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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 2020, 606 total |
1748275 ZDC center controller reported a loss of separation between two aircraft while workin...
1748282 Center controller reported being overloaded with traffic; map [monitor alert paramete...
1748283 Tower controller reported a 'plethora of deals' due to working with small arrival hol...
1748288 Center controller accepted a handoff from an approach controller for an aircraft that...
1748506 Air carrier flight crew reported landing without a clearance after dialing in the inc...
1748508 Cessna 402 pilot reported the upper clamshell door half opened after takeoff.
1748510 Cessna 402 captain reported an air turnback after failure of the right hand alternato...
1748596 Technician reported policies and procedures regarding talley checks and bill of work ...
1748639 Pilot reported a critical ground conflict with a non reporting departure aircraft.
1748648 Tower controller and small aircraft pilot reported a runway incursion resulting in an...
1748658 ZLC center controller reported they observed an aircraft descend below the assigned a...
1748666 Mri tower controller reported LOA problems with the overlying A11 TRACON.
1748667 A tower controller reported a departure flew off course into confliction with arrivin...
1748670 Controller reported that someone in the facility had tested positive for covid-19. Co...
1748675 Tower controller and pilot reported a runway incursion due to expectation bias. Pilot...
1748701 Dispatcher reported a severe turbulence encounter that resulted in an aircraft remove...
1748706 Captain reported caution lights at 80 kts and striking something on runway; resulting...
1748709 Air carrier first officer reported an airborne conflict attributed to the local contr...
1748714 Air carrier captain reported being unable to obtain ppe (personal protective equipmen...
1748720 Crew reported diverting after engine bleeds failed on one engine and the other engine...
1748730 First officer reported a rejected takeoff after multiple compressor stalls on takeoff...
1748732 B757 captain reported encountering wake turbulence in trail of a B777 that resulted i...
1748756 Small transport captain reported; while on approach; a uav operating inside class B a...
1748766 B767 first officer reported an uneventful air diversion due to a critical fuel system...
1748770 B767-300ER flight crew encountered flight instrument failure inflight.
1748771 Air carrier flight crew reported landing without contacting tower.
1748780 Air carrier flight crew reported they may have landed passed the touchdown zone. Firs...
1748781 Md-11 captain reported an near midair collision event with a military aircraft flying...
1748782 Air carrier flight crew reported a track deviation while on the sea HAROB6 departure ...
1748787 Flight crew encountered engine malfunction during takeoff roll.
1748817 Captain reported an air turnback after fuel score indicated a possible loss of fuel.
1748818 Air carrier captain reported communication issues with center and attributed it to co...
1748824 Air carrier captain reported witnessing re-occurring confusion from pilots at taxiway...
1748844 Instructor reported rudder and ailerons were binding and cross controlling and were f...
1748865 Captain reported a near midair collision while climbing on their departure.
1748869 MD11 flight crew reported autopilot reverted to heading mode uncommanded.
1748897 Captain described a possible near midair collision on arrival into ind.
1748933 B-737-900 flight attendant reported passenger with lithium ion battery powered smart ...
1748941 Flight attendant reported feeling hot; sweaty and nearly fainting while having to wea...
1748952 Flight attendant reported a passenger did not comply with covid-19 mask wearing requi...
1748954 Flight attendant reported that a flight attendant had come in contact with neighbors ...
1748965 Technician reported allowing aircraft to fly with parts missing on cargo door.
1748976 C152 pilot reported landing safely after experiencing a rough engine later traced to ...
1748987 Small aircraft pilot reported a near midair collision with a uav.
1749006 Instructing pilot reported a near midair collision with another small aircraft during...
1749024 Air taxi flight crew reported landing at an airport and being advised that the runway...
1749033 C-172 flight instructor an near midair collision event with a nonreporting crop duste...
1749043 Pilot reported while on final to ryn airport an unsafe ground operation was observed ...
1749064 King air C-90 pilot reported an near midair collision event during a NOTAM'ed sky div...
1749074 C172 pilot reported a near midair collision with an opposing direction uav.
1749108 Pilot reported that an engine cowl popped open during takeoff; resulting in a return ...
1749109 GA pilot reported an near midair collision at a non-towered aiport.
1749121 ATC reported an aircraft under the controller's area encountered a near midair collis...
1749124 Controller reported an operations vehicle that was allowed onto a runway caused landi...
1749194 Air carrier first officer reported a fuel imbalance in flight required the fuel cross...
1749195 Air carrier first officer reported momentarily overspeeding the flaps while configuri...
1749217 A321 captain reported disagreement in procedures between MEL and prc when attempting ...
1749236 GA pilot reported an near midair collision event during final approach to sts airport...
1749239 RV7A single pilot reported a new tower controller failed to provide departure aircraf...
1749250 Embraer phenom pilot reported he ran off the end of the runway after landing in heavy...
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