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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 2014, 381 total |
1153468 Challenger aircraft had a TCAS RA in IMC; after tower controller allowed a VFR helico...
1153487 Sbn approach controller reports many pilots becoming confused during the fissk 2 RNAV...
1153857 Air carrier flight crew experiences lost communications while on vectors to the ILS 1...
1153895 A321 flight crew reports an egpws terrain warning approaching wason on a visual ILS t...
1153926 CE560 flight crew detects jammed elevator trim during climbout. After checklist proce...
1153968 DC10 first officer discovers the number two thrust lever is stuck at 92% N1 when star...
1153970 A hearback\readback breakdown in communication between a B777 flight crew and ATC res...
1154079 GA pilot reports becoming confused approaching his destination with intentions to lan...
1154127 Controller questioned pilot about destination after he saw the aircraft tracking nort...
1154140 A B737 flight crew and a pass riding pilot report canceling a takeoff clearance and r...
1154142 B737 captain experienced loss of directional control as the toga buttons are pushed d...
1154224 With both pilots involved in post pushback activities they failed to note their B757 ...
1154258 B757 first officer reports being informed by the purser that a deadheading pilot has ...
1154273 A commercial air carrier flight crew had to brake abruptly when a fueling truck; appa...
1154277 An air carrier dispatcher expressed concern that an interruption in providing valid t...
1154287 An erj taxiing to the gate after landing at ord had to stop abruptly when a B777-300 ...
1154294 An A319 flight crew who had programmed the lyndi RNAV STAR and the RNAV (GPS) runway ...
1154324 A crj-900 flight crew declared an emergency and landed safely following recognition o...
1154326 A C-402 pilot declared an emergency immediately after takeoff due to a rough running ...
1154370 When a DC10 flight crew extended spoilers to assist compliance with their planned des...
1154372 A300 first officer reports descending below the glide path during an ILS approach in ...
1154376 An instructor pilot aboard a PA-28 suffered an near midair collision with an inbound ...
1154390 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) reports he inadvertently serviced the number...
1154409 When the student pilot appeared unable to control their lsa on the landing roll the i...
1154457 Confusion reigned between ATC and the flight crew of a B737NG with respect to both tr...
1154475 B737 first officer reports the air hose; from a ground air start cart; separating fro...
1154487 B777 captain reports refusing a shipment of lithium ion batteries due to their potent...
1154488 A B767 first officer reported frequent failures of their ipad efbs to delete the prev...
1154548 Crj-200 flight crew discovers an unresponsive thrust lever upon level off at FL310. A...
1154567 B757-200 captain reported that the aircraft slowed 'well below' the selected value of...
1154591 B767-300 captain reports ground personnel attempting to open the forward cargo door d...
1154608 B737 captain exiting runway 19R on echo reports a near collision with a helicopter ai...
1154622 First officer reports a level one 'cargo fire test fail' alert appeared during a pre-...
1154634 Turboprop pilot reports being issued a low altitude warning by the bhm tower while at...
1154651 MD80 maintenance crew reports a taxiway excursion due to ice while attempting to taxi...
1154677 Pilot cleared for take-off questioned the tower controller about traffic on short fin...
1154708 Tower controller is advised of a near midair collision by a helicopter pilot transiti...
1154739 When the B737-700 flight crew started engines during pushback on a slippery ramp the ...
1154757 After experiencing multiple autoflight and FMC related failures while conducting an a...
1154797 Dispatcher reports that boeing direct messages to flight crews are causing confusion ...
1154860 When cleared to taxi to a specific runway at ord behind two approaching air carrier j...
1154907 Flight instructor reports departing the runway and nosing over after taking over from...
1154925 A citation pilot departing on a flight from fat to smf understood his clearance to de...
1154946 Similar sounding call signs caused the wrong aircraft to begin a descent in another c...
1155004 When an A320 had their takeoff clearance cancelled at moderate speeds the ensuing ina...
1155053 An emb-145 flight crew declared an emergency; diverted to the nearest suitable airpor...
1155082 Similar sounding four digit flight numbers both inbound to the same VOR were both cle...
1155085 A CRJ200 first officer reports encountering wake vortices on final approach into atl.
1155096 Air carrier first officer describes the events leading up to a runway incursion at cy...
1155098 Dispatcher reports canceling a center stored clearance due to an FMC MEL requiring a ...
1155102 A citation X captain expressed concern over attempts by his company to coerce him int...
1155186 General aviation pilot reports radio failure shortly after takeoff possibly caused by...
1155187 Flying a G1000 equipped C210; an instructor and commercial student pilot flew a night...
1155193 A PA-44 pilot took off in rain at +1C and was surprised when ice started to form as t...
1155207 An air taxi pilot did not cross the teb ILS runway 6 dandy waypoint at 1;500 ft becau...
1155247 ZUA controller laments the loss of airspace to the tfr over the thadd system on the e...
1155270 A B-737NG flight crew was surprised to note that--when ATC switched their arrival to ...
1155311 B737 captain reports a near collision with a catering truck that cuts in front of the...
1155333 A ramp employee addressed problems associated with safely positioning the plb (passen...
1155343 An A330 flight crew being vectored to the north to land south and lemd found themselv...
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