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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2007, 433 total |
763200 ZFW controller experienced operational error at FL340; initially issuing a wrong dire...
763207 BE36 suffers gear collapse on landing.
763228 Unknown air carrier aircraft making autoland approach and landing turns abruptly to t...
763235 A dispatcher reports that during a shift change he diverted another dispatcher's flig...
763250 Loud bang after takeoff leads A320 flight crew to suspect nose gear damage. Uneventfu...
763253 B737-700 ingested air hose into left engine after parking at gate.
763268 M20 landing gear collapses on landing when gear down lock not properly engaged in coc...
763271 An international airline captain was terminated when he refused an assignment because...
763278 BE35 pilot reports landing gear collapse during landing.
763290 Flight crew reports tow bar breakage during push back and engine start; allowing airc...
763292 ZTL controller described company flight identification procedure that results in limi...
763300 A flight attendant reports a schedule change after arrival at their ron destination r...
763302 Flight attendants question an air carrier's in-flight rest policy requiring 3 short b...
763303 A flight attendant reports the air carrier forced the flight attendant crew to depart...
763342 A B737-800 aircraft mechanic reports a crew composite oxygen bottle handle that was f...
763358 A B737-300 maintenance tech and inspector failed to notice the #1 engine left ignitio...
763364 A G200 flight crew shut down an engine because of a 'bleed leak' message.
763370 A B757 on the lax civet prior to rustt intersection was changed from 24R to 25L. Capt...
763381 ZID controller experienced operational deviation when failing to initiate a timely ha...
763384 ZFW controller experienced operational error at 3000 when issuing approach clearance ...
763386 Air carrier experienced conflict at 17600 with ZTL as controller assigning 17600 to s...
763390 An md-80 flight crew shut down an engine shortly after takeoff because of severe vibr...
763400 A C172 landed on the nose gear; damaging the aircraft.
763407 An air carrier pilot approaching egll failed to remove a manually selected ILS freque...
763417 A B757 on the lax civet SID with a tailwind was given a runway change from 25L to 24R...
763434 A B767 on the lax civet prior to rustt intersection was changed from expect 25L to 24...
763444 Small aircraft pilot described go around incident at hwd during night operations when...
763460 An air carrier aircraft approaching dfw was given a runway change but had a track dev...
763461 An air carrier aircraft approaching dfw failed to select a new FMS runway following a...
763464 Sea ground controller described go around event resulting from deviation controller i...
763467 J3 cub student pilot on solo cross country; reports propeller strike after attempting...
763490 LR35 captain reports engine fire warning climbing to FL430. When thrust is reduced fo...
763510 B757 runway changed from 25L to 24R at krain. Unable to see traffic ahead in city lig...
763511 A bronc intersection altitude constraint on the bos gardner SID was missed because th...
763522 B737 flight crew reports oil quantity decreasing enroute with eventual loss of oil pr...
763543 B757 flight crew reports bird strike shortly after takeoff causing engine failure. Em...
763568 Luscombe 8A ground loops on takeoff roll on wet grass runway.
763569 PA28 student and instructor takeoff into blowing snow in order to get home.
763574 Mem controller voiced concern regarding tailwind takeoff operations; questioning mana...
763580 Tire tread thrown on takeoff roll damages a system hydraulics of B737-800 causing a d...
763591 ZTL controller described coordination failure when military advised A80 reference mil...
763592 Lr-45 captain described heading failure incident during ATC vectors to pwk; indicatin...
763596 D10 controller; on combined sectors; experienced operational error at 4000 with dfw a...
763598 G iv flight crew failed to level off at 1500 ft on the teterboro five departure as de...
763656 An EMB145 landing gear would not retract after takeoff. Also; master warning went off...
763657 ZID controller experienced operational error at FL320 when failing to realize routing...
763685 BE33 pilot with passenger in physiological distress diverts abruptly into uncontrolle...
763694 CL60 flight crew experiences altitude deviation when autoplt captures false glide slo...
763695 Helicopter pilot on IFR approach to hum in VMC conditions; experienced near midair co...
763702 An A300 brake malfunction resulted in only two of eight wheel brakes operating. The t...
763711 A PA28-220 pilot reports the complete loss of electrical and radios requiring an emer...
763735 An A300 pilot rejected a takeoff when fuel pressure low lights illuminated on the air...
763736 An A320 pilot reports that after a pilot refuses an aircraft for a previously recorde...
763744 An air carrier pilot believes the sequ RNAV 35 approach requires more training than h...
763746 A300-600 pilot reports that reserve assignment for international trip was unsafe due ...
763755 A mitsubishi mu-2-solitaire pilot experienced an uncommanded vertical deviation due t...
763759 A B737-700 pilot aborted takeoff after master caution light illuminated for #1 engine...
763765 B757-200 pilot is concerned that neither the FAA nor his company training division re...
763767 Cargo containers blown toward his airplane by a taxiing B757 causes E145 captain to b...
763784 Delays; bad weather at destination and an extended long duty day cause B737-300 first...
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