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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for September 1994, 491 total |
279882 Airport lighting no VASI or reils on runway 4.
280498 ATC communication problem frequency 121 pt 5, 243 pt 0 not available in area of ZNY.
281474 2 wake encounters within 2 mins results in 1 incident of loss of aircraft control.
281707 Pilot of a small aircraft sel lands at the wrong airport.
281713 First officer pulled the wrong circuit breakers in an attempt to correct a navigation...
281715 Near midair collision between 2 float planes near a lake port. One was approaching to...
281717 Aircraft performance questioned relative to publication deficiency in go around misse...
281720 Training pilot of a small transport jet discovers that all 4 'static air ports' are t...
281723 Flight crew of an light transport landed and took off on a runway of insufficient leg...
281726 Flight crew of a medium large transport taxied across a parallel active runway contra...
281731 Pilot of a small aircraft lands on taxiway.
281779 Reporter aircraft blew over cessna.
281785 Near midair collision at uncontrolled airport between 2 small aircraft sel aircraft, ...
281843 Engine failure on takeoff.
281845 Commuter light transport passes 767 on parallel approach.
281847 Approach control same frequency 119 pt 2 causes distraction possible blocked control ...
281848 Small airport, windsock too small difficult to see.
281849 Spg local control frequency change caused small aircraft X to enter air traffic area ...
281851 Engine quits at cruise. Forced landing.
281913 Preflight planning brings up computer information which was misread by reporter.
281921 Tail strike not entered in logbook.
281929 A near midair collision occurred when an arriving aircraft entered the pattern of a n...
281930 Crossing restr not met.
281932 An small transport cpr pilot may have been IMC in VFR flight.
281941 Flight crew commenced takeoff got confign warning, aborted takeoff, set flaps for tak...
281949 Controller clears reporter to descend to FL350 from FL370 for traffic: whereupon, the...
281967 Airport vehicle on airport movement area without clearance.
281969 The reporter, an EMS helicopter pilot, on one of his missions, penetrated a class D a...
281977 Altitude deviation. Descent through assigned altitude.
281978 During pushback a rolling baggage cart hit aircraft.
281985 A flap asymmetry on final flap setting provoked a go around during which the flight c...
281988 Personal pain compounded by upheaval in aviation occupation caused reporter to be ove...
281993 Non adherence to FAA handbook. Current airport WX not available to controling facilit...
281998 Airport beacon inoperative for quite some time.
282008 Student pilot departed with what he thought was 'approximately' 45 min fuel for a des...
282079 Tail strike.
282080 Atx pilot of small transport twin is ramped checked by FAA inspector and found to be ...
282081 747 passed reporter in 757 doing side by side charted visuals to sfo runways 28L and ...
282100 Pilot of a small aircraft sel flew low over lake and was cited by a government ranger...
282103 Hot air balloon lost its passenger on landing.
282104 Reporter did not go direct to VOR as assigned thinking it did not matter and the VOR ...
282106 Air carrier X non adherence to ATC instructions after go around had conflict with Y.
282107 Foreign language problem air carrier X climb to wrong altitude.
282108 Heading track deviation places other air carrier in closer proximity to reporter's th...
282117 ATC equipment problem radar ARTS interface with ARTCC. FAA policy technician staffing...
282125 Takeoff aborted as PIC misreads instrument. Alarm warning system not monitored correc...
282141 A flight attendant may have been drunk on the job.
282148 In-flight encounter with en route WX factors in conflict with WX reports forecast fli...
282149 Small aircraft pilot in loss of aircraft control event, single pilot IFR, IMC. Sensor...
282151 Loss of aircraft control, altitude deviation altitude excursion.
282156 Late turn started due to NAVAID problem. Night operation.
282175 Small aircraft enters the restr area with balloon on cable at night. Strobe lights we...
282179 Heading track deviation during a non adherence to ATC clearance instruction. Potentia...
282180 Unauthorized wrong runway landing. Near midair collision on approach.
282182 Air carrier X had near midair collision with unmanned WX balloon.
282185 Training in progress. Near midair collision in the traffic pattern.
282187 Multiple runway operation visual approachs. Air carrier X had conflict with trailing ...
282197 Unusual electronic ticketing in aft galley area.
282199 Air carrier flight crew leaves #1 engine running at ramp after aircraft arrival and c...
282205 Approach to wrong runway initiated by flight crew. Wrong ILS frequency selected. Most...
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