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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for April 1993, 528 total |
237376 A flight of military tankers got separated in the WX over the atlantic.
237661 Altitude deviation altitude undershot. Altitude crossing restriction not met.
237664 Aircraft maintenance discrepancy problem creates problem for flight crew technique pr...
237665 Near midair collision turned into a potential conflict less than standard separation ...
237671 Small aircraft has field in sight at MDA but loses sight as approach continues. Misse...
237722 Primary electrical supply problem creates need for pilot to use lost communication pr...
237775 An air carrier widebody transport found itself off of the flight plan routing as air ...
237783 Return land situation set up by in-flight engine shutdown in an overwater, night oper...
237789 An air carrier medium large transport pilot misread his predep clearance and failed t...
237791 An air carrier medium large transport crew failed to ask their ACARS for their airway...
237792 Private pilot in training for instrument rating makes late frequency change on IAP IL...
237793 A hot air balloon pilot got closer to a cloud than the regulations allow.
237806 Heading track deviation in a non adherence with ATC clearance instruction. Amended cl...
237809 Altitude deviation altitude excursion in-flight crew response to TCASII RA. Evasive a...
237819 Altitude deviation, potential conflict.
237820 Potential conflict, possible near midair collision at non tower airport.
237821 Small aircraft's gear is thought to be down but pilot can't get green lights to confi...
237825 A cpr light transport pilot complains of aerobatic maneuvers performed by his chief p...
237877 PIC of air carrier medium large transport fails to don his oxygen mask when first off...
237879 Air carrier mdt PIC makes 2 successive, unsuccessful approachs prior to diversion to ...
237882 Heading track deviation in a non adherence to ATC procedure noise abatement procedure...
237930 A bit of confusion on the flight deck with clearance interpretation. Heading track de...
237936 Air carrier large transport aborts takeoff account lack of acceleration.
237942 A corporate small transport pilot found that he deviated from his assigned altitude i...
237945 Mia approach control prevented an air carrier large transport from landing at opf.
237947 An air carrier medium large transport asked for and received special handling because...
237951 An small aircraft trnee pilot dialed in the wrong frequency for tower and fouled up t...
237953 Corporate flight crew unable to find new arrival chart in manual when it is assigned.
237955 Instructor with spi has near midair collision with small aircraft.
237964 Controller claims that frequency 124. Pt 3 MHZ does not provide adequate coverage at ...
237968 An air carrier light transport had a problem identing a new ILS hold short line at mg...
237969 An air carrier medium large transport crew found a large tear in the skin of their ai...
237978 A corporate medium large transport crew on a training flight took off from a runway t...
237986 An air carrier light transport did some fancy flying to avoid the wake turbulence of ...
238066 Air carrier unable to fly arrival as issued by ATC, chart not received from commercia...
238067 An light transport was nearly upset by the wake turbulence of an large transport in t...
238071 Air carrier on approach has TCASII RA to climb when 500 ft AGL.
238080 Small aircraft pilot has smoke and electrical burning smell in cockpit.
238081 Light transport flight crew circles to land on runway other than assigned.
238083 An air carrier medium large transport crew had an engine flame out in cruise flight.
238088 An air carrier light transport crew landed without tower clearance.
238090 Fgt operating in a restricted area at a higher altitude than indicated for active air...
238092 Aircraft equipment problem TCASII. Air carrier X received false TCASII RA with air ca...
238097 An air carrier medium large transport crew took off without an airways clearance thro...
238099 Cpr X descent through occupied altitude had less than standard separation from aircra...
238102 Small aircraft flight crew has communication equipment problems, descends below assig...
238104 Air carrier slides off taxiway attempting to clear runway for incoming traffic.
238112 A widebody transport air carrier crew was 'sold' the idea to fly on to trip completio...
238117 An small transport carrying skydivers had an near midair collision with a widebody tr...
238123 A military small transport pilot reports that an small aircraft was VFR in hard IMC w...
238127 An small aircraft pilot got into icing without proper protection.
238135 2 smas nearly collided on intersecting runways. 1 small aircraft did not have landing...
238137 Small aircraft pilot enters TCA without clearance. Flies VFR in IMC.
238143 A taxiing widebody transport cut the wingtip off of another widebody transport under ...
238162 Low time pilot flying at night becomes disoriented when VOR fails. Flight assist.
238163 Holding short of wrong taxiway causes taxi traffic pileup.
238164 Small aircraft lands on wrong runway.
238177 TCASII causes large transport to descend 1000 ft without clearance.
238184 Foreign language barrier air carrier X non adherence to ATC instructions descent thro...
238185 Air carrier Z on visual approach lost sight of runway and was making approach to free...
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