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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for March 1993, 640 total |
236568 Flight crew of air carrier widebody transport aircraft took evasive action in respons...
236572 Pilot of an small aircraft conventional gear aircraft lost directional control during...
236573 ATC mix-up on assigned altitude causes less than legal separation.
236577 Flight crew of air carrier medium large transport aircraft landed below authorized mi...
236586 Pilot of atx small transport aircraft inadvertently taxied off the runway into an uni...
236587 Pilot made takeoff in front of landing traffic at a uncontrolled airport.
236591 Captain of air carrier medium large transport aircraft diverted for fuel due to calcu...
236594 Pilot of a government fgt aircraft caused an air carrier medium large transport aircr...
236595 First officer of an air carrier widebody transport aircraft reported that the ILS was...
236598 Flight crew of air carrier light transport aircraft inadvertently turned off on close...
236610 Private pilot made a VFR approach to the wrong airport after receiving clearance from...
236614 Medium large transport has loss of communication and takes evasive action on visual c...
236616 Atx small transport aircraft operated without required instrument equipment on schedu...
236624 Small aircraft lands wrong runway, uses parallel.
236626 Medium large transport has engine failure just after takeoff. Return land. Flight cre...
236630 In-flight engine shutdown.
236634 Foreign object damage ice during takeoff damages #1 engine causing it to flame out.
236644 Potential conflict less than standard separation.
236647 Corp aircraft brakes rapidly to avoid air carrier taxiing at high speed.
236655 A cpr light transport slid off the side of the runway in a crosswind. There was fresh...
236656 An large transport fgt crew got a stick shaker warning at night in the WX.
236664 An light transport on a training flight deviated from its assigned altitude.
236668 An air carrier large transport landed en route because of an oil filter bypass on 1 o...
236678 The captain of an air carrier widebody transport got sick en route. The so sat in his...
236682 Flight crew of air carrier large transport aircraft became disoriented during an appr...
236684 A military light helicopter pilot inadvertently entered a control zone in IMC while t...
236689 Large transport taxiing to gate with marshaller guidance hits truck.
236690 Commuter flight crew departs with gear pins installed.
236695 First officer of air carrier medium large transport aircraft pulled up from descent f...
236700 Air carrier X TCASII RA evasive action taken climb from ghost target.
236709 Small aircraft pilot encounters jumpers landing on end of runway just after takeoff. ...
236716 Air carrier descends when cleared, controller later states clearance for second aircr...
236717 Medium large transport flight crew given arrival using navaids that are inoperative.
236719 Small aircraft lands gear up.
236722 Large transport with faulty TCASII equipment responds to RA. Altitude deviation.
236728 Controller claims that contacting emergency equipment from the tower in a timely mann...
236732 Military aircraft drop of WX equipment in positive control area.
236735 Medium large transport in positive control area has TCASII RA, responds.
236736 ATC radar equipment problem mode C.
236737 At cruise large transport flight crew discovers actual load and dispatch release do n...
236744 Flight crew of air carrier medium large transport aircraft exceeded aircraft crosswin...
236751 Small aircraft pilot makes wrong side downwind then cuts another aircraft out on fina...
236752 Medium large transport flight crew flies runway heading after takeoff instead of turn...
236754 Pilot of small aircraft aircraft inadvertently taxied into taxiway depression at nigh...
236755 Minimum fuel declared for priority handling into ewr.
236762 Captain permitted an illegal lap child (too old) to be carried on a full flight.
236763 Flight crew of air carrier large transport aircraft landed below reported WX minimums...
236775 Widebody transport engine cowling fell off aircraft during takeoff.
236783 Flight crew of mdt air carrier aircraft inadvertently operated aircraft contrary to t...
236786 Small aircraft X non adherence to ATC instruction, unauthorized runway crossing had l...
236790 Large transport air carrier aircraft collided with a ground service vehicle during ta...
236797 Pilot of small aircraft GA aircraft received a low altitude warning from the tower du...
236798 ARTCC controller intervened to inform an air carrier large transport aircraft flight ...
236800 Flight crew of medium large transport air carrier aircraft were warned by the aircraf...
236804 Captain of large transport air carrier aircraft took evasive action to avoid another ...
236808 Captain of medium large transport air carrier aircraft took evasive action in respons...
236810 Flight crew of medium large transport air carrier aircraft experienced radio communic...
236815 Private pilot in an small aircraft aircraft inadvertently landed on the wrong runway ...
236817 Flight crew declared an emergency and diverted to another airport with a longer runwa...
236821 Small aircraft pilot lost but over large airport. Lands without clearance. Unauthoriz...
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