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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 2014, 301 total |
1150648 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) describes how a lack of communication betwee...
1150655 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) describes a recent maintenance incident that...
1150669 A PA-32 tachometer was indicating near zero when the engine began surging along with ...
1150688 A phenom 300 at FL450 developed a gen 1 over voltage which caused a batt exceedence c...
1150705 A BE99's right engine autofeathered on final because of fuel starvation; the result o...
1150726 After initiating a missed approach following receipt of a stall warning on final the ...
1150777 Two piper aircraft had a near miss at coi after the second aircraft announced enterin...
1150785 A CE650 left engine reduced power to flight idle and became un-response to attempted ...
1150811 High-time C182 pilot experienced an alternator malfunction and near loss of control i...
1150887 An emb-145 captain rejected the takeoff just prior to V1 when he realized that flaps ...
1150901 While flying the lax runway 24R ILS; a be-400XP localizer mfd indication was erroneou...
1150967 A B757-300 captain reported that the aircraft pitched up violently for unknown reason...
1150995 An A319 flight attendant reported a dirty socks odor during preflight but the flight ...
1151031 A helicopter pilot orbiting at 1;000 ft north of ZZZ with two other helicopters; repo...
1151033 A pilot on an IFR night flight departed cps and climbed to 5;000 ft where he had a ne...
1151072 ZKC controller working approach for foe and top reports a loss of separation between ...
1151075 Sct controller voiced concern regarding the frequencies published on the prado SID fr...
1151095 A B757-200 flight crew; after landing at ewr failed to contact ramp control in what r...
1151132 EMB175 first officer questions his company's method of calculating the planned block ...
1151142 A319 flight crew experiences an out of trim situation during initial climb and when t...
1151161 Air carrier captain on taxiway U near T; reports being 'cut off' by another air carri...
1151186 B777 flight crew and flight attendants detect smoke five hours into a flight to asia....
1151190 B737-800 captain experiences a loss of hydraulic fluid in hydraulic system a during c...
1151194 B737-800 pilot is informed during the takeoff roll that the right engine is on fire a...
1151210 MD11 flight crew overshot the localizer course due to strong crosswind and FMS being ...
1151213 CRJ700 first officer reports strong interference from ACARS transmissions occurring a...
1151233 An aircraft maintenance technician (amt) reports numerous violations that have been o...
1151237 An aircraft maintenance inspector reports an elevator bell crank spring was found not...
1151238 R44 instructor and student declined to follow ATC instruction to descend into IMC whi...
1151239 SR22 pilot with passengers reports landing off the runway after an ILS low visibility...
1151240 Lsa pilot reports a bounced landing that results in significant damage to the aircraf...
1151243 An instrument instructor reported his IFR student began a descent to the final approa...
1151254 EMB300 flight crew experiences airfoil anti-ice failure during approach in icing cond...
1151260 PC12 pilot reports encountering a snowplow on the takeoff roll entering from a crossi...
1151266 M20 pilot reports inadvertently entering IMC on a VFR flight at low altitude and cont...
1151283 Lancair pilot; descending out of 17;500 ft VFR reports encountering IMC while on boar...
1151298 R90 controller voiced concern regarding the radio coverage at cbf; suggesting that rt...
1151312 B737-700 flight crew experiences a bleed trip at FL410 that cannot be reset. Ten minu...
1151322 B737-300 flight crew experienced a speed deviation while on the ont airport PRADO7 de...
1151364 A pilot reported difficulty taxiing into his gate at rdu because the yellow taxi line...
1151436 Emb-175 first officer reports getting slow during the first turn after takeoff with t...
1151504 MD11 first officer experiences a lightning strike during climb out causing an engine ...
1151537 B767-300 flight attendant laments the top heavy beverage carts and their poor brakes....
1151568 C172 instructor pilot reports difficulty identifying runway 26R at elp during RNAV 26...
1151585 After a night approach; a part 135 crew landed at the wrong airport five miles short ...
1151591 A pilot reported taking evasive action during a near miss with a UH60 in the mbo CTAF...
1151604 Experimental aircraft pilot experiences a loss of engine power and elects to land on ...
1151619 Controller did not issue cautionary wake turbulence advisory to an H60 passing the wa...
1151623 ATC discovered duplicate call signs and changed the call sign of one of the two aircr...
1151677 Language barrier between VFR pilot and controller delayed an airborne conflict resolu...
1151761 EMB145 captain reports autopilot deviations right and left of course while tracking t...
1151763 Flight crew was unaware of VFR crossing altitude at bygon in the havana fir due to am...
1151764 A dispatcher working described being overloaded because of bad weather in the northea...
1151783 An erj pilot reported that in the navigation mode the aircraft s-turned while followi...
1151785 Emb-135 captain finds the localizer for runway 05 at buf to be unacceptable even thou...
1151789 Crj-700 flight crew experienced right engine fadec caution message at 80 KTS; continu...
1151801 DHC8-300 captain reports having an oxygen mask strap repaired prior to departure and ...
1151958 Crj-200 captain is informed upon arrival that the valet bags were not put aboard and ...
1151976 MD80 captain reports the ATIS at pie not being switched to ASOS after the tower has c...
1151981 Multiple factors assailed the flight crew of a B767-300ER which resulted in flawed pe...
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