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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for April 2006, 535 total |
689926 Flight crew of FA10 flying VOR runway 23 approach to apf descend early and get low al...
692037 Jax approach controller expressed concern regarding vqq's willingness to work with ja...
692273 A320 flight crew receives engine #1 stall ECAM message. Returns to departure airport.
692278 A300 takes off with a new tire which appears to have not been inflated. High wheel te...
692280 B767 flight crew executes an unstabilized approach; gets slow with a high angle of at...
692284 A320 flight crew encounters turbulence jetstream activity at altitude. Airspeed deter...
692367 B737-300 flight crew has an APU fire warning during climb to altitude; declares an em...
692371 A319 airbus flight crew encounters turbulence while en route; passenger injured; emer...
692412 The B737-300 MEL procedure for deferring a thrust reverser requires circuit breakers ...
692420 B777-200 diverts to an unapproved airport using captain's authority/authorized due to...
692435 Breakdown in cockpit SOP and CRM results in B777-200 track deviation on takeoff from ...
692538 Pilot of TB20 distraction by the malfunctioning GPS navigation system may have entere...
692541 MD83 flight crew has an FMC anomaly during loading of the bojid 1 RNAV STAR to phl.
692557 C182 pilot has a class B incursion in jfk airspace.
692558 B737-700 flight crew neglects to turn the window heat on. The aircraft becomes cold s...
692563 Runway incursion incident when airport vehicles entered runway for work project 6 min...
692566 A300 flight crew reports ZLC failed to hand them off to ZMP on a late night flight.
692571 B777 flight crew inadvertently takes another similar aircraft's call sign and descend...
692577 B757 flight crew has hazmat loaded and upon landing has the location of the load chec...
692634 B737-300 experiences flap asymmetry which goes away after recycling.
692635 AT42 strikes B737 while taxiing with ramp guidance no damage.
692641 After airborne en route mainland to hawaii; flight crew of B737-700 is informed by lo...
692643 ATR42 flight crew questions ground personnel about wing clearance on taxi out.
692645 Ramp crew fails to remove steering bypass pin on B737-700 prior to taxi. Loss of cont...
692648 B737-300 flight crew has a heading deviation on departure from mdw.
692656 Cirrus pilot has failure of the pfd (primary flight display) while operating in IMC c...
692658 C172SP overshot runway at cdk on landing.
692659 B34T landing gear retracts on ground during touch-and-go landing procedure. Pilot may...
692662 B737-700 flight crew suspects damage to L4 and R4 windows as a result of improper che...
692665 B757-200 flight crew on departure from den in no radar environment receives an RA for...
692667 A320 altitude reporting to ATC incorrect due to MEL item directing use of #3 ATC whic...
692669 Medium large transport flight crew expressed concern regarding converging runway oper...
692673 #1 engine on B737-200 fails after engine start.
692678 S76 flight crew departs into marginal WX VFR instead of IFR to avoid delays associate...
692687 M20 pilot took a takeoff clearance for another aircraft on a crossing runway and taxi...
692689 B737-700 strikes jetbridge during poorly marshaled gate arrival.
692691 B737-400 captain reports water damage caused by cockpit window left open overnight by...
692692 GLF4 flight crew exceeds protected airspace when turning from A699 to AR16 and loses ...
692694 B737-700 captain taxies past the stopping spot on taxi in while attention was diverte...
692697 B767300 flight crew has a leading edge flap asymmetry message on departure from lax; ...
692775 B757 departure from lga experienced conflict during intersecting runway operations ob...
692787 B737-400 flight crew on departure from den lose both IRS's.
692789 PA46 pilot recounts runway excursion in gusty LLWS conditions at cos.
692797 B737-800 captain makes visual approach to wrong runway at cvg.
692803 B737-400 pilot exceeds ozone altitude cap.
692813 An MD80 in climb from FL250 to level off at FL340 found difficult to hold a steady sp...
692822 Flight crew of MD80 suffer a route deviation when they transpose digits on an en rout...
692831 CL604 flight crew turns wide during the teb 5 departure due to excessive airspeed. Co...
692834 ZAU controller experienced operational error at approximately FL270 when a descend cl...
692835 LR36 flight crew loses radio contact shortly after takeoff. Fly inappropriate heading...
692836 C172 pilot enters runway at N52 causing another aircraft to go around.
692846 A B737-400 was dispatched with 2 autoplt deferred items that were in conflict as the ...
692859 ZID controller had operational error at FL290 while descending 1 aircraft and climbin...
692867 J3 on approach to eky experiences conflict with opposite direction B350.
692869 A319 flight crew on grnpa RNAV STAR to las loses altitude restraints in the FMS when ...
692876 A319 flight crew receives notification of an additional 1900 pounds of cargo boarded ...
692877 D10 approach controller experienced operational error at 6600 ft when second departur...
692878 An A320 had both FMGS computers replaced. Both units self tested and functional tests...
692885 Carj has track deviation in kennedy SID canarsie climb out of jfk. Flight crew report...
692891 B737-300 returns to departure station after encountering an apparent fuel leak.
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