37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2003, 735 total |
603599 PA31 pilot entered IMC WX conditions without an IFR or SVFR clearance at tal.
603684 PA32 pilot departs gai airport into the dc ADIZ without squawking assigned transponde...
603914 A B737-800 left engine fan blade was repaired off line and returned to service in non...
604408 A B777 flight attendant discovered that a passenger had been smoking in the lavatory ...
605539 A fokker 100 r-hand fueling valve was installed incorrectly. Same valve as l-hand but...
606468 A flight attendant in charge reported on the death of a passenger during a flight to ...
606758 ATC airspeed assignments with a restr requiring him to fly in non compliance with his...
607363 A B767-300 was dispatched in non compliance after #1 main tire and wheel were replace...
611487 MD80 pilot, traveling as a passenger, saw snow and ice adhering to the aircraft wings...
622364 Tail strike on a departure B737 when the first officer over-rotated during a loss of ...
622367 B737 first officer runway incursion report regarding the failure of his captain to ho...
622368 Conflict between a B737 climbing through 5000 ft and a crossing turboprop at 6000 ft ...
622370 B737 crew was given clearance to cross a runway when another aircraft was taking off.
638546 MD80 PIC report on nearly being hit by a rapidly moving air carrier bus on the taxiwa...
639183 An A330-200 on takeoff had #2 forward tire blow out, believed to be caused by FOD. Af...
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