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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2003, 735 total |
599322 A C172 private pilot lands long on runway 33 after making an ILS approach during wind...
599323 An HH65B dolphin military helicopter pilot on a security mission enters class D airsp...
599324 BAE3200 flight crew has near miss with an aircraft landing on the runway they are sta...
599325 A B737-900 on approach at 3000 ft experienced leading edge and trailing edges flaps s...
599330 FA20 crew on an arrival to yip level at FL240 were changed to an incorrect frequency ...
599337 An erj flight is mandated to return land after the crew receives an EICAS message rel...
599338 An FA50 flight crew descends towards 3000 ft with an improperly set altimeter 15 NM w...
599343 A medium transport turbojet first officer reports uncommanded switching of altimeter ...
599347 Heading track deviation occurs when the MD80 first officer, PF, fails to adhere to a ...
599350 A DC10 on takeoff #2 engine did not reach maximum power setting. Due to runway condit...
599353 DC9 experienced TCASII RA during descent into ord near FL250 with another air carrier...
599362 A B757 PIC report on the cockpit workload induced by the failure of his FMC system af...
599363 A low speed abort at 65 KTS is executed by an MD80 flight crew when the first officer...
599367 A B757-200 in cruise declared an emergency and diverted due to loss of right hydrauli...
599374 An MD80 while incurring a mechanical delay the crew failed to do the engine shutdown ...
599377 A B757 flight crew has inaccurate takeoff performance data after load closeout. After...
599378 A320 crew took a heading and altitude meant for another aircraft. The crew properly g...
599379 B757-200 crew, on the boach RNAV one SID, flew by waypoint rbell, rather than over it...
599386 ZOB instructor controller observes potential separation problem, but student is slow ...
599387 C172 instructor pilot turned ahead of the aircraft he was told to follow. The instruc...
599401 GLF3 first officer told clearance delivery they were going to one airport, when in fa...
599406 CL65 captain overcorrected for wind in attempting to avoid P-56 at dca.
599408 BE33 pilot entered ont class C before establishing communication with sct controller.
599417 Beech 1900 crew landed at wrong airport. The crew departed in non compliance of compa...
599418 A B737-300 crew executed a GPWS emergency escape maneuver with climb. Aircraft was at...
599428 B737-300 crew aborted takeoff after a blue heron bird strike at orf.
599431 HS25 is slow in responding to descent clearance from FL370 in ZDV airspace.
599439 Ce-650 crew had the controller ask if they were familiar with the area in an attempt ...
599440 Dhc-6 crew landed 45 ft short of the runway threshold. They were landing on a 1320 ft...
599441 A B747-400 lightning strike report was cleared with crew statement of no communicatio...
599446 C310 pilot became disoriented while taking the runway, and struck a runway light with...
599451 A citation C650G on landing experienced a runway excursion caused by loss of all hydr...
599454 A PA23 single pilot, distraction by aircraft problems, was intercepted by 2 F16's aft...
599455 C206 pilot encounters IFR conditions while flying VFR to fsm.
599464 A B747-200 crew was required to land short of destination because a 160000 pound erro...
599466 An airbus 319 was dispatched in non compliance with right engine 'a' ignition inopera...
599467 Flight crew of B763 enter wrong SID in FMS and turn early on departure from eddf.
599468 During an ILS approach to runway 13 with a 400 ft ceiling, an LJ35 flight crew lands ...
599475 PA46-350 pilot lands gear up at tmb.
599476 A B727 has to take action to avoid a cessna in the traffic pattern.
599480 Pilot of B34 enters expanded P-40 when adjusting speed and course to mesh with traffi...
599483 Pilot of PA28 enters tfr near newport, in.
599488 Flight crew of large transport reject takeoff at low speed from runway 22L at ord. Tu...
599493 A student pilot with a flight instructor came within 100 ft of an aircraft at an unco...
599494 A C152 flight instructor has to take the controllers of the aircraft from a student t...
599496 Moderately experienced private pilot scud runs to get home to ikv.
599499 C152 pilot, admittedly unfamiliar with ATC and controled airspace, allowed her passen...
599500 Pilot of M20C operating on a dc ADIZ flight plan inadvertently enters floor of class ...
599502 A B737-700 was dispatched in non compliance with the global positioning multi-mode re...
599510 A da-50 flight crew inadvertently set 30 pt 72 instead of the actual 29 pt 72, which ...
599511 MD83 captain conducting an first officer IOE, hand flying due to turbulence, overshoo...
599518 A B737-300 was dispatched in non compliance with the incorrect DME interrogator insta...
599519 ZDC controller issued incorrect altitude, resulting in operational error.
599525 Runway excursion after an approach and landing at minimums when a G-2 flight crew dri...
599527 During controller relief briefing process, oncoming ord local controller recognizes p...
599528 Instructor pilot of C177 enters tfr in florida.
599530 An MD88 was dispatched in non compliance with a forward galley compartment door remov...
599537 A B727 flight crew have an altitude deviation due to misunderstanding the assigned al...
599542 B737 flight crew at mdw experienced a mooney overfly while taxiing into position for ...
599544 Flight crew of H25B depart las on boach SID with neither a paper copy of the departur...
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