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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for September 2016, 378 total |
1388636 Due to an unstable approach; A321 flight crew executed a go-around during which they ...
1388655 Md-11 captain reported executing a go-around at jfk after encountering gusty winds an...
1388670 Corporate jet captain reported descending too low on localizer 25R approach to lvk pa...
1388723 PA32 pilot reported possibly entering a firefighting tfr near lvk. The tfr may have b...
1388732 B90L pilot reported receiving a terrain warning and a climb clearance from ATC after ...
1388782 Mkg tower controller/instructor reported of an instance where an aircraft landed on a...
1388787 B737NG flight crew reported returning to departure airport after they experienced the...
1388799 An air carrier captain became confused about taxiways P; Y; and T after landing in da...
1388801 B737-700 captain stated they refused the aircraft due to a write up from the previous...
1388802 B737NG captain reported the fix they were cleared to (daubs) did not appear in either...
1388804 B737-700 flight crew reported all cockpit display units flickered 'off' then 'on' dur...
1388808 B737-700 flight crew reported a severe fuel leak during engine start and aborted the ...
1388837 B737 first officer reported the #1 engine and some leading edge devices were damaged ...
1388864 A320 flight crew reported a TCAS RA event with a VFR aircraft not in communication wi...
1388895 Emb-175 captain reported that after several attempts at starting the #2 engine; the e...
1388976 Maintenance technicians reported that while working on a B737-800 elevator tab they n...
1388982 PA28 pilot reported an alternator failure that caused his glass instrument panel to s...
1388988 Ercoupe 415C pilot reported he lost power on initial climb; but was able to return to...
1389000 SR22 pilot reported touching down short of the runway when the throttle became stuck ...
1389009 Learjet 35 captain reported diverting during the climb phase due to a cabin pressuriz...
1389013 PA-32 pilot reported an engine fire resulted from a backfire while attempting an engi...
1389014 A uas pilot realized after a flight over the horseshoe falls portion of niagara falls...
1389015 G550 captain reported he was unable to clear the runway in lax at the ATC cleared exi...
1389020 MD500 pilot reported executing an off-airport landing after hearing a bang and experi...
1389023 Learjet 35 captain reported hearing an unusual sound and detected smoke in the cockpi...
1389031 Cleveland center (ZOB) controller reported of a problem with a handoff that went to t...
1389032 Atlanta center controller and pilot not flying the aircraft reported of a turn that A...
1389034 A local controller reported not noticing a student pilot line up to land on the wrong...
1389035 ZID center controller reported he handed off an aircraft to the next sector; but kept...
1389039 ZID center controller reported observing that the next sector changed the assigned al...
1389053 P50 developmental controller reported observing an aircraft descend below the MVA.
1389109 B777 captain reported being advised after leaving the aircraft that several main gear...
1389136 B737 captain reported a bird strike that damaged the #1 engine while on approach in I...
1389138 A319 flight crew reported receiving ECAM messages 'engine 2 compressor vane; engine 2...
1389141 B737NG flight crew reported an altitude overshoot occurred on approach to ord during ...
1389168 B757-200 captain reported receiving a te flap disagree message on approach. On the gr...
1389174 A320 first officer reported they failed to climb to assigned altitude on departure fr...
1389190 Emb-145LR captain reported a brief stick shaker resulted from a wake turbulence encou...
1389191 Emb-175 first officer reported observing a tailpipe fire during the post flight walk ...
1389243 Air carrier flight crew reported they were cleared to taxi on a taxiway that was not ...
1389295 Decathlon pilot reported landing in a field after the engine quit in flight for unkno...
1389298 MD500D helicopter pilot reported experiencing an near midair collision with a light a...
1389300 General aviation aircraft pilot engaged in a dispute concerning landing rights in a b...
1389301 C152 pilot reported communication problems with the tower while holding for takeoff.
1389318 A tower controller and CRJ200 captain reported an aircraft was cleared for takeoff wi...
1389321 A tower controller issued a frequency change and approved a missed approach for an em...
1389329 ZDV ARTCC controller working combined sectors did not notice an aircraft descended be...
1389404 Flight crew of a large transport reported executing a low speed rejected take off in ...
1389410 A319 captain reported diverting to a nearby alternate after the cabin and cockpit tem...
1389442 Dash 8-100 captain reported returning to departure airport after noticing that someth...
1389494 Crj-200 first officer reported rejecting the takeoff after receiving a 'config spoile...
1389498 PA-31-350 pilot reported experiencing engine difficulties requiring the left engine b...
1389509 Air carrier flight attendants reported having to care for a passenger who had several...
1389531 Light sport pilot reported experiencing a runway excursion during takeoff.
1389542 Business jet pilot reported striking a chain link fence post with his right wingtip d...
1389549 Uav pilot reported discovering after the fact that his aircraft overflew people at lo...
1389598 A tower controller reported issuing the wrong taxiway to an aircraft to exit the runw...
1389612 Chicago center controller reported an aircraft assigned 35;000 feet deviated from the...
1389613 A tower controller reported issuing the wrong clearance due to similar sounding same ...
1389630 ZOB ARTCC controller observed adjacent sectors changing the assigned altitude in the ...
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