830651   Two mechanics report on troubleshooting and then changing the horizontal stabilizer p...
837511   A B767 first officer failed to enter the aircraft's final takeoff weight in the FMC p...
837512   B747 captain reports unstabilized approach and landing 20 KTS fast. Distractions; fat...
837522   Air carrier departure from phx expressed concern regarding ATC's practice of clearing...
837524   An A320 captain experienced a runaway electric seat which had been written up the nig...
837551   An air carrier flight crew deviated from the cleared arrival into lax when a wake tur...
837567   Air carrier departure from atl described confused takeoff event; when similar soundin...
837571   An air carrier requested that its pilots fly spiraling descent 'assault' approaches i...
837575   Mem controller issued an IFR clearance to an aircraft that was below the MVA at the t...
837576   Prc controller described conflict event at 6000 MSL; when VFR traffic; being worked b...
837578   A tb-20 trinidad's landing gear failed to extend normal. The pilot declared an emerge...
837584   A dhc-8-400's nose gear door light remained illuminated after gear retraction. An eme...
837609   Flight crew failed to accomplish the final turn to 160 degrees on the morristown 5 SI...
837665   For the third time; an air carrier captain had a plastic fork break while eating a cr...
837709   A captain of a dhc-8-400; raised numerous questions and issues about maintenance prac...
837710   Air carrier inbound to hln voiced concern regarding the approach controls lack of rad...
837723   Dispatch lost radio contact with a flight.
837743   Flight attendant reported an emergency landing.
837756   A mechanic reports he replaced the left outboard main tire on a crj-200; but forgot t...
837782   A corporate aircraft on a VOR runway 23 approach to rzt in IMC landed at cyo. The rep...
837787   A general aviation pilot missed the hold short line and sign for runway 06 at iag and...
837821   A B737 flight crew had a runway incursion following cle ATC clearance confusion.
837838   A B777 crew reports each crewmembers actions during an altitude overshoot on climb ou...
837840   An air carrier aircraft enroute to den was assigned an unexpected holding when the we...
837844   An A320 flight crew reports hydraulic G rsvr lo lvl in cruise at FL370. After complyi...
837849   An air carrier aircraft was given holding instructions on arrival. No preflight addit...
837864   EMB145 first officer is informed by the flight attendant of smoke in the cabin during...
837868   Lead flight attendant aboard an A319 reported an electrical odor and 'haze' emanating...
837884   A mechanic describes his efforts to identify and verify hardware left over in a bag i...
837885   TRACON ATC specialist has possible operational error and is concerned about lack of p...
837897   DA20 instructor and student; close airport after their airplane becomes disabled duri...
837901   A pilot new to the mu-2 had difficulty maintaining an ATC mandated 150 KTS after take...
837959   A light plane pilot encountered wake turbulence after takeoff behind a king air; caus...
837968   A B737NG deviated from the charted altitudes on the kepec arrival into las when the a...
837992   An airbus flight crew was alerted by ground control of a concern with a main tire. Ai...
837999   A330 captain reports right windshield heat failure at FL330. After conferring with di...
838037   An A320 pilot reports the pfd and mcdu are unreadable in bright daylight conditions d...
838041   During the exterior preflight inspection of a B757-200; a captain noticed the brake w...
838058   Taken by surprise by an unexpected tailwind on final approach; the fatigued air carri...
838065   Air carrier taxiing to the gate at clt; described conflict event with another air car...
838084   An air carrier crew accepted a PAR approach to nxx (navy willow grove) because no oth...
838096   Corporate jet departure from sdl; enroute to iwa with P50; experienced multiple confl...
838110   A mechanic reports he has been monitoring his carrier's B757-200 fleet as they come i...
838119   A lead mechanic and five other mechanics describe their involvement with an A319 that...
838149   Air carrier experienced TCAS RA at 10;000 during departure from ewr; ATC had indicate...
838155   Cirrus on visual approach to runway 29 at gtu; received TCAS warning resulting from c...
838162   A dhc-8-400 captain reports being informed by his chief pilot; that a dispatch releas...
838173   C172 flight instructor reports engine failure during departure. Reporter took control...
838182   Air carrier departure via the LOUPE1 SID from sjc was unable to accomplish the south ...
838198   A passenger pilot informs dhc-8-400 flight crew; after an aircraft swap; that the ext...
838206   Distracted by instrument problems and being given a non-standard missed approach proc...
838212   A C172 pilot rejected his takeoff at sme after a helicopter entered the runway direct...
838221   Cessna 337 made a safe landing when the landing gear failed to retract after takeoff ...
838227   Dealing with an unusual problem with braking after landing; an air carrier crew may n...
838285   Air carrier on final for runway 27L at ord experienced conflict with traffic overshoo...
838302   B737 flight crew arriving atl is cleared to fly the CANUK7 RNAV with the north transi...
838311   Air carrier pilot reports that he is not comfortable flying his aircraft equipped wit...
838327   B767 captain experienced right engine duct leak on departure; declared an emergency a...
838336   Mooney M20C pilot on flight to cll encountered heavy turbulence during descent and ap...
838350   An air carrier crew stopped at an incorrect holding location in las after the spots w...