37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for May 1993, 639 total |
242939 TCASII causes large transport to climb 500 ft above assigned altitude.
242944 Aircraft flown with an open item in the aircraft logbook.
242945 TCASII causes medium large transport to descend 1000 ft into the ord TCA.
242947 Small aircraft exits side of runway and rolls into a ditch when the nosewheel steerin...
242954 Aircraft pitches up abruptly as flight crew tries to overcome an autoplt problem.
242955 Small aircraft lands long and blows a tire due to heavy premature braking.
242957 Small aircraft damaged when both brakes catch fire during extensive taxi operation.
243045 Medium large transport has TCASII TA on ILS approach.
243053 The right main gear trailing scissor bolt failed on an small aircraft twin causing co...
243121 NOTAM confusion reference operating status of VOR.
243123 A balloon ground crew man was injured when a tethered balloon lifted in gusty conditi...
243124 ATC equipment problem radar.
243125 Potential conflict between air carrier medium large transport and small aircraft perf...
243129 Air carrier X climb to occupied altitude TCASII RA descend had less than standard sep...
243132 Potential conflict in proximity of non tower airport uncontrolled airspace.
243137 Tail strike on takeoff in air carrier widebody transport twin.
243141 Non adherence to ATC clearance instruction after TCASII RA received by flight crew in...
243142 Altitude deviation altitude undershot in climb. Non adherence to ATC clearance.
243145 Air carrier X TCASII TA RA from IFR small aircraft Y maintaining visual separation.
243149 Air carrier mdt diversion to alternate airport for refueling. Landed short of destina...
243150 Takeoff aborted when first officer's sliding window opens prior to 80 KTS. Aircraft c...
243151 Non adherence to ATC clearance in altitude deviation altitude excursion by small airc...
243152 Atx pilot makes go around from over approach lights after realizing gear not green fo...
243473 Cpr light transport jet flight crew suffers loss of aircraft control while on short f...
243636 Air carrier X same altitude assigned had less than standard separation from air carri...
243748 Flight crew of an medium large transport air carrier aircraft stopped the descent mom...
245514 Aircraft equipment problem creates pilot distraction task and allows for an altitude ...
245818 Near midair collision results when TCASII RA is not obeyed.
246025 A non radar approach facility gets a mobile TRACON operated by military controllers t...
246190 Some passenger thought they smelled alcohol on a flight crew member.
246403 Electrical conduit in the vertical stabilizer was misrouted and prevented up elevator...
247279 Air carrier X TCASII RA from false target.
247280 Air carrier X unauthorized descent from assigned altitude received TCASII RA from cpr...
247281 Air carrier X TCASII RA with Y refused clearance possibly had less than standard sepa...
247282 Air carrier X TCASII RA from VFR aircraft. Unauthorized climb through occupied altitu...
247283 Air carrier X TCASII RA evasive action taken from air carrier Y 5000 ft lower.
247284 Air carrier X TCASII RA from ghost target.
257797 Ag aircraft hit pwrline.
258012 Controller report of evasive action taken in response to TCASII RA. No traffic within...
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