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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 2009, 384 total |
857079 CL65 captain experiences cabin pressurization anomaly during climb and continues clim...
857081 Dash8 flight crew is dispatched with with two pressurization deferrals which are not ...
857110 ZSU controller described loss of frequency event during operations involving confused...
857121 While waiting for takeoff; B757 first officer reports right engine roll back and appa...
857152 A28 pilot encounterd unexpected icing conditions during climbout and elected to diver...
857174 A PA46T pilot reported erroneous airspeed and altimeter readings apparently caused by...
857197 A mechanic reports he unknowingly; installed a fan bypass check valve 180 degrees out...
857201 B757 captain experiences failure of both auto cabin pressurization controllers shortl...
857245 BE36 pilot experiences total electrical failure shortly after takeoff. After establis...
857256 B757 captain experiences left engine probe heat status light in cruise. When problem ...
857280 B737 flight crew is informed of large smoke plume and flame behind number two engine ...
857283 Air carrier described failed ATC issued crossing event alleging that controllers issu...
857294 B757 flight crew experiences near midair collision TCAS RA 25 NM west of teb at 5500 ...
857324 Air carrier was questioned regarding track shortly after being issued the subject dir...
857334 After takeoff a B737-700 first officer's R2 window began arcing and smoking. Then the...
857341 A B737-300's transformer rectifier (TR) #1 failed on approach and caused navigation a...
857348 An A300 captain unconsciously failed to keep the thrust levers at idle and so the rig...
857379 CRJ900 captain reports nose wheel bearing failure during taxi after landing. The bear...
857386 Emb regional jet captain reports cockpit manuals routinely falling to the floor durin...
857401 Phl coordinator described confused IFR release event; alleging a supervisor ordered s...
857412 C182 awaiting takeoff clearance at bfl crossed runway 30R for runway 30L as instructe...
857429 An eclipse jet EA50/west had water in the static system causing the stall warning sys...
857431 General aviation aircraft described loss of radio event; both as an arrival and subse...
857432 A DHC8-400 crew had difficulty programming the FMS to fly a RNAV GPS approach. While ...
857446 A PA28 pilot accepted a clearance which routed his aircraft off shore over sxc becaus...
857468 A319 captain experiences unexpected auto thrust command for climb thrust during appro...
857487 Air carrier on vectors with pdx TRACON was issued descent to 3000 with confirmation r...
857496 Dispatcher failed to include required alternate prior to releasing aircraft.
857506 Regional jet flight crew experiences low oil pressure during the takeoff roll and the...
857515 Corporate jet cleared for takeoff on runway 28R following heavy departure off runway ...
857526 Dab controller described TCAS RA event involving parallel runway departures; claiming...
857535 C182 pilot on IFR flight plan in VMC experienced attitude indicator failure and elect...
857537 An air carrier flight crew took evasive action in order to avoid a collision with an ...
857543 An air carrier first officer reported landing without clearance after being distracte...
857567 An MD11 captain turned onto the wrong taxiway; head-to-head with another air carrier;...
857581 An air carrier captain reported he almost taxied over temporary battery powered red l...
857613 Air carrier on vectors for visual approach to elp experienced TCAS RA with VFR traffi...
857622 B757 flight crew experienced engine surge after takeoff and left engine prim engine c...
857623 A B767-300 flight crew received an EICAS message alerting them to an altimeter disagr...
857644 Air carrier described confused runway crossing event listing the use of similar four ...
857651 A SF340 flight crew shut down a right engine in flight after RPM began fluctuating an...
857660 Air carrier departure from dtw voiced concern regarding ATC's use of anticipated sepa...
857665 A CRJ200 was unable to maintain a localizer track in a 51 knot crosswind. After a go ...
857681 A mechanic was informed 36-hours after installing a nose landing gear (nlg) lower tor...
857682 ZSU controller described near separation event when departures from sig and sju were ...
857683 Mem TRACON controller expressed concern regarding the four digit call sign issue; all...
857706 Learjet 31 first officer reports interruptions during preflight that resulted in depa...
857707 Helicopter pilot questions why the national weather service does not include temperat...
857722 An EMB145 engine failed after takeoff on the climb out at 11;000 ft. An emergency was...
857727 A lead and a mechanic report about a leased pw-2000 engine that was installed on one ...
857733 A line mechanic reports he neglected to properly document the precautionary reseating...
857736 The RPM and EPR of both an MD80's engines rolled back at 16;000' in heavy rain at +9C...
857746 A B757-200's takeoff trim and fuel burn were not as predicted on the load planning do...
857762 An EMB190 crew departed without a SID programmed in the FMS. After ATC questioned the...
857780 Air carrier departure from rsw was questioned by ATC regarding flight track; reporter...
857795 B777 captain reports gate agent closing the main cabin door and removing the jetway p...
857817 Air carrier issued a visual approach to runway 18 at dbq experienced a TCAS RA with u...
857825 LR40 captain experienced dual ILS receiver failures on two separate ILS approaches. T...
857829 B737 captain experienced cabin altitude warning horn passing 12;000 ft in the climb. ...
857842 A corporate jet flight crew deviated from the TEB6 SID track. It was found that the d...
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