37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for January 2010, 474 total |
869210 An emb-170 pilot and two maintenance technicians allege a lack of adequate performanc...
869233 A321 captain laments ATC handling during approach to the new runway 18R at clt that r...
869241 A captain reports his efforts to get adequate reference data from maintenance control...
869244 After suffering the loss of an engine bleed an A320 flight crew encountered resistanc...
869248 Air carrier pilot reports jfk ILS 31R DME morse code transmission is erratic; resulti...
869252 An EMB175 rejected a takeoff for a no takeoff trim EICAS warning. Following a MEL dir...
869255 A corporate jet captain reported departing las runway 19R behind a B737 which departe...
869299 Two remote circuit breakers popped in a MD11's electronics compartment inaccessible t...
869308 A B767-300 EICAS alerted le slat assym after takeoff during the flap retraction. An e...
869330 A Q400 was dispatched with an MEL for the inboard spoilers inoperative when infact th...
869331 Air carrier first officer departing runway 8L at hnl reports near midair collision wi...
869334 A captain described a speed deviation while departing on the mdw midway 7 because he ...
869338 A DHC8-100 departed with the aux inverter MEL'ed. Once airborne three inverter cautio...
869365 A mechanic and inspector reported their involvement with a robbed (cannibalized) door...
869368 A mechanic reports about entering the same part number for a new potable water heatin...
869389 The pilot of an aeronca sedan suffered a runway excursion upon landing with the left ...
869403 A general aviation pilot departing runway 10 at apa; reported a critical conflict wit...
869423 A C177's alternator failed in flight at 7000 feet in IMC. ATC was informed and the re...
869453 IFR aircraft cleared direct to dehyy for the RNAV (GPS) runway 28 approach to bjj was...
869482 An EA300's center fuel tank quantity gauge indicated approximately half full when emp...
869483 An air carrier captain reported three reoccurring issues for aircraft approach sju: A...
869495 A PA46T's electrical system failed completely while preparing for an approach. The pi...
869505 A B757-200's EICAS alerted te flap disagree. An emergency was declared followed by a ...
869508 A C90 instructor pilot comments that his foreign student pilots with commerical certi...
869544 Bos controller described an asde-X lost target event; the target disappearing between...
869548 I90 controller described a loss of separation event when one developmental was reliev...
869572 A B747-400 diverted to a suitable airport when the number two engine was shut down du...
869584 An A321 ECAM alerted flap fault while flaps 2 was selected during the approach. A nor...
869585 A B737 with an FMC but not GPS had a track deviation departing on the bwi terpz RNAV....
869587 An SF340 flight crew shut down the left engine and returned to the gate when it lost ...
869596 An SF340 flight crew experienced compressor stalls from the right engine shortly afte...
869602 An erj 170 crew was notified days after a flight that the database of an aircraft whi...
869622 A crj-200 captain inadvertently turned off the #1 generator when reacting precipitous...
869645 An M-20 pilot on his first flight in the vicinity of the dc sfra clashed with ATC.
869660 A line mechanic reports he failed to defer the fuel quantity totalizer as a requireme...
869664 A mechanic reports she did not follow the paperwork properly regarding the rigging of...
869668 Maf controller described conflict event when he/she approved a NDB approach to runway...
869671 ZAB controller described inadvertent MOA entry by an IFR aircraft being provided serv...
869674 L30 controller described MVA and separation event when a vgt departure failed to foll...
869677 Enroute controller described an event involving a military flight; one aircraft losin...
869684 An air carrier crew 20 NM east of tus at 10;000 ft; responded to an egpws terrain ale...
869692 An air carrier captain reported a near aircraft/aircraft collision at dia while taxii...
869702 A320 flight crew experiences a GPWS terrain warning at 5000 feet during vectors to oa...
869719 A B737-400 crew reported a tail skid strike although they were not aware of its occur...
869741 BE400 captain questions the practice of using COM2 as the primary communication radio...
869763 Sju controller described conflict event when an aircraft was cleared through occupied...
869764 BE350 pilot reports wingtip contact with parked aircraft while taxiing on the center ...
869774 Pilot reports deviating from the NOTWN2 departure from vgt when communication with de...
869778 A pilot approaching cno was given landing clearance for runawy 8L but in weather and ...
869792 A pilot entering the baz landing pattern in contact with ATC had a near miss with a d...
869800 D10 controller handling ILS 16 traffic for ftw observed developing conflict with mili...
869811 Lax controller voiced concern regarding the practice of company's adding an alpha cha...
869820 ZZZ controller described conflict event when traffic at FL430 experienced a pressuriz...
869826 Air carrier flight crew reported a near midair collision with an F15 near bdl while I...
869846 A319 pilot at 10000 feet 20 NM northeast of tus reports responding to a terrain warni...
869856 An air carrier captain inbound to sjc believes approach control was descending aircra...
869860 An air carrier captain flying a clt SID reported a track deviation after confusing a ...
869862 An air carrier captain reported that the runway 28 red identifier numbers painted at ...
869871 An air carrier captain ffdo discovered during preflight that an armed law enforcement...
869873 A dhc-Q400 captain reports about an air turnback and return to field after takeoff du...
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