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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 2019, 685 total |
1696265 Dispatcher reported the captain failed to notify dispatch of extra fuel requested and...
1696268 B767 pilot reported being unable to comply with an ATC request; resulting in an altit...
1696270 Heavy transport aircraft captain reported being assigned the SMUKE2 STAR to ind witho...
1696281 Crj-700 pilot reported that they forgot to release brakes during pushback; resulting ...
1696286 First officer reported receiving a GPWS configuration warning after failing to execut...
1696288 Erj captain reported that the first officer had switched off bleed air due to odor; r...
1696289 Emb-145 first officer reported forgetting to switch bleed air and packs on before dep...
1696292 Air carrier flight crew reported VFR helicopters were flying through their final appr...
1696303 A319 captain reported that a miscommunication with dispatch caused the aircraft to de...
1696323 Phenom first officer reported miscommunication with ground control resulted in a taxi...
1696340 Dispatcher reported operations delayed flight without proper notification.
1696349 B747 captain reported that inability to communicate with the tug crew caused the airc...
1696357 Flight attendant reported a passenger of small stature sat in the exit row and caused...
1696366 Flight attendant reported mistakenly serving a 14 year old child an alcoholic drink i...
1696394 A320 flight attendant reported notifying captain of cabin odor and physiological symp...
1696410 Lead technician reported that an ETOPS check was missed due to lack of proper supervi...
1696416 BE90 captain reported an altimeter error resulted in an airspace incursion.
1696428 Pilot reported a bird strike resulted in aircraft damage.
1696437 Super king air 300 flight crew reported confusion over ATC vectors and relied on auto...
1696438 Pilot reported inadvertently entering IMC that resulted in a near loss of control of ...
1696445 Cessna citation reported being confused by ATC frequency change and instructions; res...
1696448 C172 pilot reported a sudden loss of oil pressure shortly after takeoff that resulted...
1696453 Pilot reported that distraction during preflight checks resulted in the aircraft taxi...
1696462 BE36 flight instructor reported a gear-up landing after being distracted by engine is...
1696464 Bonanza pilot reported that distraction and failure to follow the checklist resulted ...
1696485 Tower controller reported that another controller forgot about an aircraft that had b...
1696494 Tower controller reported that the asde-X triggered a go around due to the helicopter...
1696495 Tower controller reported departing aircraft were cleared passed ILS critical areas d...
1696496 Approach controller reported miscommunication between controllers lead to an aircraft...
1696510 B737-800 first officer reported they made a diversion after notification of 'locker r...
1696515 B737 captain reported that distraction and time pressure caused a departure with inco...
1696528 B737 captain reported flight deck windows need hydrophobic coating.
1696530 B737-800 captain reported unpleasant odor during preflight. Aircraft was evaluated an...
1696537 B737 captain reported a trailing edge flap malfunction that resulted in a flaps up la...
1696544 B737 captain reported severe turbulence on approach that resulted in a flight attenda...
1696546 B737 first officer reported that a flap asymmetry during approach resulted in a no-fl...
1696555 Captain reported a physical confrontation with aircraft cleaners that required securi...
1696559 A320 captain reported non-standard communication with ground crew during pushback cau...
1696569 A320 captain reported 2 instances of un-commanded rudder movement while in cruise fli...
1696572 Ramp personnel reported a hazmat cargo configuration error due to due to multiple dis...
1696584 Captain reported that use of a company-required app on ipad depletes the battery rapi...
1696586 Captain reported receiving a last minute vectoring through the localizer; after they ...
1696587 Captain reported multiple; confusing clearances from ATC that resulted in a missed ap...
1696591 A300 pilot reported a landing gear door malfunction after takeoff; resulting in a ret...
1696596 Erj flight crew reported a speed deviation on approach that resulted in a stick shake...
1696599 Erj captain reported that an erroneous takeoff trim configuration warning resulted in...
1696601 Flight crew executed a missed approach after the stick shaker activated.
1696605 Captain performed a rejected takeoff due to abnormal thrust indications and birds in ...
1696608 Emb-145 first officer reported intense 'dirty socks' odor immediately after takeoff; ...
1696638 Flight crew reported they performed a rejected takeoff in response to a master cautio...
1696673 A320 flight crew reported a leak in the green hydraulic system prior to top of descen...
1696695 CRJ200 flight crew reported a configuration warning on takeoff roll that was solved b...
1696717 E175 captain reported decreasing hydraulic system #2 fluid at cruising altitude that ...
1696727 An sr-20 pilot reported jammed flight controls but was able to safely land with contr...
1696751 B737-800 flight attendant reported noxious cabin odor during two similar flight segme...
1696794 PA46 pilot reported after a uav encounter the pfd in the aircraft produced a large na...
1696808 A PA-28R pilot reported smoke in the cockpit shortly after takeoff and returned to th...
1696811 Cessna 180 instructor pilot reported that his student had to conduct a forced landing...
1696864 Approach controller reported a disagreement with another controller over rules for ve...
1696923 E175 captain reported an engine bleed overpressure indication followed by ai wing fai...
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