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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for January 2015, 451 total |
1232739 Sct controller describes a loss of separation between a hhr arrival and a lgb departu...
1232740 S46 controller switches a heavy jet to a different runway. The jet loses FMC data bec...
1232742 ZLC controller reports of switching an aircraft over to tower; then at 300 feet the a...
1232763 Zwy controller describes a situation where two aircraft that he was responsible for w...
1232765 P50 controller reports of ZAB feed to P50 as being excessive. P50 controller reports ...
1232768 ZLC controller reports of another less experienced controller issuing a clearance to ...
1232770 ZLC controller describes a flight into an airport and is concerned about the minimum ...
1232772 Tpa controller describes a loss of separation due to data tag overlap and amount of t...
1232775 U90 approach controller describes a confusing reply from his trainee to a pilot. Pilo...
1232783 During climbout; a B737 flight attendant crew detected a metallic or electrical odor ...
1232801 A fatigued B747 captain reported crossing the runway threshold low during a night app...
1232809 B737 first officer does not believe the runway 32 landing length available is correct...
1232834 Air carrier pilot reports confusion after being cleared to taxi via A4 left on a in v...
1232835 A B757 captain discovered after a new ACARS software installation that when an ACARS ...
1232856 During the takeoff roll an emb-145 first officer call for a reject after scanning his...
1232882 B777 flight crew describes an un-stabilized approach caused in part by fatigue and ve...
1232892 ATC called an airbus crew with a low altitude alert while the aircraft was on the lda...
1232900 Captain states that while the EDGAR1B arrival to mmun shows crossing edgar between FL...
1232903 The flight crew of an air carrier twin jet departing mke on the accra RNAV SID failed...
1232907 The flight crew of a commercial fixed wing aircraft failed to note the small 'note 4'...
1232937 When the B737 captain noted the left engine vibration indicator was blank during taxi...
1232940 B737 captain reports a pushback with no wing walkers and a wave off by the tug driver...
1232952 Crj 200 flight crew experiences an engine failure during descent that is initially no...
1232961 A dhc-8 flight crew; cleared to descend to 3000 feet got distracted and failed to not...
1232970 After de-icing of the gate; a CRJ700 captain reports returning to the gate to board p...
1233009 Air carrier flight crew reports landing with mu readings of 26; 24; 23 and finding th...
1233013 Flight crew reported executing a go-around after encountering wake turbulence in trai...
1233033 B757 flight crew describes a night visual approach to runway 28L and the conflict tha...
1233039 A flight crew flying the ILS runway 28R approach to the bridge then a change to runwa...
1233046 After suffering the loss of the A321 first officer's nav display an error conducting ...
1233073 CRJ200 captain experiences a cas message for gld unsafe during vectors for the ILS; a...
1233088 B737-800 flight crew describes a night VMC ILS flown by the first officer with his fl...
1233098 A319 first officer reports being confused by the QRH FCU reset procedure after receiv...
1233127 B737 captain is informed of an odd smell in the cabin by a flight attendant. Odor can...
1233137 B737-700 captain is informed by the gate agent that the spoilers are partly deployed ...
1233188 A first officer reports he noticed the engine fire panel (P-8) had been installed ups...
1233195 An A320 captain; after suffering the loss of yellow system hydraulic quantity; opted ...
1233197 An A319 captain reported serial breaches of company SOP by recently contracted ground...
1233199 B777 first officer; on a 15 hour flight to vhhh; reports running out of potable water...
1233215 A cargo loading reporter advised a flight had been dispatched with an improper pallet...
1233220 B747 flight crew reports being cleared to descend to 1900 feet during vectors to ILS ...
1233224 First officer describes a failed localizer/DME back course runway 22 to hom; caused p...
1233225 An A330 crew detected a dirty socks odor in flight which dissipated allowing the flig...
1233260 Flight crew reported deviating from an altitude restriction on the TECKY1 departure f...
1233373 A319 first officer reports not noticing the speed limit of 250 knots until advised; o...
1233396 Bell 206 pilot departing luk using CTAF procedures; reports being overtaken by a corp...
1233421 CE525 captain is informed by ATC that night instrument approaches are no longer autho...
1233422 A PA-32 pilot reported distress when; on final approach cleared and configured to lan...
1233424 PA28 pilot noticed that the alt amp meter read zero and the jpi digital engine monito...
1233429 B737 captain reports using his captain's emergency authority to avoid turbulence asso...
1233438 C210 pilot reports taking off into IMC with a heavily loaded aircraft with an aft cg....
1233455 Reports from both pilots of an near midair collision event at non-towered E16 provide...
1233458 King air pilot experiences two green lights and a blank indicator when the gear is ex...
1233461 A pilot did not comply with taxi instructions at sjc. He interpreted 'victor; delta; ...
1233476 A single engine aircraft experienced engine failure two times. The pilot was unable t...
1233526 P50 controller describes two incidents involving the same aircraft. First issue was t...
1233573 A B737-700 first officer set an incorrect altitude in the altitude window causing the...
1233583 Two B777 first officers describe the protocol that is involved when a passenger becom...
1233614 The flight crew of a B767 that encountered a significant windshear event on arrival t...
1233636 Air carrier captain reports discovering in flight that one of the flight attendants w...
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