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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 2012, 466 total |
1014880 A pilot reported that he taxied beyond the det runway 33 hold short line on the ramp ...
1014884 An experimental jet's nose gear turned full left after lift off preventing the nose g...
1014915 A VFR aircraft encountering IMC conditions was directed to a near by airport without ...
1014917 A P50 controller described a loss of separation event noting the facility pre-arrange...
1014920 ZLC controller described a below MVA event after issuing an altitude believed to be i...
1014934 An enroute controller described an emergency event involving an aircraft cleared for ...
1014944 A conflict developed during a seldom experienced busy traffic and split position oper...
1014950 A tower controller described a conflict event between IFR arrival traffic and VFR tra...
1014959 Nct controller voiced concern regarding the absence of a castle sector controller pre...
1014970 ZAB controller described a fire fighting tfr incursion involving a released IFR depar...
1014971 Crw controller voiced concern regarding the handling of medical helicopter operations...
1014992 Local controller reports receiving a mayday call on guard while conducting a shift ch...
1014996 Tower supervisor described a flawed landing/take off event when clearing an arrival t...
1015011 A B737 landing tul runway 27 struck pigeons which impacted the flaps; slats; landing ...
1015020 A B737 captain rejected the takeoff because the flight controls did not respond norma...
1015034 B757 flight crew reports being dispatched with flight deck temp control system inoper...
1015063 A B737-700 encountered convective windshear activity at FL400 which resulted in a 10 ...
1015110 B747-200 captain reported outboard flaps showed a split and did not fully extend on a...
1015111 An A320 ECAM alerted right window heat inoperative accompanied by a large single crac...
1015143 A B757-200 EICAS alerted le slat disagree during the final flap retraction; so the QR...
1015156 Air carrier captain describes the circumstances leading up to a flight cancellation d...
1015162 An air carrier received zwy clearance for an 80 NM weather deviation on L451; but nee...
1015174 B757 first officer reports a trailing edge flaps disagree EICAS message when the flap...
1015185 Air carrier with ZKC described the confusion that ensued when a weather deviation cle...
1015201 Q400 flight crew reported a significant wake vortex encounter with a preceding B777 t...
1015244 BE1900 captain reports the landing gear relay circuit breaker tripping as the landing...
1015245 A320 pilot experiences a cracked front window in cruise and elects to divert after co...
1015295 A B757-200 EICAS alerted trailing edge flap disagree at about 1;000 ft on final; so a...
1015315 An A320 ECAM alerted hydraulic G rsvr lo lvl at cruise and the QRH complied with. The...
1015326 A SF340B's left engine oil pressure was fluctuating above 30 psi; but QRH advised a p...
1015338 CRJ200 captain experiences an APU oil temperature caution message with auto shut down...
1015339 A seagull strike directly on the first officer's pitot tube caused an immediately air...
1015341 CRJ200 first officer reports loss of number 2 hydraulic system during climb and diver...
1015343 A medium transport flight crew on a constant angle non precision approach (canpa) set...
1015350 A fractional captain laments schedule changes that result in fatigued flying due to p...
1015359 A319 flight crew reports a hydraulic G rsvr ovht ECAM during climbout and complies wi...
1015376 A md-11 cargo compartment fire suppression system alerted and activated at cruise so ...
1015377 B757-200 flight crew reports a right auxiliary pitot light after pushback and contact...
1015418 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) reports a captain had found an outflow valve...
1015419 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) was informed that a white arc on the face of...
1015420 A line mechanic reports he continues to be harassed by maintenance management for dis...
1015440 A pilot under going CFI training in a C172RG with his instructor; noticed signs of an...
1015446 As a PA-32 became airborne; the pilot noticed the front baggage door open and immedia...
1015459 Two C206 pilots conducting training discovered that the nocal approach frequency was ...
1015464 A corporate jet pilot reported that all frg ATC functions were being handled by one p...
1015473 An SR22 experienced a severe electrical system malfunction which caused the loss of a...
1015474 C172 pilot reports a botched landing in early morning darkness with variable gusty wi...
1015485 A C172 lost all electrical during night flight and after circling the destination air...
1015487 A PA-28R nose landing gear indicated unsafe when lowered and remained so after troubl...
1015497 HS125 captain reports misunderstanding the ruudy 4 crossing restriction of 1;500 ft a...
1015508 A ce-525 pilot shut the same engine down on two consecutive flight and diverted after...
1015513 An IFR pilot descending through 2;000 ft into lns had a near miss with a departing ai...
1015526 A bd-700's honeywell primus 2000 FMS missed the teb jaike 13;000 ft constraint as the...
1015539 C150 pilot reports a near collision after landing on a grass strip; with a high wing ...
1015557 CL300 captain reports a loss of cabin pressurization at FL410 and the resulting emerg...
1015562 F11 controller described a go around event when traffic on final executed the procedu...
1015566 Enroute controller described a conflict event between IFR traffic that was handed off...
1015571 TRACON controller described a conflict event when an adjacent controller; receiving O...
1015583 B737 flight crew; given a line up and wait clearance at a runway/taxiway intersection...
1015699 Bht-430 pilot inadvertantly entered IMC on a VFR approach and declared an emergency d...
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