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ASRS Reports for June 1995, 636 total |
308259 Track deviation.
308260 Small aircraft enters class B airspace without clearance.
308270 MD80 air carrier flight crew departed without maintenance logbook on board.
308272 Holding procedure holding pattern location -- an air carrier on a STAR arrival oversh...
308280 Small aircraft departs uncontrolled strip into MVFR WX.
308285 MEL requirement -- an air carrier with a thrust reverser inoperative was required to ...
308286 Aircraft equipment problem. Engine overspd.
308287 Near midair collision. Takeoff traffic conflict with landing traffic, opposite direct...
308290 Captain of an mdt lands aircraft over the top of an small aircraft sel sitting on the...
308293 Takeoff aborted -- pilot struck a deer on takeoff.
308297 Private pilot of an small aircraft sel porpoises during landing causing damage to the...
308299 Flight crew of an medium large transport shut down an engine during cruise due to an ...
308300 Aircraft equipment problem critical. Cargo door opened in-flight, sucked bag into eng...
308310 Flight crew of an large transport overshot descent altitude.
308320 Flight crew of an medium large transport failed to turn onto the lda final course fro...
308325 Private pilot made an off airport forced landing at night after the engine quit due t...
308326 Private pilot of an small aircraft sel penetrated a restr area which he believed was ...
308330 Flight crew of an large transport turned onto the wrong airway due to not catching a ...
308336 Light transport had loss of aircraft control possible less than standard separation f...
308338 Flight crew encounters severe turbulence.
308341 Near midair collision between a lear jet and a mooney over intersecting runways at a ...
308347 Pilot of a float plane came close to boats and a bridge during initial climb during t...
308349 Heading deviation. Incomplete FMS loading.
308350 Flight crew of an medium large transport overshot assigned descent altitude due to th...
308356 Hazardous material improperly documented.
308360 Pilot of an small aircraft sel failed to follow assigned flight plan route and was ve...
308370 In-flight encounter, heavy WX thunderstorms.
308378 Student with instructor during touch and go landing practice forgot to put the landin...
308380 Flight crew of an mdt responded to another aircraft's clearance and descended before ...
308386 Flight crew was reluctant to use 1 RVR and the prevailing visibility for takeoff mini...
308390 Altitude deviation altitude overshot -- air carrier descends below assigned altitude.
308393 Aircraft equipment problem -- cpr's tcasi display faulty. Displays traffic on the opp...
308400 Instructor of a small aircraft sel training flight made forced landing at destination...
308401 Pilot of an small aircraft experimental tail wheel type ground looped off the side of...
308406 Pilot of an small aircraft twin had IFR flight plan inadvertently canceled by ATC whi...
308408 Pilot of an small aircraft sel hits a sign while exiting runway after told by tower.
308409 Flight attendant and passenger injuries due to sudden and severe turbulence.
308410 Track deviation.
308415 Student pilot of an small aircraft sel lost control of aircraft during landing and we...
308417 Reporter error admitted -- CFI allows passenger to use a cellular phone in-flight. Re...
308420 Air carrier blocked another aircraft from proceeding to gate.
308422 Flight crew of a cpr jet turned early onto the final approach course causing penetrat...
308430 Flight crew of an medium large transport failed to have an MEL'ed item noted on the c...
308440 Flight crew of an small transport jet failed to make altitude time restr due to lack ...
308450 Speed deviation below 10000 ft. Schedule pressure.
308457 Aircraft equipment problem -- air carrier has a leading edge device fail and leak, lo...
308458 Air carrier X TCASII RA had less than standard separation from air carrier Y. System ...
308460 Air carrier flight crew deviated from route clearance while captain was absent from d...
308463 Pilot of an small aircraft sel struck a wire over a river bed during a very low level...
308464 Captain of an medium large transport failed to stop after clearing runway before cros...
308470 Flight crew misunderstood altitude clearance during descent. Resulting in loss of sep...
308478 Air carrier X received GPWS alert after departure.
308480 Radio communication problem -- the captain of this air carrier bumped the frequency k...
308486 Near midair collision between 2 small aircraft sel aircraft within a class C airspace...
308490 Cpr X turbulence encounter altitude deviation had less than standard separation from ...
308500 Air carrier flight crew received a TCASII RA and responded.
308509 Loss of aircraft control -- air carrier rolls to the left and then to the right durin...
308510 Unauthorized landing -- cpr flight crew lands without a clearance. They thought that ...
308520 Unauthorized landing -- air carrier lands without contacting the tower.
308530 Air carrier X climb through occupied altitude had less than standard separation from ...
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