37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for June 1995, 636 total |
306872 'B' hydraulic system failed.
306880 Flight crew on ILS responds to TCASII RA.
306884 Flight crew deviated from published missed approach procedure.
306885 Flight crew allows aircraft to roll back after parking.
306890 Aircraft equipment problem. Air carrier is unable to get proper response from #2 engi...
306891 Deviation from taxi clearance clearance limit overshot. Air carrier crosses an active...
306900 Deviation from clearance route -- altitude deviation altitude overshot -- cp jet gets...
306905 Maintenance procedure -- air carrier mechanic uses an unauthorized down lock pin duri...
306924 Stabilized approach concept -- this air carrier captain did not make a stabilized app...
306926 Near midair collision -- an instructor conducting a flight check has a near midair co...
306930 Low level windshear -- air carrier freighter touches down short of runway in a heavy ...
306936 Landing undershot -- air carrier touches down short on the displaced threshold.
306937 Air carrier X TCASII RA with VFR aircraft had less than standard separation from air ...
306938 Large transport flight crew on initial descent discovers low fuel condition. Fails to...
306939 Near midair collision at non tower airport with 1 aircraft back taxiing and 1 in the ...
306940 C172 in IFR flight training has vacuum pump failure resulting in heading deviation wh...
306950 Widebody transport taxies onto wrong taxiway.
306957 Md-88 has FMS failure of heading system and map display. Overshoots ILS intercept.
306960 Air carrier fails to turn at 4 mi DME as required on SID.
306963 Commuter aircraft crosses runway without clearance.
306970 767 flight crew has clearance confusion on approach to ory, france. Language problem.
306973 A return land is mandated by multiple aircraft equipment problems malfunctions in a c...
306975 WX reporting equipment problem ASOS inaccurate WX report.
306980 Medium large transport involved in flight with similar a/C resulting in clearance con...
306984 First officer receiving IOE has aci aboard who questions FMC entry causing enough dis...
306990 BAE125 has less than standard separation with traffic in N90 airspace.
306992 Small aircraft twin has near midair collision with small aircraft in traffic pattern.
306993 Air carrier X TCASII RA had less than standard separation from lear jet. System error...
306996 In-flight engine shutdown.
306999 Near midair collision at non tower airport with opposite direction takeoff.
307000 Cargo aircraft aborts takeoff due to 727 on runway.
307008 Publication deficiency -- MEL requirement -- air carrier crew finds that the MEL does...
307010 F-100 flight crew forgot to inform ATC that crossing restr could not be met. Reporter...
307016 Aircraft density altitude performance was not sufficient for runway length, resulting...
307017 WX reporting equipment problem ASOS inaccurate WX report.
307020 Track deviation caused by improper orientation of the 'to - from' VOR indicator.
307021 Loss of fuel requires an off airport landing.
307022 TCASII logic air carrier X same altitude assigned TCASII RA climb had less than stand...
307024 Near midair collision -- pilot requests permission to enter class 'D' airspace. While...
307026 Air carrier excursion from assigned altitude while making turn onto final approach co...
307029 737-300 encounters wake turbulence behind airbus heavy.
307030 Altitude deviation altitude excursion -- clearance disputed -- this air carrier copie...
307037 MD80 flight crew activated the hydraulic system during maintenance activity. Mechanic...
307039 Deviation from clearance -- air carrier turned onto the wrong taxiway and ATCT local ...
307040 Md-80 (super) flight crew was issued 'expect visual' clearance to runway 36L. During ...
307045 Initial line up for wrong airport.
307046 Wingtip dragged on landing.
307047 Direct user access terminal system (duats) WX not complete.
307050 Aircraft equipment problem, transponder. Flight crew distraction.
307051 B737 takeoff on occupied runway. Vehicle on runway. System error.
307070 Aircraft equipment problem. Rough running engine.
307076 Near midair collision.
307079 Crosswind landing. Aircraft damage.
307080 Aircraft equipment problem. Flap rollers and track damage caused by incorrect flap in...
307085 Atx pilot of an small transport twin single pilot IFR flight questioned the legal sta...
307089 Aircraft equipment problem -- pressurization emergency diversion.
307090 Aircraft equipment problem. Autoplt pitch over.
307102 TCASII ATC traffic conflict.
307109 Near midair collision.
307110 Heading deviation. Direction of turn.
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