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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 2020, 606 total |
1749902 Flight attendant was interrupted during the briefing by a passenger who was concerned...
1749912 Maintenance personnel reported a convex mirror is needed at this blind corner to prev...
1749916 Technician reported inconsistencies in paperwork and procedures required to place hal...
1749919 Maintenance controller requested that deferral applicability for duct louvers be clar...
1749921 A321 flight crew reported a loss of oil quantity followed by loss of oil pressure cau...
1749922 Technician reported installing a proximity sensor backwards and not passing the infor...
1749929 PA28 pilot reported an near midair collision with another light aircraft in the vicin...
1749931 Pilot reported flying a trip with the aircraft being over due on the crash fire rescu...
1749935 C172 student pilot reported loss of directional control and runway excursion after la...
1749972 Technician with inspection authority reported an alternate starter caused an oil leak...
1749986 Hawaii enroute oceanic controller reported their facility policy is misinterpreting t...
1749997 Ground employee reported there is not enough alcohol gel available in the office for ...
1750007 B757 first officer reported misidentifying an EICAS message; which lead to the aircra...
1750008 Air carrier first officer reported experiencing an unstabilized approach and electing...
1750016 Air carrier flight crew reported a taxiway incursion after receiving a non-standard t...
1750031 Captain encountered conflict with departing aircraft.
1750032 Cl-350 flight crew reported aircraft encountered terrain alert during approach.
1750044 Air carrier pilot reported losing the green hydraulic system while on arrival.
1750049 Air carrier flight crew reported flying an incorrect departure transition that had a ...
1750056 Air carrier captain reported a rejected takeoff due to mechanical issues with an airc...
1750062 Air carrier first officer reported not realizing that dispatch did not add an MEL to ...
1750102 Air carrier captain reported missing a crossing restriction during departure and refe...
1750106 A319 captain reported a loss of green hydraulic system quantity; as well as erratic r...
1750112 Air carrier first officer reported they were given multiple runway changes resulting ...
1750118 Air carrier flight crew reported a speed deviation and flap overspeed while executing...
1750130 Crj-200 flight crew reported inflight shutdown due to suspected engine damage and con...
1750150 Air carrier first officer reported experiencing a track heading deviation after missi...
1750151 Captain reported refusing an aircraft due to a inappropriate MEL; as well as miscommu...
1750165 B737 pilot reported suspected GPS jamming at this location.
1750171 Air carrier captain reported a speed deviation and flap overspeed on final.
1750188 Captain reported an inflight shutdown and an air turnback due to an anti ice advisory...
1750203 Flight attendant reported the captain did not wear a covid-19 type mask during the fl...
1750210 Maintenance director reported authorizing a short-term escalation due to a line check...
1750213 Technician reported a new aircraft was delivered without correct cockpit placards; ca...
1750214 Technician reported installing incorrect elac due to manuals being unclear about soft...
1750230 GA pilot reported a near midair collision after another aircraft entered the runway a...
1750233 A319 first officer reported that an incorrect MEL was applied to the aircraft and res...
1750244 Pc-12 flight crew reported the aircraft autopilot malfunctioned. They reported encoun...
1750245 Pilot reported feeling sleepy while flying and suspected that it was the covid-19 mas...
1750251 Student pilot reported loss of control after landing and attempting to exit on taxiwa...
1750258 Air carrier first officer reported the FMS began to accelerate beyond 250 knots above...
1750260 C172 flight instructor reported a loss of engine power requiring a return to departur...
1750261 Pilot reported engine failure after takeoff resulting in an off-field landing.
1750265 Pilot flying reported a runway excursion due to a loss of control on landing during a...
1750268 Flight crew reported descending below charted altitude on an instrument approach to d...
1750269 Flight crew of two small aircraft in formation reported flying below minimum safe alt...
1750275 Pilot reported a airborne conflict with another aircraft.
1750279 Pilot reported a pressurization problem and advised ATC.
1750320 Air carrier captain reported the NOTAM format needs many improvements for safety reas...
1750335 Air carrier first officer reported a rejected takeoff after the master caution illumi...
1750354 Air carrier first officer reported crews are not wearing covid-19 mask in briefing ro...
1750361 B737 flight crew reported aircraft encountered unreliable airspeed indicator.
1750367 Air carrier captain reported taking off with a deferred item resulting in the autothr...
1750387 Ramp worker reported SOP and safety were disregarded in the rush to get a flight out ...
1750389 Air carrier dispatcher reported receiving notice of weight and balance change about 4...
1750391 Air carrier dispatcher reported ramp employees were subject to jet blast when the fli...
1750396 Air carrier captain reported a taxiway incursion in a foreign country citing language...
1750397 Air carrier flight crew reported receiving a GPWS warning due to flap settings and hi...
1750412 C680 captain reported receiving a fire warning message during cruise resulting in a d...
1750417 Fractional pilot reported a track deviation occurred when the flight crew failed to p...
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