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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2019, 411 total |
1648160 RV8 pilot reported loss of control on landing roll that resulted in the aircraft tipp...
1648170 C172 CFI reported taking control of the aircraft on following his student's loss of d...
1648173 Phenom 100 pilot reported diverting to an alternate airport after experiencing high i...
1648187 GA pilot reported being given a low altitude alert by ATC in the vicinity of dnn airp...
1648188 Small transport captain reported losing the GPS signal near midway airport.
1648199 Instructor reported that the student pilot took off in the wrong direction.
1648250 B737 first officer reported the taxi lanes are very tight at mmun.
1648259 B737 captain reported noticing during preflight that the evacuation checklist on firs...
1648302 B737 first officer reported three TA alerts while on approach to runway 10L at pdx du...
1648312 Air carrier ramp personnel reported communication breakdown with load planning regard...
1648352 Emb-145 flight crew reported a GPWS terrain alert on a night visual approach into roa...
1648390 B777 first officer reported encountering wake turbulence at 100' AGL departing lax in...
1648472 Pilot reported an near midair collision while attempting to land at ors.
1648494 Aeronca chief pilot reported an unsafe landing resulting in a ground loop and runway ...
1648506 Cessna 210 pilot reported engine failure and landing short of the runway.
1648526 ZAB controller reported a shift working sectors alone that were unsafe due to being o...
1648527 Sct TRACON controller reported a tower called them repeatedly on a direct line instea...
1648535 ZBW center controller reported not having enough controllers on duty to open all the ...
1648544 ZLC center controller reported they observed an aircraft descend below their assigned...
1648558 ZMP center controller reported the adjacent sector handed them off two aircraft at th...
1648559 ATC controller reported an example why this particular airspace needs possible redesi...
1648574 ZAB ARTCC controller reported being inundated with traffic and staffing issues which ...
1648582 Cos TRACON controller reported they descended an aircraft to an altitude below the mi...
1648656 A320 flight crew encountered a bird strike after takeoff.
1648676 Airline ramp agent reported checked bag label contained lithium ion batteries. Batter...
1648708 Captain reported experiencing 30 minutes of GPS jamming while flying along the border...
1648733 Air carrier flight crew had an near midair collision with a falcon jet during departu...
1648753 Dispatcher reported concern with critical runway specific takeoff data not being avai...
1648845 B767-300 flight crew reported the parking brake failed after parking at gate.
1648848 B757-200 flight crew descended below glideslope during approach.
1648851 Small transport aircraft captain reported there are no notams at gai airport with reg...
1648852 Erj-175 captain reported descending below charted altitude on approach to jfk when th...
1648858 Emb-175 captain reported a laser beam encountered on approach to ord airport.
1648860 Pilot reported that ATC at cleveland tower continually called them the incorrect call...
1648868 SR20 pilot reported near midair collision with uav while on approach.
1648931 Airline ground personnel reported gate return aircraft to comply with hazmat load con...
1648939 Airline ramp personnel reported aircraft gate return to correct three erroneous hazma...
1648940 Airline ramp personnel reported aircraft gate return to correct hazmat transport viol...
1648941 Airline ramp personnel reported hazmat cargo not secured in accordance with hazmat tr...
1648953 Emb-145 flight crew encountered terrain warning on final approach to roa.
1649050 B737 first officer engine failure in flight resulting in a divert and uneventful land...
1649060 B737-800 flight crew reported being unable to retract landing gear after takeoff.
1649126 B747-400 flight crew encountered a hydraulic leak and diverted.
1649145 Emb-175 flight crew reported experiencing a flight management system failure.
1649163 Be-400 captain reported loss of air speed indication at FL400 during cruise.
1649182 A330 flight attendant reported a pungent chemical fume in aft passenger cabin resulti...
1649201 B737-800 flight attendant reported an odor that had been deemed acceptable to depart ...
1649205 Maintenance technician reports jacking an airplane without proper shoring.
1649212 Maintenance technician found smoke detectors in cargo bays covered with oily substanc...
1649257 Light twin flight crew reported ATC slow to issue climb clearance resulting in two av...
1649278 Challenger captain reported an airborne conflict with a uav during climb.
1649293 SR22 pilot reported descending too low over terrain on approach for landing.
1649328 C172 instructor pilot reported landing at a nearby airport after experiencing engine ...
1649360 Bell 206 captain reported finding pitch change link bolt improperly installed during ...
1649375 Falcon 2000 captain reported encountering wake turbulence on descent into mia 17 mile...
1649410 C-172 instructor submitting updated previous near midair collision report after revie...
1649453 B737 flight crew reported confusion over their assigned altitude on a go-around from ...
1649509 B737 flight crew reported departing with an incorrect squawk code due to fatigue.
1649517 B737 ng captain reported having deviated 10 feet right off the taxiway centerline to ...
1649518 B737-700 captain reported a flight control problem inflight requiring excessive trim ...
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