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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 1993, 640 total |
236330 An air carrier medium large transport descended in response to a TCASII command.
236335 Pilot of GA small aircraft aircraft had near midair collision with another aircraft u...
236336 An air carrier large transport crew overshot its initial altitude on departure in for...
236337 A private small aircraft pilot had difficulty with improper ground control instructio...
236338 Large transport has TCASII RA with no traffic in vicinity. Ghost target.
236339 Widebody transport cargo aircraft possible landing below minimums. Snow cluttered run...
236342 Medium large transport flight crew continues approach when RVR decreases below minimu...
236344 Off airport landing due fuel exhaustion.
236345 Air carrier on approach has close encounter with jump aircraft.
236347 Localizer and GS flags appear on captain and first officer instruments during approac...
236352 Emergency declared due fuel critical and WX deviation.
236354 Aircraft flew with illegal MEL item.
236356 There was a potential loss of separation due to an air carrier flying to the wrong co...
236362 Cpr X circumvented ATC flow control restriction to phl.
236369 Helicopter pilot departs airport notamed closed.
236372 Medium large transport engine hits snow berm while turning to align with centerline. ...
236373 An air carrier medium large transport crew did not notice the revised departure routi...
236377 Small aircraft pilot in IMC makes navigation error almost hits tower.
236380 The left down aileron cable broke on an air carrier medium large transport causing co...
236383 Flight crew declared an emergency when, in fact, they had adequate fuel remaining.
236392 Medium large transport flight crew turns too soon on SID. Later has altitude deviatio...
236397 Air carrier X TCASII RA descent had less than standard separation from air carrier Y....
236398 2 air carrier jets under control of departure controller come into conflict which is ...
236399 An air carrier medium large transport made a go around upon finding itself low over t...
236402 An air carrier medium large transport climbed in response to a TCASII command caused ...
236403 Postflt inspection reveals that aircraft had been involved with a ground vehicle.
236421 Commuter taxied on closed taxiway.
236426 Small transport X had near midair collision less than standard separation from small ...
236438 Small aircraft pilot on photo shoot flies too low. Spotted by police helicopter.
236441 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC clearance because of possible TCASII RA with air c...
236446 ARTCC controller complains about nuisance conflict alert alarms where other aircraft ...
236448 Small aircraft on IFR flight plan descends below MEA due to mountain wave activity.
236450 Pilot instructor concerned about traffic pattern flow creating near misses at ATC con...
236458 An air carrier widebody transport crew flew the wrong heading after takeoff.
236463 Medium large transport flight crew fails to follow publication departure procedure.
236479 An air carrier 2 engine medium large transport aircraft dispatched over a route when ...
236480 Large transport has oil pressure problem. In-flight engine shutdown.
236482 Medium large transport departed with no visual check of wing contamination.
236484 Extended overwater operation flown in small aircraft while unsure of fuel load and wi...
236486 The first officer's sliding window came open on takeoff roll. The crew aborted the ta...
236490 TCASII sensed a nonexistent conflict and caused medium large transport to deviate 450...
236497 While turning as directed by marshallers, heavy transport tail strikes a light pole.
236500 Air carrier X takeoff on occupied runway had less than standard separation from small...
236508 Light transport cleared into position on the runway but continued and took off withou...
236509 Medium large transport told to follow an medium large transport on a visual but weren...
236517 Small aircraft has instrument failure and is given 'no-gyro' vectors in destination.
236519 During supervised solo lndgs, student lost control of aircraft, veered off runway and...
236527 Private pilot operated below minimum required altitude near a vehicle during an unint...
236534 EFIS screens and autonav functions were lost. Passenger electronic device was suspect...
236537 Pilot of GA small aircraft aircraft questioned ATC procedure regarding separation out...
236539 Captain of air carrier light transport aircraft complaint of an unreliable VORTAC NAV...
236540 Atx pilot of small aircraft aircraft inadvertent takeoff from the wrong runway.
236543 Air carrier light transport aircraft damaged by ground equipment.
236546 Controller claims that there is no emergency lighting in the TRACON when the main pow...
236547 Captain of air carrier large transport aircraft operated in known and forecasted icin...
236559 Air carrier large transport aircraft nose gear collapsed when aircraft came to stop a...
236560 An air carrier medium large transport climbed and turned in response to a TCASII comm...
236562 Private pilot of small aircraft aircraft on cross country encountered unforecasted WX...
236564 Controller non compliance with ATCT interfacility coordination air carrier X wrong he...
236565 Flight crew of air carrier medium large transport aircraft lost cabin pressurization ...
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