37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2009, 527 total |
841929 An A319 declared an emergency and diverted due to smoke in the cabin.
841991 A mechanic reports he inadvertently reinstalled the same APU fuel flow divider; he ha...
841994 Clt TRACON controller described controller airspace deviation event when air carrier ...
842012 Military helicopter enroute to an operational area entered a restricted area without ...
842013 A P46T pilot lost the #1 adahrs and while troubleshooting that and other related fail...
842031 A LR35 departed the runway after weathervaning on a runway poorly drained following a...
842040 Experimental pilot climbs into class a airspace without a clearance as a result of we...
842059 Small jet on tandy arrival to sna violated speed restriction below class B airspace.
842119 A B757's forward potable water fill valve door did not close completely allowing wate...
842133 A super stinson's tailwheel bolt failed causing the pilot to loose control of the air...
842141 The student pilot of a C172 allowed his aircraft's wing tip to graze the wing tip of ...
842145 A PA34-200 on an IFR flight plan in VMC conditions was being vectored for an ILS; but...
842154 Departing runway 7L on the anchorage four SID from anc; the pilot of a C525 experienc...
842157 B737-800 flight crew was dispatched with engine anti-ice valve stuck in the open posi...
842167 B737-800 flight crew experienced pressurization failure during descent. Emergency was...
842320 General aviation pilot reports misunderstanding the dc sfra and the gates required to...
842343 Commercial fixed wing captain reported not maintaining assigned mach number after lev...
842419 A cl-65 flight crew deviated from the cleared SID because they had preselected the wr...
842432 Lear 25 captain reported electrical failure 13;000 ft; including generator failure; b...
842437 B747 flight crew report on descent below glideslope; cftt incident during approach to...
842456 BE33 pilot experienced portable GPS failure while attempting to over fly atl class B ...
842458 Passenger reports violent shaking and rapid push over during A319 descent causing pas...
842723 An inspector reported that a maintenance contractor had installed a doubler repair on...
842744 A mechanic was unsatisfied with the position of a right forward cone bolt he installe...
842746 A pilot reported that his air carrier is threatening pilots with disciplinary action ...
842851 B747 captain has issues with the air carriers' policy of maintaining aircraft issued ...
842853 An air carrier aircraft on final approach received a TCAS RA; which required not desc...
842922 An emb-140 flight crew aborted their takeoff at 80 KTS due to a right thrust reverser...
842937 A captain reports about lack of support and unprofessional behavior from their mainte...
843063 Maintenance technician reported examination and repair of the landing gear extend/ret...
843068 Cessna citation captain failed to divert as required by the company procedures after ...
843387 A single engine pilot landed at CTAF aurora state (uao) after calling for local traff...
843984 A mechanic reports about a B737-300 air turnback after hanger maintenance due to capt...
843986 Pilot of an experimental vintage biplane lost control upon exiting runway and ground ...
843987 A mechanic and maintenance controller report on their involvement with a B737-800 lef...
844329 A PC12 at FL250 being vectored by ATC to avoid weather experienced an ahrs (attitude ...
844529 A B757 crew declared an emergency and deviated around weather on an oceanic route aft...
847033 A lead mechanic reports; that prior to releasing a B737-300; he failed to include lan...
847776 After gate arrival an SF340 flight crew was advised baggage in the pit was improperly...
849909 A midnight shift mechanic; working his regular day-off on dayshift; reports about not...
850678 A maintenance controller describes his efforts to correctly defer a kinked fire extin...
853266 An aircraft inspector reported an engineering authorization for a crack repair follow...
854193 Two mechanics report losing steering and braking control during taxi of a saab sf-340...
854204 A mechanic reports he failed to check the work of another mechanic who was helping hi...
854210 A mechanic reports that after changing the left engine compartment perimeter seals on...
886537 A line mechanic reported the # 3 brake and tire assembly on a B737-300 departed the a...
912397 An FBO mechanic with an ia rating reports an annual inspection on aircraft X could no...
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