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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 2019, 685 total |
1689688 Air carrier flight crew reported inadvertently pushing back before receiving a danger...
1689690 B737 ng flight crew reported a suspicious device hanging from the spare bulbs panel r...
1689697 A319 captain reported smelling smoke in the cockpit and elected to return to departur...
1689702 B737 captain reported discrepancies on the application of an MEL procedure.
1689732 Emb-145 first officer reported smelling an electrical burn and receiving a lav smoke ...
1689733 Emb-145 captain reported that due to aircraft flaps locked in the flaps 9 position; A...
1689760 Airline dispatcher reported new 'dangerous goods international cargo procedure' requi...
1689766 Erj-175 captain reported a track deviation occurred departing lax.
1689792 B777 flight attendant reported aircraft containing incorrect flight attendant interph...
1689793 B777 flight attendant reported aircraft containing incorrect interphone placards and ...
1689806 A320 flight attendant reported that the survival kits were missing during preflight f...
1689807 Emb-145 flight attendant reported noticing a missing placard above the psu panel that...
1689809 Emb-175 flight attendant reported that aircraft returned to departure airport due to ...
1689822 Air carrier flight attendant reported that while searching for a passenger's phone th...
1689836 Flight attendants reported noxious odor throughout the passenger cabin during preflig...
1689894 Da-7X first officer reported GPS/IRS failure on approach and ATC reporting happening ...
1689905 C172 pilot flying reported experiencing loss of engine power during takeoff roll.
1689921 PA-28 pilot flying reported providing pilot instruction from the right seat despite l...
1689922 A-1 husky pilot flying reported damaging wingtip during landing roll out.
1689954 South-76 flight crew reported loss of tail rotor effectiveness on takeoff.
1689977 C172 pilot reported having an near midair collision with a glider while descending to...
1689990 Pao tower controller reported that an unreliable; aged; failure prone communications ...
1689994 Tower controller reported aircraft having confusion with cmh taxiways; resulting in f...
1689995 ARTCC instructor and developmental controllers reported a communication breakdown tha...
1690038 Air carrier pilot reported ramp lights for new cargo ramp are too bright and cause a ...
1690041 Air carrier captain reported receiving required pre-departure hazmat documents on arr...
1690081 B787 flight crew reported multiple pressurization and electrical failures in cruise t...
1690084 B787 flight crew reported a recurring fuel imbalance that resulted in a return to dep...
1690093 B737 flight crew reported distraction; poor judgement; and time pressure resulted in ...
1690109 B737 captain reported that three of the four flight attendants inexplicably became il...
1690112 B767 captain reported several malfunctions of the jepp fdpro application.
1690144 Airline ground personnel reported a communication breakdown with load planning regard...
1690176 Emb-145 flight crew reported that confusion caused by an outdated taxiway map resulte...
1690183 Emb-175 first officer reported encountering wake turbulence on arrival into lax that ...
1690194 Corporate aircraft flight crew reported confusion as to whether ATC had the authority...
1690213 B747 flight crew reported an 'acrid smell' and 'smoke crew rest' EICAS message annunc...
1690218 B737 flight crew reported that the integrated drive generator had not been filled wit...
1690222 B737-800 flight crew reported that gusty winds on approach resulted in a firm landing...
1690225 A320 captain reported that ground personnel began refueling the aircraft while the #1...
1690226 B737 flight crew reported confusion that resulted in an incorrect altimeter setting o...
1690229 B737 captain pilot reported being stuck in a large rut in the asphalt which required ...
1690235 Air carrier pilot reported an airspace error with regards to the runway 9 ILS approac...
1690239 A321 captain reported deplaning passengers and crew during preflight due to 'musty od...
1690245 E175 flight crew reported several errors that resulted in an unstabilized approach fo...
1690252 A pilot reported they temporarily lost the GPS signal.
1690256 A319 first officer reported flight attendants notified them of an odor in the passeng...
1690266 Ce-525 flight crew reported rejecting the takeoff in response to a fuel system cautio...
1690268 Ea-500 captain reported encountering wake turbulence from a preceding airbus on arriv...
1690304 A330 flight attendant crew reported to the pilots 'intense fumes' in cabin immediatel...
1690320 A319 flight attendant crew reported persistent 'dirty socks' odor in passenger cabin ...
1690335 Crj-900 technician reported that while performing a 3 day inspection; a tool was foun...
1690340 GA-7 pilot reported altitude deviation during ILS approach that caused an ATC low alt...
1690346 C206 pilot reported low voltage and discharge lights illuminated 30 minutes into the ...
1690348 Airline safety officer reported hazmat loading errors at destination during unloading...
1690353 Pilot reported that a tailwind during an air show demonstration resulted in a prop st...
1690359 Be-35 pilot reported experiencing a communications radio failure resulting in diverti...
1690378 Baron 58 pilot reported an indication that the nose gear was not locked resulted in a...
1690380 P51 pilot reported a generator failure enroute that required him to request priority ...
1690405 B737NG captain reported encountering wake turbulence 3 miles in trail of a B757 short...
1690408 Airline ramp personnel reported a car loading discrepancy which was corrected prior t...
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