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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for November 2007, 433 total |
762128 Tpa approach controller voiced concern regarding airport noise abatement procedures t...
762140 A B767-200 FMS did not perform VOR updates after takeoff and deviated 15 NM from trac...
762146 B757 flight crew receiving confign warning at FL370 along with TCAS RA to descend whi...
762150 CRJ200 flight crew reports confusion during visual approach to runway 29 at gjt and l...
762154 R44 PNF reports cirrus landing beneath them as they air taxi at 70 feet down the runw...
762162 C310 pilot reports late missed approach and late call to tower after FD GS is discove...
762169 B737-500 first officer reports shattered cockpit window at FL360 and diversion to nea...
762181 An air carrier pilot reports that after a runway change and due to the flight attenda...
762182 A B737-700 door seal failed preventing cabin pressurization after takeoff. The cabin ...
762197 An air carrier pilot discusses a crew scheduling practice during a long duty days wit...
762202 A B737-300 pilot distracted by yaw and vibration following a catastrophic engine fail...
762216 A B737-200 engine overheat light illuminated on short final for landing. Emergency no...
762218 Two vors; psi and pnt; have name of pontiac and can be confused by pilots if ATC does...
762234 A B757-200 flight crew explains the distracting events that may have contributed to t...
762241 An EMB135 wing anti-ice fail procedure called for increased thrust causing a speed de...
762247 A B767-300 pilot reports an inadvertent overweight landing followed by a brake overhe...
762258 G200 veered left after touchdown; and directional control could not be maintained by ...
762261 B757 lost oil quantity for left engine. Flight crew shut engine down; declared emerge...
762262 C525 pilot returned to cockpit to discover the aircraft in a climb away from the assi...
762274 A320 flight crew failed to comply with crossing restriction on VOR approach.
762275 PA34 instructor pilot was conducting training for the loss of power on one engine dur...
762277 ZBW controller experienced operational error at FL180 during overtake climb event; is...
762279 Heavy cargo aircraft landing gear failed to retract after takeoff. Flight returned to...
762286 B737-800 flight crew rejected takeoff when aircraft began to yaw and 'popping' noise ...
762303 A B777 fluorescent ballast caused smoke in the aft cabin. An emergency was declared a...
762309 B747-400 flight crew refused to enter gate area with equipment located beyond the 'cl...
762314 B737-700 stabilizer trim failed during flight. Flight crew declared emergency for app...
762315 An A321 flight crew encountered wake turbulence on short final. Unable to arrest the ...
762326 Failure to properly secure the tow bar prior to push results in B737 flight crew maki...
762328 A 737-300 flight crew experiences cabin pressurization loss. Company maintenance cont...
762330 B757 flight crew discusses several issues concerning sequ; the most significant being...
762349 A300 flaps would not extend on approach. Flight crew declared an emergency and landed...
762353 AC80 with history of a failure of the right engine to come completely to flight idle ...
762360 In the absence of an assigned SID or radar vector; BE20 flight crew flies obstacle de...
762385 Two C172's experience near midair collision in uncontrolled traffic pattern. Language...
762391 ZBW controller voiced concern regarding the lack of FSS responses to pilot's requests...
762393 C150 loses power shortly after takeoff. Power fails completely while attempting to co...
762395 Failed HSI; lack of recent experience; IMC conditions and ice are almost more than PA...
762396 High performance small aircraft passes over aircraft departing opposite direction on ...
762432 Captain of unknown aircraft type reports complete loss of right hydraulic system flui...
762450 B737-300 rejects takeoff due to deficient thrust from right engine.
762463 Mem controller voiced concern regarding management's timing of a supervisor meeting d...
762475 An MD11 pilot reports an FMS anomaly preventing the aircraft's nd and FMC from displa...
762476 An international B747 pilot reports a pilotage error after 20 hours on duty following...
762480 C560 flight crew was descending into boi for night visual approach. Descent had conti...
762481 Jnu AFSS specialist voiced concern regarding the release procedures for IFR departure...
762489 C152 engine RPM decreased after takeoff. When engine performance did not improve; pil...
762490 C172 involved in near midair collision while in traffic pattern at uncontrolled airpo...
762499 B767-300 struck birds during takeoff. Right engine ingested birds; and flight returne...
762501 The nose wheel of a CL65 attempting to make a 180 degree turn on a taxiway exited the...
762511 Fuel starvation results in engine failure and diversion to nearby airport for a safe ...
762516 Msn local controller was late in correcting error by student during multiple runway d...
762519 CE500 pilot reports autopilot hard over during descent to 17000 ft. Aircraft descends...
762527 A diamond da-42 twin STAR aircraft annunciator light on the captain's G-1000 display ...
762529 Mco tower controller; assigned controller in charge duties; is directed by management...
762532 TRACON controller declared emergency for inbound DH8 after pilot stated all avionics ...
762533 Sailplane and aerostar experience near midair collision.
762555 C172 on IFR arrival to uncontrolled airport encounters other inbound traffic. Failure...
762561 An aircraft departing teb failed to adhere to the 2000 ft restr; climbing to 2300 ft ...
762569 CL60 diverts to alternate with minimum fuel following go around at destination due to...
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