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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2012, 466 total |
1013461 Cno controller voiced concern regarding the continued cno airspace violations by airc...
1013463 Phl controller cleared a second aircraft for take off failing to note crossing traffi...
1013493 A80 controller described a confused and uncoordinated departure operation possibly re...
1013497 R90 controller described a charlie airspace incursion by traffic departing cbf airpor...
1013503 ZFW controller described a TCAS conflict event between a dfw air carrier arrival and ...
1013504 Local controller described a conflict event between an unauthorized runway crossing b...
1013670 A320 captain reports FMGC2 failure at FL390 along with related system faults and fail...
1013742 BE1900 reports ferrying an aircraft that will not pressurize to a maintenance base; w...
1013802 A319 captain reports getting low during a visual approach to cyyc due to an early des...
1013825 Emb-145 flight crew deviated from cleared routing because they both missed a revised ...
1013828 DHC8 captain experiences a 'roll splr inbd hydraulic' caution light approaching the d...
1013830 A G-200 captain reported loss of cabin pressure in climb. Flight diverted to nearby s...
1013943 MU2 pilot reports loss of situational awareness after takeoff from sna at night in IM...
1013959 Pilot of a tail wheel aircraft reports landing with a left crosswind and the left win...
1013972 A P46T pilot reported engine flame out at FL240 from what appeared to be fuel line ic...
1013986 A C177B pilot reported flaps would not retract after takeoff. He returned for immedia...
1014009 Gfk controller voiced concern regarding the reluctance of some pilots to advise ATC o...
1014015 Den controller voiced concern regarding the asde-X equipment noting that beacon chang...
1014120 B737-800 captain reports that the raas annunciations directly interfered with radio t...
1014122 A B737-800 flight crew reported rejecting takeoff at 110 KTS when the configuration h...
1014143 A flight crew received a sfo pre departure clearance 'revised segment: CUIT3 sac J32 ...
1014149 An air carrier flight crew discovered that their FMS did not include the limc nelab 5...
1014165 A line mechanic reports; that after noticing an R-3 (right) cockpit window had moistu...
1014177 A C182 pilot reported losing directional control in a crosswind landing; resulting in...
1014183 A C172 instructor with student practicing stop and go landings is sequenced ahead of ...
1014191 C208 pilot reports discovering a status message (G1000 equipped) for etm exceed durin...
1014203 A pilot unfamiliar with an aircraft's RNAV equipment became distracted during the app...
1014219 A11 controller described a conflict event between a VFR aircraft and a flight of two ...
1014245 A B737-300 first officer describes an emergency descent when the cabin altitude warni...
1014252 An air carrier aircraft departed lga runway 13 without takeoff clearance because they...
1014279 An air carrier crew on a den runway 16L visual approach with reported traffic in sigh...
1014297 A Q400 captain reported low number 1 engine oil pressure that led to feathering the p...
1014303 A first officer reports that an HF antenna; found previously broken on their CJ3 (ces...
1014335 Corporate jet inbound to vny experienced a TCAS RA with issued VFR traffic both above...
1014382 Air carrier first officer experiences an erratic localizer signal during approach to ...
1014385 Md-11 captain reported leading edge slat disagree light on approach. Procedure was ru...
1014413 A M20 pilot preparing for takeoff reported that a baron pilot on short final with a h...
1014432 Pilot of a fairey firefly reported that the main gear collapsed on landing rollout.
1014457 ZTL controller described a loss of in trail separation with atl arrival aircraft; cla...
1014458 Hcf controller described a below MVA event resulting from an apparent aircraft perfor...
1014471 TRACON controller working the final approach position during parallel operations desc...
1014481 ZHU controller described an unauthorized entry into restricted airspace resulting fro...
1014493 B737-300 captain reported loss of cabin pressure at FL370. Emergency was declared; th...
1014541 An air carrier on approach to cak runway 1 exectuted a go around when unable to compl...
1014629 A lancair 4P lost cabin pressure at FL200 when a passenger window failed.
1014639 A dc-9 captain reported he was alerted by ATC during a visual approach of a low altit...
1014649 A PA44 pilot departed on a ferry flight in an aircraft which had not flown for some t...
1014656 A PA22 pilot watched a tfr expire on his garmin GPS as expected and departed for an a...
1014679 Enroute controller providing OJT described a near loss of separation event when two i...
1014685 ZFW controller described an unsafe condition situation during multiple diversions and...
1014697 Phl controller described a loss of separation event between aircraft landing both run...
1014739 A fatigued B747-400 crew was told they had enough legal duty time remaining to comple...
1014741 Air carrier captain reported difficulty communicating with ATC over the western atlan...
1014744 A B777 relief pilot reported that as she is about to relieve the flying first officer...
1014745 During preflight of a B757-200 aircraft logbook history; an outbound captain question...
1014768 A CRJ200 captain's windshield cracked at FL290 so an emergency was declared and the f...
1014798 A CE750 captain noted that his aircraft's FMS was high crossing the first in a series...
1014838 Air carrier flight crew reports being instructed to taxi to runway 17R at limc via P;...
1014840 An md-11 configuration page alerted tire low press; then tire failure. Because the QR...
1014842 Air carrier captain reports difficulty seeing taxiway lines at bwi at night during ra...
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