37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1996, 749 total |
338870 Altitude deviation. Crossing restr not met. Reporter attributes fatigue and tailwind ...
338876 Reporter captain misread fuel gauges and departed with less than legal fuel. Aircraft...
338877 Attitude indicator failure. No backup gyroscope and reporter temporarily lost control...
338880 2 small aircraft's had an near midair collision in the sln traffic pattern. The repor...
338887 2 small aircraft's took off on the same runway from opposing ends. Evasive action tak...
338890 An air carrier saab 340A crew found themselves in the mmu class D airspace without cl...
338893 A katana DA20 with 2 instructors aboard ran out of fuel. There was an off airport lan...
338894 An air carrier mechanic reports that he failed to install a cannon plug properly on t...
338900 Helicopter flight crew destination was a heliport in downtown manhattan. When under l...
338901 An air carrier A320 had to return land with a fuel leak. Diversion to alternate.
338902 Approach controller vectoring aircraft around WX and for approach to runway 10L durin...
338907 A cpr medium large transport crew failed to align its compass system prior to departu...
338908 All 3 crewpersons on an air carrier large transport reported that they failed to turn...
338918 An small aircraft instructor pilot had to take over the controls when her student pil...
338920 An air carrier B757 crew, along with help from its maintenance and dispatch departmen...
338922 An air carrier flight crew closes within 2000 ft intrail of an air carrier B737 and e...
338923 Instructor with spi on engine start has power too high, aircraft hits fence.
338926 Flight crew of an medium large transport failed to turn to their requested heading as...
338927 Reporter claims the radar system was OTS due to a lightning strike.
338929 Atx small transport requested a tower en route clearance without filing flight plan. ...
338930 A corp jet flight crew failed to meet an assigned altitude crossing restr. During the...
338931 An air carrier B727 so reports that an FAA inspection of the aircraft revealed that t...
338934 Air carrier SF34 on vector heading off sps had near midair collision with king air in...
338935 ARTCC radar controller complaint about the keller long range radar site outages and t...
338940 An instrument rated pilot misunderstood his IFR clearance and intercepted and tracked...
338943 Darc backup system was released to maintenance on midshift.
338944 When attempting to pick up IFR clearance after departing mpg, reporter was unable to ...
338945 After doing a go around because of unstabilized approach and WX, reporter flight crew...
338946 An air carrier flight crew damaged the left wingtip lights of the aircraft when they ...
338950 Reporter pilot based takeoff considerations on WX which was old and the visibility ha...
338954 Aircraft equipment problem. 'A' system hydraulic failure. Emergency.
338960 Flight crew ATC miscom. Controller forgot that he had already cleared reporter flight...
338961 Flight crew given holding clearance very close to holding fix. The fix was not on fli...
338962 ARTCC data controller sees 2 aircraft on converging descending courses and advises th...
338970 Thunderstorm activity caused telephone line outage from radar site to control room, r...
338980 Flight crew flew aircraft with expired MEL. Captain had been briefed by incoming flig...
338981 ARTCC radar controller attempts to separate two opposite direction acrs, but the turn...
338990 A BA32 reserve captain flew the wrong departure heading after failing to recognize th...
339000 Flight crew, under control by TRACON and assigned altitude, reporter captain descende...
339003 The reporter first officer happened to notice 8 buckets of freight being loaded on hi...
339008 Reporter instructor and trainee on cross country flight may have flown too low over a...
339010 Altitude deviation. Overshoot on descent. Reporter first officer had correct altitude...
339016 A C172 pilot reports of ADIZ penetration without prior notification. The reporter had...
339020 A commuter flight crew landed, and detected after the fact, that they did not receive...
339022 An air carrier B727 had to return land when the aircraft would not pressurize. Aircra...
339025 A C152 was landed on a private grass strip as a result of fuel exhaustion. Personal p...
339027 Unresolvable maintenance problems led to a B747 flight crew's duty time exceedance.
339029 An LR24 crew may have been off course. Aircraft equipment problem 'weak' VHF, VOR, an...
339030 A cargo air taxi aircraft was taxied onto the runway without a clearance. The first o...
339032 An atx light transport taxied onto the active runway without clearance. Error admitte...
339036 A B737-400 captain reports refusing a clearance that would have taken the aircraft in...
339037 An small aircraft pilot without a flight plan found that an airport where he wanted t...
339040 An air carrier flight crew accepted crossing restr clearance for FL180, but inadverte...
339041 Less than standard separation occurred while a departure controller was reissuing alt...
339042 An air carrier B747 so operated an APU that was a 'deferred maintenance item.' he did...
339044 Pilot of a single-engine aircraft miscalculated the takeoff performance of his aircra...
339049 A B727's track deviation resulted when the captain refused to utilize the VLF omega, ...
339050 An air carrier B737 pilot reports that his air carrier's logbook procedure with a 'T'...
339060 Crossing restr not met due to late ATC clearance. Rate of descent.
339070 After receiving a different runway assignment than expected, a B737 flight crew inadv...
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