238483   Altitude deviation altitude excursion by PIC of air carrier flight in flight crew res...
238492   Bird strike on takeoff. Return land.
238493   Aircraft equipment problem distraction flight crew and they beget another problem mal...
238498   Air carrier large transport hits wing tip on fuel truck during ramp operation ramp de...
238499   Air carrier medium large transport's #1 engine reverts to flight idle position within...
238506   Altitude deviation altitude excursion in flight crew response to TCASII TA.
238509   Radar controller complains about poor radar coverage from adjacent facility and not b...
238510   Unauthorized landing on ramp instead of runway.
238512   Near midair collision.
238513   Near midair collision.
238523   Small aircraft operated on an airway in close proximity to a busy arsa without ATC co...
238527   An small aircraft pilot got lost taxiing at a very large, out of town airport.
238531   An small aircraft helicopter entered a temporary restricted airspace on a photo missi...
238532   A low time private pilot entered an air traffic area by mistake due to faulty navigat...
238533   Captain of large transport air carrier aircraft inadvertently overshot descent altitu...
238534   Reporter questions the lack of guidance from the FAA when flying in very cold tempera...
238537   Instructor trainee of small aircraft sel aircraft inadvertently delayed takeoff causi...
238547   Student pilot trainee lost control of small aircraft sel aircraft during dual instruc...
238552   Flight crew of widebody transport air carrier aircraft inadvertently deviated from th...
238553   Private pilot of small aircraft sel aircraft inadvertently entered an air traffic are...
238555   Pilot of small transport MEL aircraft made a precautionary landing after encountering...
238557   Airport surface damaged after a widebody transport air carrier aircraft lost hydrauli...
238560   Pilot of small aircraft sel aircraft towed a banner when the aircraft did not have sp...
238578   'A' check not completely signed off.
238591   Light transport climbs 1000 ft above assigned altitude and turns off transponder to h...
238592   Reporter was confused by clearance to taxi into position on runway 30.
238593   Aircraft descends to satisfy TCASII RA.
238594   Multiple runway operation intersecting runways. Small transport Z had less than stand...
238596   An air carrier medium large transport crew misread its predep clearance and attempted...
238597   Mechanical problem causes crew to spend hours attempting to extend the landing gear.
238608   Started takeoff without clearance, aborted.
238611   Navigation error causes localizer overshoot, conflict and TCASII RA.
238615   An air carrier large transport misread its pre departure clearance and attempted to f...
238617   Small aircraft descends below MEA when cleared to 'cruise' 2000 ft.
238630   An small aircraft pilot landed successfully on the runway after a takeoff engine fail...
238632   An air carrier large transport crew lost their left hydraulic system.
238636   Near midair collision in air traffic area due to ATC handling.
238640   Pilot of private small aircraft sel aircraft lost control of the aircraft due to airc...
238645   Captain of large transport air carrier aircraft inadvertently struck the tail skid du...
238647   Flight crew of an medium large transport air carrier aircraft made evasive turn to av...
238650   Flight crew of large transport air carrier aircraft cruising at high altitude observe...
238651   Flight crew of medium large transport air carrier aircraft deviated from assigned alt...
238655   Atx X non adherence to ATC clearance unauthorized runway entry runway incursion had l...
238658   1 engine of an small aircraft MEL aircraft was feathered after takeoff due to losing ...
238660   Controller complains about extensive runway closures over a long period of time and t...
238675   Private pilot of an small aircraft sel aircraft was picked up by a strong dust devil ...
238676   Confusion reference part 135 filing to airport without WX reporting service.
238679   Air carrier on approach has near midair collision with jump plane.
238687   Medium large transport preflight inspection indicates leak of lavatory waste drain. F...
238689   Air carrier X TCASII RA descend had less than standard separation from widebody trans...
238693   Air carrier has TCASII RA during descent on arrival.
238694   Commuter aircraft descends and flies toward wrong airport. Enters air traffic area.
238697   Amphibious air carrier aircraft encounters parasailer after takeoff.
238698   Mechanic reports improperly installed outboard flap toggle, missing a bushing.
238700   An instructor and student ran into unexpected WX and ran out of fuel.
238703   Captain of medium large transport air carrier aircraft operated aircraft in unairwort...
238704   An air carrier medium large transport became confused on the ground at lga looking fo...
238709   Widebody transport aircraft on rollout requested to hold short of crossing runway. Un...
238711   Unauthorized uncoord runway entry crossing in a night operation. Reporter suggests th...
238713   Mechanic does repair but does not write in maintenance manual reference.