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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for December 1988, 350 total |
101048 Near midair collision between air carrier-large transport descending and air carrier-...
101052 Less than standard separation between commuter and large transport-air carrier. Opera...
101056 Air carrier widebody transport lost communication with ARTCC temporarily when coffee ...
101073 Air carrier-medium large transport cleared into position and hold delay in takeoff cl...
101074 Uncoordinated penetration of restricted area by air carrier aircraft. Operational dev...
101076 Near midair collision between cruising small transport and climbing widebody transpor...
101078 EMS small aircraft in-flight WX encounter. VFR in IMC.
101079 Atx small transport encounters heavy icing on approach which causes partial loss of c...
101080 GA small aircraft in-flight WX encounter of unforecast winds and deteriorating condit...
101092 GA small aircraft emergency landing following engine failure due to fuel exhaustion.
101099 Air carrier medium large transport made an intersection takeoff at gross weight over ...
101107 Air carrier medium large transport runway excursion after landing.
101119 Less than standard separation between air carrier and foreign military transport. Ope...
101123 Near midair collision between large transport-air carrier and GA-twin. See and avoid ...
101170 Atx small transport landed on the wrong runway at dfw at night from a visual approach...
101174 Landed without clearance at lax due to several clearance revisions and poor vectoring...
101184 Air carrier medium large transport altitude overshot on descent. Altitude alerter des...
101187 Engine became rough and pilot elected to land off airport.
101191 Landed below minimums.
101194 Air carrier medium large transport pilot complaint about ARTCC required routing durin...
101199 Controller training in progress and less than standard separation occurred between me...
101206 Air carrier medium large transport diverted to alternate because of problems with sta...
101208 Air carrier light transport runway excursion when unable to move rudder on takeoff ro...
101228 Right wing of air carrier large transport hit catering truck during powerback.
101252 Close proximity 2 GA-small aircraft aircraft at base of den TCA.
101327 Aci on board and flight crew failed to check autofeather system prior to takeoff.
101335 Vectors for approach controller taking runway 28. Flight crew reading back runway 22....
101341 Air carrier widebody transport equipment malfunction causes loss of radio communicati...
101346 Air carrier medium large transport lost APU access door after takeoff from lax. Probl...
101392 Nose wheel collapse on landing due to inability to extend because of failed downlock.
101393 Confusion between FSS specialist and private pilot regarding airport of departure. Ai...
101395 In-flight WX encounter. Emergency declared. Landed canada without flight plan.
101396 Altitude deviation. Given wrong altimeter setting.
101398 Air carrier large transport overshot altitude on climb.
101413 Aircraft encounters high speed buffet at FL390.
101416 Gear up landing, night, electrical failure.
101420 Approach controller gives wrong evasive maneuver turn to small aircraft in conflict w...
101564 GA small aircraft filed an IFR clearance but departure 61S VFR in WX below VFR minimu...
101568 Flew at night even though MEL prohibited it due to inoperative altimeter.
101877 GA small aircraft following tower instructions taxied between deplaning light transpo...
102064 Commuter small transport hit seaplane ramp before gear was extended damaging nose gea...
102169 ATC reported that flight was 8 miles east of the airway.
102371 Near midair collision between GA-twin and small aircraft. See and avoid situation. Pi...
102449 Cabin attendant informed flight crew that the drinking water was contaminated. First ...
102629 Landed short tire blown.
102630 Lost communication with ARTCC near the handoff point.
102718 Tail of medium large transport observed to be at edge of active runway with another m...
107506 Medium large transport experienced wake turbulence following a new type medium large ...
110709 Air carrier making missed approach came in close proximity to departing small aircraf...
299322 Small aircraft encounters wake turbulence from B-747.
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