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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 2020, 283 total |
1742174 Light transport captain reported making a wrong turn during taxi at cle airport; citi...
1742175 Pilot reported experiencing an altitude deviation during departure. Reporter cited ro...
1742178 Archer ii instructor reported a critical ground conflict during landing with an oppos...
1742193 Pilot reported electrical failure on approach to landing.
1742203 Pilot reported left main landing gear sheared off during a high speed taxi test; caus...
1742204 Air taxi captain reported main hydraulic system a had a decreasing system quantity; c...
1742210 Rv-10 pilot reported complete electrical failure; causing a diversion and emergency l...
1742224 B737 flight crew reported a rejected takeoff after experiencing uneven thrust and los...
1742236 Air carrier captain reported similar sounding fix names aaile/flail caused confusion ...
1742238 Airline ground personnel reported removing container that had kerosene like odor as a...
1742246 Air carrier flight crew reported missing jeppesen charts for an entire country during...
1742248 Emb 145 check captain reported a gear not down warning while on approach at this airp...
1742263 Crj 700 first officer reported an aircraft with a history of steering problems had a ...
1742271 Flight attendant reported difficulty and confusion with guidelines when trying to enf...
1742273 Flight attendant reported a passenger cleaned the seat with bleach. Bleach was remove...
1742275 B737-8 technician reported not replacing a gasket on an oil line during an oil cooler...
1742311 Instructor pilot reported thinking tower instructions for them were for another aircr...
1742312 Pilot reported wind gust caused the aircraft to porpoise twice during landing causing...
1742319 Pilot reported having to descend to avoid a collision; then realized aircraft may hav...
1742326 Pilot reported a near midair collision with a helicopter at snh airport.
1742330 A center controller reported they used incorrect phraseology to an aircraft which dev...
1742337 B737 flight crew reported after descending to the altitude assigned by ATC; they were...
1742364 B767-300 captain reported smoke and fumes in the flight deck after takeoff and electe...
1742402 Pilot reported a near midair collision while in a traffic pattern with another aircra...
1742414 A pilot of a amphibious kit airplane reported another aircraft intentionally tried to...
1742421 Instructor pilot reported an airspace violation related to loss of the primary flight...
1742422 Pilot reported a hard landing and then a couple days later was informed the aircraft ...
1742432 TRACON controller reported they were late vectoring an aircraft from downwind to base...
1742444 Flight crew reported erroneous airspeed indicator readings due to icing.
1742475 Air carrier captain reported that the aircraft departed with passenger distribution d...
1742497 C182 pilot reported an near midair collision with a uav at 8000' in the vicinity of c...
1742504 Small aircraft pilot reported that an engine failure on final approach resulted in la...
1742507 Air carrier first officer requested guidance in a scenario where two air carrier pilo...
1742571 Captain reported poor documentation that led to a confusing conversation with mainten...
1742588 Pilot reported an erroneous target on ads-B display.
1742591 C150 pilot reported a rudder pedal jammed during taxi; resulting in a complete loss o...
1742608 PA-34 instructor pilot reported his student retracted the landing gear before takeoff...
1742615 Pilot/mechanic reported a ground strike of helicopter blade during engine warmup.
1742618 Local tower controller and radar controller reported a conflict between a go-around a...
1742621 ZAB flm reported that IFR aircraft that transition to tus approach airspace; on retur...
1742622 Center controller reported a loss of separation event due to being distracted while c...
1742635 Air carrier flight crew reported inadvertently leaving a fuel crossfeed valve open; r...
1742653 A319 flight crew reported refusing aircraft due to a maintenance inability to determi...
1742655 Air carrier captain reported a navigation deviation due to a waypoint and VORTAC homo...
1742698 Flight crew reported climbing 500 feet above assigned block altitudes and cited covid...
1742716 Flight attendant reported a passenger's displeasure with other passengers not wearing...
1742745 C172 instructor reported that a partial loss of engine power resulted in a diversion.
1742753 Pilot reported an near midair collision event during approach for landing by a non-re...
1742760 GA pilot reported forgetting to turn on navigation lights so the ads-B would activate...
1742767 Pilot reported being switched from approach to tower; but dialed incorrect frequency ...
1742777 An instructor pilot reported a near midair collision on short final.
1742780 GA pilot reported not being sure if he was cleared into class B airspace. Reportedly;...
1742783 C150 pilot reported striking trees during a go-around; resulting in damage to the air...
1742795 Air carrier flight crew member reported encountering wake turbulence descending into ...
1742807 PA-32 pilot reported aircraft encountered smoke in the cockpit inflight and diverted.
1742809 C172 instructor pilot reported landing safely after experiencing loss of power and en...
1742811 Private pilot rated passenger reported he took the controls after the flying pilot lo...
1742814 Corporate captain reported experiencing an undershoot of a crossing restriction and c...
1742820 B737-800 flight reported aircraft encountered engine overheat warning inflight.
1742825 Air carrier captain reported operating flights with an incorrect MEL applied. The fli...