37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 2008, 461 total |
774824 C182 pilot reports losing control during landing; causing propeller strike and go aro...
774850 MD80 series on arrival into slc was given runway change while descending 'via' the ar...
774856 ZNY controller described event when flight crew was allegedly not informed of turbule...
774862 An A320 pilot rejected the takeoff at about 85 KTS after the aircraft cargo door unlo...
774863 An A319 captain ordered the first officer not to change an iad STAR in the FMC after ...
774885 A B737 aft lav electrical wiring was seen arcing. Chafed wire was found above the tow...
774890 An air carrier aircraft on the UG426 at the qit 354/60 climbed 2000 ft and turned in ...
774920 An A300 was deiced without coordination between flight crew and ground personnel; the...
774929 Hts controller voiced concern regarding the lack of updated charting information refe...
774944 EMB170 flight crew rejects two takeoffs after speeds drop out of FMC during takeoff r...
774946 Citation pilot reports near midair collision with light aircraft at 2000 feet on depa...
774987 Anc controller described asde/amass failure with no repair date estimate available.
775001 ZDC controller described; user request evaluation tool (uret); anomaly that resulted ...
775009 PA32 pilot reports power loss at 7000 feet and successful dead stick landing on inter...
775014 Light sport pilot in planned formation flight; reports evasive descent when formation...
775030 Lear 36 first officer reports temperature increase climbing from FL390 to FL410 that ...
775039 MD88 flight crew experiences windshear alert at V1 along with CAWS alerts. Windshear ...
775041 B767 flight attendant reports strong electrical smell before cabin fills with smoke a...
775045 Flight crew of giv is confused by clearance to intercept and report established on th...
775067 Erj 170 flight was given reroute and arrived at destination with min fuel.
775076 B737 first officer finds frost on the top of the wing and requests deicing. Flight cr...
775081 Air carrier departure from hnl with hcf described questionable ATC vectors for traffi...
775093 MD80 flight crew experiences pack failure at FL320 and is unable to maintain cabin pr...
775095 ZID controller experienced operational error at approximately FL340 when issued vecto...
775098 Air carrier experienced TCAS RA on approach to clt; no traffic issued.
775102 EMB170 wingtip strikes parked A319 wingtip in runway 19 runup pad at dca.
775115 Flight crew reports conflicting traffic departing mhtg and is instructed to fly towar...
775122 A B737-700 #1 engine outboard thrust reverser sleeve was impacted by #4 leading edge ...
775132 Instructor pilot reports that a student on a solo cross country became disoriented; p...
775136 Language barrier with south american ATC contributes to track deviation and entry int...
775137 MD80 flight crew reports wake turbulence encounter with preceding B767-400 on approac...
775138 MD80 encounters wake turbulence from B737-800 on climb out.
775171 Track deviation occurs when B747-400 flight crew misinterprets pre departure clearanc...
775184 Air carrier departure was denied WX deviation request by departure; utilized emergenc...
775189 Pilot misreads FAF altitude on approach to lzu in BE58. MSAW warning from tower provi...
775220 Maneuvering around clouds to remain in VMC; pilot of C206 encounters another aircraft...
775234 EMB145 flight crew uses wrong aircraft weight to calculate V speeds and captain rejec...
775238 DO328 captain reports refusal to operate his aircraft in light freezing rain.
775271 E145 strikes wingtip of airbus in run-up area while awaiting takeoff.
775285 A falcon 2000 flight crew declared an emergency with a diversion to a nearby airport ...
775287 Flap motor failure while on instrument approach in VMC distracts fatigued pilot. Mome...
775306 Air carrier dispatcher reports flight diverting to airport not in air carrier operati...
775325 PA18 pilot shooting touch and go landings on a snow covered turf runway noses over on...
775327 Deployment of O2 masks alerts cabin attendant to loss of cabin pressure.
775329 An MD80 mechanic describes the different engine run-up procedures required after chan...
775332 DA20 flight crew is informed by N90 controller that they have exceeded 1500 ft prior ...
775345 B737-300 encounters severe turbulence on descent. Had been advised that previous repo...
775346 B737 flight crew receives late notice that runway 8 at bur has strong tailwinds and e...
775358 Air carrier captain reports commercial chart error for ILS runway 10 at ord; the PAPI...
775372 A B757-200 aircraft would not automatic transfer APU electrical power to the # 1 engi...
775378 Air carrier flight crew encounters loss of required communication link with company o...
775400 Air carrier pilot reports DME location omission on commercial chart for aus.
775408 B777 flight crew elects to abandon the approach to runway 16R at rjaa after receiving...
775414 Confused by the existence of both a filed route they shouldn't fly and cleared route ...
775435 An air carrier flight crew experienced a cabin pressure automatic fail. They engaged ...
775442 A B737 flight crew experienced a pressurization problem and diverted to the nearest s...
775445 A B737 flight crew inbound to las encountered severe turbulence.
775478 Erj diverts to alternate due to insufficient fuel to hold at destination.
775487 Rough running engine provokes emergency declaration and return to land for instructor...
775499 B727 rejects takeoff due to loss of #3 electrical system.
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