195112   Air carrier on wrong beacon code, ARTCC did not have radar contact, light transport h...
195118   Medium large transport has headset problems resulting in poor ATC communication.
195124   Light transport flight crew begins takeoff with no flaps.
195131   Departure controller turned light transport too soon after takeoff and caused less th...
195137   Large transport has traffic called as VFR in IMC. TCASII indicates proximity and evas...
195138   Air carrier takes wrong taxiway and is heading for wrong runway at dtw when controlle...
195152   Air carrier on approach has TCASII instructions to descend, then to climb.
195153   Air carrier on climb encounters severe clear air turbulence. Descends to smooth air.
195158   Small aircraft pilot flying near NAS but clear of air traffic area sights mlt departi...
195166   Flight crew of large transport in climb questioned by ARTCC reference radial off mia....
195175   Small aircraft fueled with jet fuel instead of aviation gas.
195178   Frequency failure causes sectors to be combined creating added workload.
195179   Military X non adherence to ATC clearance taxied onto active runway in front of small...
195180   Air carrier widebody transport hard landing using autoland at ord.
195186   2 aircraft approaching non tower airport. 1 in proper pattern entry, second straight ...
195187   ARTCC radar controller dropped track on wrong target and aircraft entered adjacent se...
195190   Air carrier cleared to turn for WX avoidance approachs center holding pattern.
195191   Busy departure controller does not make handoff to adjacent TRACON until aircraft rem...
195196   Air carrier flight crew notified fire in galley oven. Declare emergency.
195198   Air carrier instructed to hold high speed to marker in tailwind conditions.
195199   Corp aircraft encounters wind shear on ILS approach in IMC. Executes missed approach....
195200   Air carrier medium large transport had to request a lower altitude when 1 air conditi...
195203   Air carrier medium large transport had to make a go around from an IAP ILS approach b...
195208   Corp light transport unhappy with proximity of landing light transport as he cleared ...
195211   Air carrier medium large transport altitude deviation excursion from clearance altitu...
195217   Small aircraft taxies past desired taxiway, turns. ATC clears to cross runway 33, rep...
195219   Left wheels of aircraft left hard surface. Aircraft stuck in soft earth.
195221   Dispatcher sent a dispatch release indicating an alternate airport that was notamed t...
195225   Air carrier captain's complaint about speed control used by N90 during vectors for ap...
195230   Commuter mdt altitude deviation excursion from clearance altitude in response to grou...
195234   Commuter captain refused to allow boarding of a runaway juvenile that was presented t...
195241   Close proximity coast guard helicopter on search operation and a commuter small trans...
195243   Aircraft on approach to orl made a missed approach causing medium large transport TCA...
195253   ARTCC controller climbed an large transport through altitude of opposite direction tr...
195258   GA small aircraft landed on a former runway now designated as a taxiway due to strong...
195264   Air carrier large transport delayed in position on the runway at ord for wake turbule...
195278   Air carrier medium large transport takeoff abort when a deer darted across the runway...
195280   Air carrier medium large transport wrong runway takeoff at pie.
195282   Air carrier large transport out of radio contact with ZTL for 150 NM.
195283   Commuter captain believes he made an approach and landing in WX reported below airpor...
195291   Electrical failure on first departure, temporary repair, complete electrical failure ...
195295   Small aircraft pilot on VFR flight continues into IMC. Declares emergency.
195296   Air carrier has TCASII RA while inbound to localizer approach. Climbs.
195300   Air ambulance flight makes approach to wrong airport.
195303   Commuter flight lands on runway notamed closed.
195305   Large transport reply to wrong call sign and descended to same altitude as small tran...
195309   Medium large transport on published arrival route was given small aircraft as traffic...
195311   Air carrier aborts takeoff then continues to destination against company policy.
195319   Small aircraft VFR departure climbing, TA given to small transport on downwind. Small...
195324   Altitude overshot on climb out.
195327   Commuter aircraft has oil pressure fluctuation, then warning light. Engine shutdown. ...
195329   Widebody transport flight crew departs with observer audio panel inoperative. Part of...
195330   Small aircraft pilot with electrical problem lands gear up.
195340   Air carrier exits runway at high speed and taxies in front of small aircraft on taxiw...
195342   Corp flight crew locks DME on wrong facility. Approach controller issues low altitude...
195345   Spi allegedly cut aircraft out of pattern. CFI concern reference ffz traffic pattern ...
195347   Commuter aircraft has near midair collision with small aircraft on climb out.
195348   2 identical reports indicate a passenger has threatened to report to the FAA that the...
195350   Air carrier on takeoff roll hits deer on runway.
195352   Medium large transport on approach cleared to left runway. When reporting field in si...