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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 2009, 384 total |
858585 Air carrier is counseled by ramp control regarding taxi procedures with respect to ra...
858601 MD80 flight crew experiences right hydraulic system oil quantity loss during slat ext...
858604 MD80 first officer reports that forpe intersection does not load when the SJN5 from p...
858736 VFR general aviation aircraft inbound to ffc receiving VFR advisories from ZTL is ins...
858811 Mco TRACON controller witnessed loss of separation event when adjacent sector failed ...
858820 PA31 pilot experiences loss of cabin pressurization at FL250 and descends to 12000 fe...
858832 A PA31 captain shut an engine down on final approach after it began surging because o...
858840 The pilot of a light turbine twin reports attempting to fly the ILS to runway 10L at ...
859043 A B737-800 first officer reported the flight attendant had difficulty closing main en...
859121 Instructor pilot conducting biennial flight review in a C172RG reports inability to e...
859141 A contract mechanic reports he was involved in removing and replacing the # 5 bearing...
859148 A sky diver drop aircraft departed C83 (byron; ca) climbing through 5;000' for 13;000...
859151 An inspector reports he was called to check the right-hand engine pylon and to eddy c...
859156 A C172 pilot struck trees at 200' on final to a dark runway environment at night dama...
859514 Corporate jet captain reported his first officer left the fuel crossfeed open during ...
859757 A mechanic reports that during a left-hand engine removal on a crj-200; the right-han...
859795 A C150 pilot planned his flight for a late evening arrival to an airport that he need...
860041 A B747 captain reported a fuel over burn on an oceanic flight that resulted in a dive...
861197 A DA50 captain hand flew the teb RUUDY2 SID and climbed to 1;700 ft after LNAV engage...
861385 A helicopter instructor reported an near midair collision with a fixed wing aircraft ...
861511 A B767-300 captain reported conducting an autoland test which resulted in a centerlin...
870207 Iad controller voiced frustration regarding the lack of contact with local contract w...
874628 Two mechanics report they were informed by their wheel overhaul shop that a spacer wa...
949932 A mechanic was informed that a B747 passenger door slide he had installed at cabin do...
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