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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2012, 466 total |
1018433 A turboprop commuter aircraft was unable to get safe gear indications and requested a...
1018448 Some confusion reigned aboard a B767-300ER when the first officer as pilot flying not...
1018488 When a flight attendant discovered two walk around oxygen bottles without the tubing ...
1018490 While en route the flight attendant/reporter who had armed door 5L prior to departure...
1018503 Two mechanics were informed by their maintenance manager that required boroscope insp...
1018509 An inspector has safety concerns involving the use of high pressure 'screw-on' type i...
1018511 An A330 aircraft had fuel quantity indication failures that did not show up as fuel f...
1018512 A line mechanic inadvertently replaced the right side air cycle machine (acm) when th...
1018520 C150 pilot reported power loss in pattern; declared an emergency; returned for an imm...
1018522 A pilot using a srq AFD airport diagram was unable to identify his hold short clearan...
1018529 A pilot taxied beyond the newly installed owd runway 35 hold short line because it wa...
1018537 A BE35 loss of battery took down the electrical system. An emergency return to depart...
1018553 A bellanca viking pilot made an immediate return and landing with tower's assistance ...
1018562 The engine of a vintage grumman war bird swallowed a valve and ATC provided generous ...
1018588 While attempting to stretch his fuel to get to his destination ahead of forecast weat...
1018591 While in cruise at FL320 the flight crew of a citation 550 suffered a rapid loss of p...
1018597 Piper cub pilot reported loss of power after takeoff; so he returned to departure air...
1018599 A C-172S intructor pilot and his student lost control of vertical performance during ...
1018603 A PA-28-180 pilot reported engine roughness and loss of power after takeoff. He retur...
1018608 While attempting to avoid a line of thunderstorms and at FL410 using nexrad and on bo...
1018615 A small aircraft pilot incurred hwd runway 28L after he did not recognize the runway ...
1018616 C414 pilot reports inadvertently entering a fire fighting tfr when his G696 with xm d...
1018632 A contract mechanic was directed to use an engineering order that allowed the use of ...
1018639 A czech aero works pilot made a successful off airport landing after the engine quit ...
1018647 After landing a PA-22's brakes provided very little braking. While taxiing; ATC put a...
1018659 Phl controller described a potential go-around event during a runway 27R/35 arrival o...
1018748 Air carrier taxiing for departure at lga passed the ILS hold line for runway 4 result...
1018770 An air carrier captain reported transitioning onto sfo taxiway a from taxiway B when ...
1018813 CRJ200 flight crew discovers that their aircraft is not pressurizing shortly after ta...
1018838 After takeoff B737-800 passengers reported a spoiler up and the generator off light a...
1018869 A line inspector describes how he inadvertently deployed a door slide at cabin door 2...
1018870 A cfii and his commercial student were distracted and failed to note another aircraft...
1018873 PA32 pilot rejected the takeoff at dzj when another aircraft was found to be rolling ...
1018874 A CE550 lost cabin pressure while climbing through FL370. Attempts to control the cab...
1018914 An M20 had engine failure at 500 ft after a touch and go. The instructor quickly took...
1018948 Sfo controller voiced concern regarding the flight characteristics and/or pilot techn...
1018958 B737-500 flight crew reports an altitude deviation during the riivr 2 arrival to lax ...
1018970 B757 captain believes that the flight manual requirement to verify aircraft position ...
1019060 The flight attendant in charge reports their B737-800 aircraft required an air turn-b...
1019071 A line mechanic reports the left engine on a company B767-300 aircraft had shutdown o...
1019072 Two line mechanics report that a B737-800 aircraft experienced moderate buffeting thr...
1019094 A320 first officer departing runway 9L at atl describes a rejected takeoff at 120 KTS...
1019101 An instructor providing IFR training in a C-172 allowed himself to get distracted by ...
1019111 AC690 pilot becomes distracted by a malfunctioning glide slope indication during appr...
1019115 CE550 first officer experiences radio failure when attempting to contact departure co...
1019118 Flight attendant describes a east coast to west coast round trip flight sequence that...
1019121 A pilot reported missing the asg runway 18 runway critical hold short line which was ...
1019126 A BE300 on a test flight lost pressurization at FL270 because two sense lines on the ...
1019139 Sfo controller described a confused flight plan event where an aircraft's call sign w...
1019152 ZTL controller voiced concern regarding weather tools available to ATC and the wind r...
1019165 ZMP controller described an airspace incursion event listing the eram's 'actual' acti...
1019201 A320 captain describes extreme fatigue after a series of late night flights.
1019202 B757-200 flight crew experience significant engine vibration climbing out of 6;000 ft...
1019210 An air carrier captain reported a conflict with another aircraft while taxiing on den...
1019267 A crj-200 flight crew reported a wake encounter following an A319 after takeoff at at...
1019287 B747 captain reports discovering airborne; that his cargo load of 55;000 pounds is ac...
1019349 PA44 pilot entering the traffic pattern on downwind reports a near midair collision w...
1019368 While attempting to climb above weather the pilot of a uav lost control of his aircra...
1019398 A PA-32 pilot had a runway excursion after he lost control of his aircraft on landing...
1019401 A light sport aircraft pilot ran out of fuel on a 48 mile flight and conducted a safe...
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