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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for October 2009, 384 total |
854570 After landing; an as-350 pilot discovered an open cargo door. The reporter believed h...
854582 Two mechanics report difficulty in getting a dhc-8-Q400 right main landing gear (medi...
854584 An A80 controller working a prm monitor position described a data tag loss event clai...
854589 A lear 45 flight crew experienced an altitude deviation when the captain used the alt...
854591 An air carrier pilot reported crossing the runway hold line at hnl. That resulted in ...
854609 ZJX controller expressed concern regarding new time on position (top) policy that art...
854612 A military flight attendant-50 suffered a gross navigation error in foreign airspace ...
854638 MD80 flight crew experienced strong burning smell shortly after departure. An emergen...
854650 Air carrier captain describes a fatiguing trip paring that was not designed with huma...
854657 B757 captain reports first officer's window opening at about 100 KTS during the takeo...
854658 Helicopter instructor pilot reports near midair collision with vans aircraft at 650 f...
854662 MD80 flight crew departing msp encountered preceding A320 wake turbulence on departur...
854666 An A320 FMA and flight directors failed to annunciated takeoff modes after takeoff th...
854685 After completing an A320 preflight walk-around and entering a code for maintenance re...
854695 Air carrier voiced concern regarding ATC handling while in the brazilian airspace sys...
854731 An avionics shop technician reports finding the crj-700 amm procedures for removal an...
854732 ZJX controllers voiced concern regarding new required time on position policy/procedu...
854733 ZJX controller described a near airspace incursion event; claiming supervisor's preoc...
854752 Advised on the landing roll to exit runway 22 on runway 18 after landing at spi; an f...
854757 CL600 flight crew experiences fluctuating oil pressure with eventual loss of oil pres...
854758 Student pilot with instructor on left base experiences near midair collision with air...
854762 A PA-24 pilot landed on a road short of the airport of intended landing when the engi...
854790 ZJX controller described near loss of separation event; listing fatigue induced as a ...
854804 Air carrier flight crew reported not flying via emrud during the CATH9 departure from...
854822 An A320 captain reported multiple transgressions of the gate parking safety zone by g...
854831 An A319 received moderated wake turbulence one minute after passing three to five mil...
854847 An air carrier first officer reported being dispatched with the left pack inop and lo...
854874 A CE560 TCAS alerted an RA warning shortly after takeoff for traffic which ATC did no...
854877 B737 crew experiences a strong smoke odor with a hot metallic scent shortly after tak...
854880 Turbulence; strong crosswinds; a poor vector to intercept plus a pilot flying well be...
854882 A beech 400 diverted to an airport with a longer runway to make an emergency landing ...
854896 A flight instructor with a student experienced an near midair collision with another ...
854898 A PA-24 (commanche) pilot reported engine failure because of fuel starvation shortly ...
854919 A PA30 pilot flew into IMC while VFR.
854927 Upon encountering severe turbulence at FL410; a LJ60 was unable to maintain altitude ...
854946 One lead; one inspector and three mechanics report on their involvement with a B737-7...
854982 A B757-200 experienced an apparently inappropriate TCAS RA when they encountered an a...
854993 Following receipt of the aircraft's third spoiler fail EICAS message of the day; the ...
855006 An air carrier flight crew reported failing to call ramp because of difficulty using ...
855017 An air carrier captain reported encountering wake turbulence from the preceding small...
855019 A cessna 750 suffered altitude and course deviations when the autopilot malfunctioned...
855020 A cessna 560 responded to an apparently phantom TCAS RA shortly after takeoff.
855024 An excessive pressure drop when the captain of a B737-400 tested his oxygen mask lead...
855032 A large discrepancy in tire pressures on the same axle caused an A320 flight to be ca...
855054 A320 dispatcher reports inability to communicate with a flight that ultimately divert...
855064 A CRJ900 returned to the departure airport for an overweight landing when they experi...
855068 Q400 first officer reports flight being canceled after FAA ramp inspection reveals br...
855086 A cessna 560XL diverted to a nearby airport when the aircraft's red cabin altitude an...
855121 Air carrier flight crew reports near midair collision with helicopter at 1;000 ft AGL...
855142 A B737 first officer reported encountering wake from a preceding B777 on the SAADE6 a...
855144 A B737-700 flight crew was unable to consume the 4.4K pounds of fuel in their center ...
855151 After informing dispatch and maintenance control of a large duct pressure split betwe...
855206 Regional jet captain reports rejecting takeoff at bqk after observing a single engine...
855235 A mechanic reports while entering and exiting an A320 aft fuselage compartment access...
855240 A lead mechanic reports on the difficulty determining the correct depth of a B767-300...
855250 A BE58 pilot flying in light to moderate rime icing conditions landed with restricted...
855306 A pilot of a general aviation aircraft conducting instrument training flight into gzs...
855322 Air carrier on RNAV (rnp) runway 35 approach into sequ voiced concern regarding ATC's...
855328 While on an avionics test flight; C425 pilot reports flight director and cabin pressu...
855343 An instructor pilot monitoring the performance of his student's third supervised solo...
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