officer reported they were unable to stop the aircraft after it began m...
1434430 PA-31 pilot reported landing with the main landing gear indicating not down and locke...
1434451 Grob 103 glider pilot reported landing short of the runway when the winds changed dur...
1434457 Gulfstream flight crew reported hydroplaning during their landing rollout which led t...
1434479 ZAB controller reported about an aircraft that had permission to spill out of a restr...
1434485 Psp local instructor and developmental both reported of an unsafe situation where sct...
1434488 R90 TRACON controller reported vectoring an aircraft into airspace at an altitude bel...
1434492 A tower controller reported an aircraft on approach flying in an erratic manner; unab...
1434509 Hcf controller reported an opposite direction airborne conflict that was set up by th...
1434511 Sct TRACON controller reported confusion from an inbound lgb pilot on a the new metro...
1434518 ZMP controller reported an airspace violation because the controller did not ensure t...
1434525 Two fat TRACON controllers reported an aircraft on approach that already switched to ...
1434606 A320 captain reported the tug operator had to come to an abrupt stop during push back...
1434628 B757 captain reported the aircraft was subjected to 'substantial' side loads while la...
1434641 Air carrier captain reported an issue with the fuel quantity gauge with one fuel tank...
1434656 A medium turbojet first officer reported there was confusion in the cockpit during a ...
1434716 A300 flight crew reported a hard landing resulted in a recommendation from airbus to ...
1434720 Air carrier flight crew reported that a low altitude warning activated during the app...
1434722 Air carrier first officer reported after a missed approach at ase; they entered a sou...
1434751 B737 captain reported during the takeoff roll the first officer reset the flaps from ...
1434798 EMB145 captain reported that during flight there was an electrical odor such as overh...
1434817 C208B pilot reported he contacted dispatch with his personal cell phone when required...
1434821 The first officer of an embraer EMB175 reported that they aborted takeoff because the...
1434840 B737-800 captain reported the flying first officer had directional control difficulti...
1434866 Md-11 captain and their dispatcher reported the flight made an air return to the depa...
1434869 Air carrier first officer reported receiving a GPWS terrain warning on a visual appro...
1434887 A320 flight crew reported moderate to severe mountain wave over the sierra nevada mou...
1434896 B777 flight crew reported another aircraft did not give way as ATC requested during t...
1434914 B757 flight crew reported a TCAS RA and low glide slope warning while on a visual app...
1434941 Emb-170 first officer reported executing a go-around after encountering wake turbulen...
1434950 Cessna cl-600 flight crew reported that the right wing tip contacted the tail strake ...
1434974 B737-800 crew reported encountering severe turbulence at FL300 in the vicinity of oma...
1435002 A flight attendant reported being injured by unexpected turbulence.
1435031 C-182 flight instructor reported a malfunction of the autopilot and was unable to dis...
1435054 GA pilot reported a deviation on the fll 6 departure due to a gyro precession and inc...
1435078 C182 pilot reported there were no notams for runway closures at fhu; but noted vehicl...
1435083 PA28R instructor and student pilot reported a gear up landing while practicing touch ...
1435087 C172 student pilot reported turning crosswind early and causing a conflict with traff...
1435123 General aviation pilot reported being cleared for takeoff from the left runway with a...
1435137 Aeronca pilot reported departing from an uncontrolled airport with an aircraft rollin...
1435152 ZMP center controller reports two aircraft were handed off to them on conflicting cou...
1435156 Omaha TRACON controller reported that an IFR aircraft departed on an IFR clearance wi...
1435157 Socal TRACON controller reported an airspace violation attributed to the lack of rada...
1435183 B737 flight crew reported being vectored for a visual approach to runway 10 at atl bu...
1435187 B737 captain stated that the metering frequency at stl has out lived is usefulness an...
1435217 B737-700 captain reported flaps did not respond to handle movement; QRH procedures we...
1435233 A319 captain reported being cleared to back taxi on runway 23R at MMMX and exit at ta...
1435259 A320 captain expressed confusion over brake release procedures when using a new type ...
1435299 First officer reported an FMS and localizer failure resulting in two missed approache...
1435307 Emb-505 first officer reported confusion after being cleared to taxi to runway 19 via...
1435317 Flight crew experienced a stick shaker during approach to mggt due to the speed brake...
1435343 A321 flight crew reported failure to comply with a charted altitude restriction on ar...
1435356 B777-200 flight crew reported they aborted a takeoff and evacuated the aircraft due t...
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