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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for December 2007, 389 total |
760389 An air carrier pilot holding short of jfk runway 31R on runway 22R reports a B747-400...
763628 CL65 follows TCAS RA advisory when their altitude alert is set at 7000 vice 8000 as c...
763629 ZMA controller voiced concern regarding on-going problems with frequency 135.2 claimi...
763640 G4 flight crew landing iah requests ILS 26L and is later cleared for ILS 27. Flight c...
763643 C150 lands off airport after suffering engine failure. Determines carburetor ice to b...
763857 A320 suffers right engine failure shortly after level off.
763876 B757-200 captain reports excessive elevator inputs to rotate for takeoff. Suspects in...
763906 Beech jet flight crew attempting to level off at 1500 ft on the teb 5 discovers pitch...
763907 C560 suffers shattered outer windshield. Initial decision to divert is superseded by ...
763908 B727-200 returns to departure airport when captain's windshield outer pane shatters.
763910 Instructor and student pilots aboard C152 have near midair collision during practice ...
763914 Avl controller voiced concern regarding the temperature environment in the tower cabi...
763916 Flight of five privately owned military trainer aircraft make formation overhead arri...
764004 A B737-300's pressurization failed at FL366. The crew declared an emergency; descende...
764018 A fatigued air carrier pilot reports confusing a heading assignment for an altitude. ...
764023 A B737-300 crew reports descending early on the dtw ILS 21L after using the incorrect...
764051 An A319 mcdu would not accept cg numbers after engine start and did not calculate a z...
764063 EMB135 flight crew failed to give way to other aircraft as instructed by ATC. Other f...
764070 Saab 340 was deiced on the runway at uncontrolled airport. After hearing another airc...
764084 Abnormal nose gear retraction results in return to departure airport for MD88.
764091 ZNY controller described conflict at FL320 with opposite direction traffic; alleging ...
764098 Despite gear safe indication; C402 suffers nose gear collapse on landing.
764125 An A319 captain reported that his FMS was missing a waypoint on a pit SID.
764127 B757-200 lost fluid for the left hydraulic system. Emergency was declared and the fli...
764129 A320 flight crew has IR2 failure in cruise and accidentally turns off IR3 during atte...
764137 SF340 flight crew reports transponder failure with smoke at 5000 feet on departure. E...
764149 SF340 check captain with first officer on first day of IOE; reports wing de-ice syste...
764167 An air carrier captain reported finding himself in a min fuel state following multipl...
764181 CRJ200 flight crew departs without takeoff clearance during captain demonstration of ...
764186 An approach controller reports frequency 121.0 is unusable at times south east of sgf...
764190 ZHU controller voiced concern regarding ongoing frequency failure on 128.15.
764191 ZHU controller described clearance read back error potential due to on going frequenc...
764192 ZHU controller voiced concern regarding on going problem with frequency 128.15.
764193 SA226 flight crew has runway incursion on runway 32 at pit after skidding on icy taxi...
764271 B737 flight crew is issued clearance to maintain visual on traffic climbing on parall...
764298 Lnk controller experienced operational deviation when failing to point out traffic to...
764309 Bell 430 pilot reports near midair collision with R22 at 75 feet during departure. R2...
764355 An air carrier crew feels they departed in fzr and icing conditions out of safe limit...
764364 The pilots in a flight of two C170's approaching their destination at 200 ft executed...
764388 A C650 pilot departed on the teb 5 and after misreading DME climbed to 2000 ft 3 mile...
764414 A PA44 right landing gear down lock green light was flickering. Unsure of its positio...
764421 A C402 ADF radio frequency selector box began smoking in-flight. The circuit breaker ...
764427 A go around was executed because of an unstable approach following a late runway chan...
764428 An experimental aircraft pilot's window came off in flight causing distraction and vi...
764429 Sgf controller expressed concern regarding new maintenance ARTS outage schedule; chan...
764440 Pct controller expressed concern regarding lack of controller briefings/training refe...
764446 Following a heavy crosswind landing on a short runway; an eclipse 500 blew both tires...
764498 A BE36 pilot landed his aircraft long in gusty downwind conditions and rolled off the...
764499 Carj exits runway after landing in blowing snow conditions.
764506 CRJ200 flight crew reports fan vibration at FL270 while flying in icing conditions wi...
764519 An air carrier crew approaching dfw set the FMS up for a 17C arrival. ATC assigned ru...
764531 A CRJ200 rejected a takeoff because of an anti-ice duct warning EICAS message. WX was...
764558 A C525 pilot level at 1500 ft on a teb 5 departure climbed rapidly to 1920 ft avoidin...
764578 After takeoff and approximately 1500 AGL; an emb-145LR (erj-145LR) flight crew receiv...
764582 An MD80 flight crew shut down an engine; declared an emergency; and returned to depar...
764587 On approach; an aircraft had multiple bird strikes impacting the aircraft's left side...
764593 N90 described minimum fuel event that developed for jfk arrival because of intrafac c...
764610 EMB145 captain laments the lack of standardization by his first officer during QRH pr...
764611 B767-200 pilot advises aircraft database does not include VOR ILS runway 10 at ttpp.
764618 An inspection authorized (ia) mechanic performing an annual inspection on a beech bon...
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