37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for July 2003, 687 total |
587344 After entering class D without clearance and being VFR in IMC complements of a part t...
587346 B757 en route in ZAB airspace was asked to turn into WX by ATC.
587351 The feeling by the cockpit and cabin crew that something is wrong due to fumes and od...
587360 A loss of separation resulting in an RA during departure from kclt runway 18R.
587361 Pct departure controller not happy with the way a B757 crew was making turns.
587362 A shop welder reports welding a high pressure compressor case bolt hole for a pratt a...
587365 A306 experienced TCASII RA on final at den.
587369 Fatigue and company fatigue policy become an issue after a flight is canceled due to ...
587372 B767 landing dfw experiences potential conflict with departure aircraft.
587379 Multiple distrs result in an air carrier A319 crew departing without the proper maint...
587382 A hard landing is experienced by a B747-200 cargo flight crew, but was not considered...
587386 C210 pilot inadvertently enters bwi dca ADIZ while transiting to destination.
587387 Tower advises a lancair pilot that his aircraft number has been given to ATC as the p...
587388 Near midair collision between a GA small aircraft and a glider in a rapid climb 24 NM...
587397 B767 departing bwi encountered WX and experienced confusion with ATC directions.
587410 B757 crew refused to cross and hold short of assigned because he would be holding beh...
587413 PA28 landing W50 met by united states officers regarding possible ADIZ entry.
587416 A B757-200 was dispatched in non compliance with the incorrect APU battery installed.
587417 A small plane private pilot departed 2w5 without utilizing his assigned transponder, ...
587421 An MD80's captain reported that he may have exceeded duty limits, causing an far viol...
587426 Stl local controller put an aircraft into position with landing traffic on a 3 mi fin...
587427 MD80 captain found an improperly MEL'ed APU that was deferred with out of date proced...
587428 An air carrier dispatcher reported concern over the altitude he filed for a B757 flyi...
587430 An aborted takeoff is performed after the takeoff warning horn alerts the B737-300 cr...
587431 A DC3 captain, during the takeoff roll from cvg, lost control of the aircraft as it w...
587436 A saab 340 pilot, helping the captain taxi at lax, lost situational awareness regardi...
587440 A CE550 flight crew made a straight in approach to an uncontrolled field and conflict...
587450 B757-200 first officer notes the company has reduced a scheduled trip paring to be le...
587457 An MD80 deferred item on the autospoilers was carried for 1 month. The required part ...
587460 A B737 flight crew has to break suddenly at sna, as a low wing small aircraft cuts in...
587462 A beech 1900D in descent at 12000 ft declared an emergency and shut down the right en...
587466 A C140 pilot was intending to land at azo, but landed at btl, after being vectored th...
587467 SA227 crew had a tire failure on landing. The crew was able to control the aircraft w...
587472 B-777 PIC departs station without new dispatch release related to the maintenance MEL...
587480 Proximity to prohibited area P56 was the primary concern of a departure B737-500 PIC ...
587483 PA28 pilot and instructor departing cou IFR and failed to obtain release before takeo...
587489 ATR captain reports his company intimidates pilots to fly when sick.
587493 C210 pilot off a nearby airport on an IFR flight plan in severe IFR conditions report...
587494 Gulfstream flight crew has conflict while taxiing at kvny.
587498 An mbb BO105 helicopter was operated in non compliance when flown 4 pt 3 hours over r...
587500 An experimental RV8 pilot experienced an engine failure, causing him to make a forced...
587501 Mistaking it for the 'parallel' taxiway, pilot of PA28 nearly taxied onto runway 6-24...
587504 A C172 pilot landed at a closed airport, 062, ca.
587505 Altitude deviation, altitude excursion occurs when DC9-30 flight crew becomes distrac...
587508 A small airplane pilot lost control of his aircraft while landing at fbl.
587509 A B767-300 used in domestic operations had #1 tire and wheel assembly replaced with a...
587511 Reporter advises that because both automated WX stations broadcast on the same freque...
587515 A PA-28 CFI, flying maneuvers in close proximity to the ZDC ADIZ, violated the tfr.
587520 A C172 CFI violated the dc ADIZ while doing pattern work at fme.
587522 A BE36 pilot violated the ZDC ADIZ and was escorted by a customs service aircraft to ...
587524 A PA28-161 pilot flew into the disney world tfr.
587531 A falcon 10 captain reported an altitude deviation in ZOB's airspace.
587533 PA28 pilot on training flight and after departing opf, immediately contacted mia appr...
587534 Ground traffic conflict when an air carrier B737 enters the wrong taxiway during depa...
587537 A C172 CFI flew VFR in IMC in the pattern at san.
587540 A PA28 pilot violated the dc ADIZ when landing mtn.
587541 Potential conflict during altitude excursion by the flight crew of an A319 when traff...
587544 B737 flight crew gets concerned with vectors off coast of long island when the aircra...
587546 Altitude excursion during a single pilot operation in a B737, first officer being adv...
587566 B737 crew concerned with traffic separation with regard to the lead turn during depar...
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