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37000 Feet | Browse and search NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRS Reports for April 1993, 528 total |
238189 Air carrier X TCASII RA descend unauthorized uncoord penetration of airspace non adhe...
238199 An air carrier medium large transport crew blocked the inner taxiway at lga on pushba...
238202 Upon discovering they were too heavy to land at cll, flight returned to iah.
238208 Cpr light transport took off without receiving airways clearance.
238216 2 aircraft began taxiing without ATC clearance causing a conflict.
238217 Improper preflight causes small aircraft to almost run out of gas.
238218 Carelessness causes tire damage when widebody transport taxies into a tow bar on the ...
238221 Flight crew misinterps clearance and then loses communication before they can confirm...
238226 Flight crew failed to turn at a fix as instructed by ATC.
238228 Small aircraft makes forced landing when it runs out of fuel. Fuel exhaustion.
238240 Large transport turned to new assigned heading too soon causing less than standard se...
238246 Large transport at assigned altitude has near midair collision with small aircraft.
238250 Controller forgot cpr X, descended aircraft to wrong altitude unauthorized uncoord pe...
238251 Widebody transport aircraft being marshalled into gate has engine nacelle damaged fro...
238254 Cpr X climb through occupied altitude had less than standard separation from aircraft...
238258 Air carrier X TCASII RA (non adherence to ATC clearance unauthorized climb from assig...
238265 Air carrier Y TCASII RA with air carrier X caused less than standard separation with ...
238266 Instructor with ATP student flying in the SVFR area inadvertently enters TCA.
238267 Air carrier makes takeoff over weight for runway in use.
238269 Air carrier using anti ice has both air conditioning packs shut down. Emergency desce...
238270 Air taxi encounters updrafts and downdrafts, unable to maintain assigned altitude.
238285 Small aircraft encounters turbulence on final approach, hits wire.
238299 Small aircraft has push to talk switch problem and flies into restricted area while t...
238302 Light transport commuter aircraft has TCASII RA, responds.
238303 Air carrier on climb out has TCASII RA.
238306 An air carrier medium large transport crew made a poor autoplt intercept and left the...
238310 Multiple runway operation intersecting runways air carrier X had less than standard s...
238311 An small aircraft private pilot inadvertently flew into an air traffic area.
238320 An air carrier medium large transport took off without doing the safety demonstration...
238322 Air carrier Y descent through occupied altitude had less than standard separation fro...
238338 An air carrier medium large transport crew had an intermittent radio altimeter on app...
238340 An atx pilot descended below the MEA without clearance.
238344 Aircraft equipment problem with imminent loss of all cabin pressure makes a standard ...
238345 Military X erroneous descent to occupied altitude had less than standard separation f...
238357 Aircraft equipment problem malfunction creates need for emergency declared descent an...
238360 Rotary winged traffic suffers aircraft damage to its undercarriage by cable strike in...
238364 Unauthorized landing on occupied runway. Non adherence to ATC clearance instruction.
238365 Heading track deviation in a non adherence to ATC clearance instruction in visual app...
238369 Unauthorized penetration of airspace. Proximity of air traffic area.
238375 Wrong runway approach landing. Unauthorized landing.
238376 Heading track deviation when aircraft equipment problem causes navigation system to m...
238410 En route WX very unfriendly to small aircraft pilot when he forgets to turn on his pi...
238411 Altitude deviation altitude excursion in flight crew response to TCASII RA.
238421 Small aircraft lands at major airport within TCA without clearance or contact of any ...
238428 An air carrier medium large transport received a predep clearance for the wrong fligh...
238430 Controller claims that 3 radar sites have bad radar coverage in certain areas.
238437 Air carrier widebody transport wing tip strike in ramp night operation aircraft parki...
238445 Air carrier X TCASII RA descent caused less than standard separation from air carrier...
238446 Emergency ground equipment called out for air carrier widebody transport no flap appr...
238449 Presence of hang gliders in an area not charted with hang glider logo provides an unp...
238450 Unauthorized penetration of airspace. Proximity of osua ADIZ.
238451 Emergency forced off airport landing. Fuel exhaustion.
238457 Wrong runway approach landing. Unauthorized landing in a night operation.
238459 Commuter small transport has near midair collision nearing destination airport.
238468 Small aircraft pilot lands wrong airport.
238473 Air carrier X and cpr Y opposite direction traffic same altitude assigned had less th...
238477 Air carrier has CDU failure, climbs above assigned altitude.
238478 Passenger emergency leads to diversion to alternate airport for emergency landing.
238479 Air carrier turns wrong direction when given vector at takeoff. Multiple runway opera...
238480 Aircraft equipment problem malfunction.
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