37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for February 2008, 461 total |
774175 Passenger and cabin attendants advise flight crew of B767-300 that deicing failed to ...
774187 Flight crew reports contact with jetbridge during parking in heavy rain. Flight crew ...
774189 Forced to go around due to separation; B757-200 flight crew is unable to make a secon...
774207 A dc-10-30 aircraft mechanic describes the chain of events that caused multiple damag...
774211 A B737 overshot their assigned altitude when they failed to set local altimeter desce...
774213 A B737-300 captain's window air leak prevented the aircraft from pressurizing after t...
774215 A B757-200 captain reports on the excessive noise levels in the cockpit and cabin rea...
774218 An A320 landed in gusty winds following a windshear alert at 50 ft. The aircraft rema...
774221 LR45 flight crew reports NOTAM'd crane obstruction at fty that prevents them from usi...
774240 Unaware it is closed; C208 flight crew circles to and lands on runway 23 at dnl.
774248 A B737-700 mechanic installed the forward service door evacuation slide on the aft en...
774249 A CRJ200 'flaps fail' cas annunciated at flaps 0 prior to landing. An emergency was d...
774261 An air carrier aircraft approaching sfo 1R on a visual vector had a near midair colli...
774305 A reserve air carrier pilot called in fatigued after his early duty zone schedule was...
774307 A B737 pilot reports that his air carrier's maintenance performance concerns him beca...
774313 A wing tank fill valve position error transferred fuel out of a DC8 wing tank until i...
774315 A SF340 developed a severe yaw during the takeoff roll. The captain rejected the take...
774318 An SF340 bleed air leak light illuminated in flight. The QRH procedures directed an e...
774326 A DO328 crew declared an emergency and returned land after the 'a' hydraulic pump fai...
774341 A B737 encountered severe turbulence on approach with a stall warning. During the go ...
774347 An air carrier pilot reports flying in the constant state of fatigue because of long ...
774354 An A320 green hydraulic system fluid was lost during climb after takeoff. An emergenc...
774365 A large transport aircraft two engine freighter pilot reports his concerns about main...
774372 A CRJ200 on short final executed a go around following a cas 'gear disagree' warning ...
774382 A B737 captain reported becoming disoriented after landing at sna when the commercial...
774397 Prompt action by a mechanic on the ground warns flight crew of B737-400 about traffic...
774410 A DH8-Q200 'gen hot' caution light illuminated. Maintenance MEL'ed the gen with the g...
774423 A B737 descending through 10000 ft encountered severe turbulence; injuring two flight...
774437 An MD88's right engine failed at 3000 ft on takeoff. An emergency was declared with a...
774440 C170 pilot departs uncontrolled runway; NOTAM'd closed for snow; after snow has melte...
774445 A PA28 pilot reported a distracting flashing sign on the approach to runway 13 at lee...
774470 A CRJ200's radio altitude failed at FL250. Activating all GPWS aural warnings. An alt...
774486 A B737 pilot comments that with an 'a' hydraulic system failure; after landing fluid ...
774489 A CRJ200 'flaps fail' cas annunciated as flaps 8 were selected prior to landing. An e...
774499 A B767-300 reports on the very hostile and unprofessional tone of a maintenance contr...
774500 A B757's pilots and flight attendants smelled an electrical odor in-flight. An emerge...
774520 A B737 rejected a takeoff with 'a' hydraulic fluid decreasing below 1 gal during take...
774523 B737 flight crew divert for fuel after en route delays an holding cause fuel to becom...
774558 ZSU controller voiced concern regarding control room temperature fluctuations; result...
774563 CRJ900 executed a go around due to windshear warning. Diversion to another airport wa...
774570 Medium large transport was denied ILS approach due to active MOA. In anticipation of ...
774571 ZSU controller voiced concern regarding the lack of available back up frequencys; des...
774583 M20F was performing touch-and-go's when airport vehicle pulled onto the runway for sn...
774641 Grumman cheetah pilot was advised by ATC that he had flown within 1.5 mi of parachute...
774643 A B737-700 pilot failed to engage RNAV to gandy intersection at 420 ft on the tpa gan...
774655 A DH8-Q400 emergency checklist contains 2 'landing gear door malfunction' procedures....
774661 Emb 145 flight crew declared emergency fuel on final approach when fuel onboard dropp...
774681 An air carrier aircraft was cleared for takeoff on a tower frequency different from t...
774754 A (bombardier) dehavilland dhc-8-200 aircraft maintenance technical callout required ...
774758 ZID controller failed to point out aircraft to adjacent sector prior to entry; citing...
774759 C172 pilot reports near midair collision with another C172 in the traffic pattern at ...
774761 A B757-200 avionics tech notices a discrepancy with the MM procedure for the HF datal...
774762 A B757-200 mechanic reports on generating maintenance write-ups to replace three rudd...
774764 Turned onto the approach early; A320 flight crew attempts to descend rapidly to profi...
774765 Instructor and student land at uncontrolled airport with snow covered runway that is ...
774771 Piaggio 180 flight crew reports GPWS after ILS failure during ILS runway 19 at teb. F...
774805 MD80 flight crew reports left hydraulic pump failure on departure and return to airpo...
774810 ZOB controller experienced operational error at FL330 when data block information was...
774814 B727 first officer reports dissension in the cockpit and his attempt to make a crossi...
774816 A319 captain landing runway 27R at phl reports critical conflict with rj landing runw...
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